Seized by the System

Chapter 299: Heaven Dad

System space.

At this time, Fang Ning was nervously saying to the uncle of the system: "The big thing is not good, this time there may be a catastrophe."

The uncle of the system does not matter: "What are you afraid of? On the earth, there are not many who can run faster than me"

Fang Ning suddenly became speechless, and he forgot again that the non-human being, the uncle of the system, actually didn't care about the life and death of other creatures at all, but was restricted by the rules of chivalry, so he would behave righteously everywhere.

He immediately reprimanded: "You fool, always look in front of you. If no one is gone, what is the basis of your chivalry? How can you improve your strength?"

The tone of the system suddenly appeared: "Oh, the rich man is right, what should I do now?"

Fang Ning frowned: "I guessed a possibility, but there was no evidence. It would be nice if someone could communicate with Heavenly Dao. Now it is just our own guessing of Heavenly Dao's will, but there is no direct communication, and there will definitely be errors. When I was a member, there was nothing bad about the communication problem. "

The uncle of the system definitely said: "Is it possible for others to communicate with God, I don't know; but I know that you can definitely do it, rich man."

Fang Ning looked dumbfounded: "I don't even know that I'm such a great system uncle, how can you tell me how to be so good?"

System: "Don't you forget that you can summon Shenzhou's true dragon look? The true dragon look is the son of heaven and can certainly communicate with its heavenly father."

Fang Ning suddenly realized, and then surprised: "Yes, the ancients said 'True Dragon Emperor', which means that the emperor is the son of heaven, the incarnation of the dragon, which means that the real dragon is equivalent to the son of heaven."

The more he thought about it, the more correct he remembered that many people mentioned that the root of totem worship was the worship of nature by primitive people.

In their difficult survival, the Shenzhou people also wished to be protected by nature, so they evolved the dragon totem.

In the previous era, the dragon totem was just a simple symbol, used to condense people's hearts.

There is no extraordinary power. No matter how the Shenzhou people consecrate, they never see the true dragon.

The new era is different. The totem became real, and the Rakshas took the lead in summoning the bear spirit.

These totems are essentially derived from the characteristics of all things in nature. In the new era, the laws of nature have changed, and they can absorb the ideas of all people and be born.

They just distinguished between the Shenzhou people and the Raksha people according to their different sources of power, and went to shelter specific ethnic groups.

Heavenly Dao, to put it bluntly, is the will born of nature itself. From what was originally a regular unconscious aggregate, there is an active administrator.

Heaven is the administrator of nature.

The totem, the spirit of nature born from nature, is worshipped by human beings and is the patron saint of human beings.

Therefore, the relationship between Totem and Heavenly Dao is really very close, not the relationship of the son, but also the family.

After Fang Ning thought about it thoroughly, he was a little surprised afterwards: "I didn't expect that your grandfather behaved in a silly way. When it comes to power-related things, it's terribly shrewd, can you solve such a big problem? You said Do you usually pretend that you do n’t want to contribute on purpose? "

System: "What do I install? I have always been an honest system. I have to say something like you, I have to install it if I don't understand."

Fang Ning ignored these two strokes and continued to think thoughtfully: "In this way, the Raksha Bears and Spirits should also be able to communicate heaven and earth. It is said that the Raksha people should have known this early, but they have not seen anything about them. Big movements, do they have ulterior motives and think they will not affect them? "

System: "I don't know, you have to ask the stupid bear. Isn't it saying that after three months, you will have to challenge again? I have counted the time. It's over, it's really a counsel."

It was impossible for Fang Ning to ask his opponents and the defeated men.

One of his characters is that it is better to ask for help.

If he went to an unfamiliar place, he would first look at the electronic map to locate it, and he wouldn't find someone to ask for directions unless it was a last resort.

The same is true of playing online games. He would rather spend a lot of time building teams to blame, rather than go to the public screen to call people everywhere to form a team. Although the efficiency is low, the picture is a comfortable one.

To put it bluntly, I have stayed too long and do not want to communicate with people.

That's why, the followers of Chivalrous Arms are mostly animals. In fact, there are internal reasons.

After all, the system is bound to him, greatly influenced by his character and obsession.

So this time, he decided to do it himself, slamming a difficult communication task.

You know who he wants to communicate with this time, but since ancient times, no one has really been able to pass through, Father Dao

Everyone only saw Venerable Dragon into the usual daze mode, no one was interrupted by birth.

After a while, they finally heard Venerable Dragon's opening.

Fang Ning lightly pretended to say: "Well, it seems that this time, this seat must personally ask Heaven."

"Oh," the knights of the knighthood followed, and when the friendly army heard the words, they all took a breath and then admired it.

This is the object worth following! !

Just look at today, which one of the Xeons dare to say, but also the ability to say the word "Qing Tian"?

Ren Ruofeng immediately let go of his heart, and the great fear that had sprung up before him disappeared in an instant.

He was very pleased, and very happy.

It turns out that the knights always said "out of fate" before, and it really is true! !

If heaven doesn't have a knightly armor, how can Cangsheng go through this robbery?

Zheng Dao smiled, thinking to himself, that his ulcers were indeed correct. He could only see more scenery and create more miracles by following the hero.

All the other animals had a look of excitement and pride on their faces.

Zheng Dao looked very pleased.

In his view, His Holiness is so bold and so awe-inspiring, it must be enough to allow these colleagues' spiritual world to get a thorough baptism, the spiritual realm can have a great sublimation, and later he can also swear many

The big green worm was flying in the air, just thinking, this time I should be able to eat a big meal, no one will say me, after all, it is such a big thing to do, I do n’t care if I eat more.

The black dog poked his waist and thought, I helped my master save the whole world. This time, there should always be a girl who takes the initiative to give her a hug?

The yellow dog Xue Ba thought, as if I have been playing soy sauce recently, but this is not enough.

This time it was only the black dog and the nasty dragon carp that made me stand out. I had to find a way to make a big contribution.

By the way, last time the owner asked me to go after that weird picture of the snake's head. Recently, I had some eyebrows. Master Yuncheng said that in his surveillance system, someone reported that the photo was being circulated in a school.

Unlike other places, there seemed to be someone in that school who gained extraordinary power through it.

I have to find time to see it.

The white hamster stood upright, and for a moment it seemed to vaguely find its target. His Holiness has set an example, and he has to walk out of his own way.

The dragon carp threw its tail excitedly in the water, thinking, yes, yes, this is the domineering of our true dragon! !

I found that familiar feeling again. When Long Da grew up and dealt with a major event independently, I said the same thing. I wanted to ask the world.

Hey, with such a powerful owner, even if my dragon carp reaches the lower bound, my mana is greatly damaged, and I can walk sideways.

At this moment, the phone on Ren Ruofeng suddenly rang.

When he looked at the number, his eyes flashed with joy, but he deliberately waited three seconds before connecting, and he did not avoid anyone.

"Hum, hum, old man, do you finally think of me?"

"I remember someone said that the truth was done, and if I left Ren Ruofeng, it would be the same?"

"Are you going to deal with that person now?"

The animals stunned the dog.

Obviously, Ren Ruofeng deliberately wanted to vent, letting many friends who had seen him in poverty know that, you see, I Ren Ruofeng, now I have to get up again

Then the roar of a full-hearted old man came from the phone!

"When is this ?!"

"You still give me these things? Do you think I was killing donkeys and crossing the river to dismantle the bridge? Fuck you mother, I was cleaning up the mess for you!"

"Where is the human nature of your vows, where your face has become younger, and you really are an 18-year-old tender baby? Don't forget, you are two years older than me!"

Ren Ruofeng was scolded by a dog with **** head and ran awkwardly to answer the phone.

Twenty minutes later, he walked back in dismay, and then said to the knight: "Sovereign, the situation has changed. The special affairs office has monitored that some people have spread similar news through the network, and they have been blocked in time.

"But foreign networks are still spreading rapidly. Many well-known international media are collecting evidence and brewing emotions. It seems that they want to make a big news and detonate the world. ♀ Things are going too fast, much like someone deliberately manipulating behind the scenes."

Fang Ning nodded and heard that he had just discovered something on his side, and the Internet began to circulate synchronously.

Obviously someone is staring at his every move, and then he is working on a plan.

It's just that they can hide the system map, and the uncle's personal perception, this tailed guy is really strange and unpredictable.

What exactly does the black hand behind the scenes want to do?

On the other side of the ocean, in the exquisite villa courtyard of the United States, the grass is green and the flowers are everywhere.

An old man was walking a black cat heart-to-heart, walking behind the other, seemingly acting as a **** officer.

The black cat Tom walked on the grass with a big swing, looking at the sun while looking around to see if there were any beautiful and slick cats.

In a few moments, the old man Huang Rui asked: "Master Tom, that black cloak monster, entrusted us to spread the news of the rising and rising tide of seawater everywhere through various forces. We want to submerge the land ~ ~ What do you want to do?

"If he really wants to destroy all mankind, he should conceal the news, proceed in a low-key manner, and should not be so aggressive. He will not come early, he will not come late, let us announce that he is clearly waiting for a certain time."

Black Cat Tom heard the words and raised a pair of cat beards, and said something disdainfully.

Huang Rui was terrified when he heard it, and immediately complimented the opportunity: "It turns out that. The ridiculous monster actually wanted to play this game with adults. It was just a kind of axe. What borrowed a knife to kill people, one stone and two birds, it was all adults playing the remaining old tricks."

"Haha, my black cat Tom is more proficient than humans in the use of human strategies." The black cat was very comfortable being photographed and looked up proudly.

Suddenly he didn't want to change a new think tank now, so he decided to think of ways to get rid of the strange magic of old man Huang.

After all, to change another guy, it is impossible to shoot it as comfortable and skilled as it is now. You have to learn it for at least a few years.

It thought of this, and then said: "Yeah, you continue to be fooled with that guy. It is best to inquire from it about the specific location of the tsunami disaster. I can also infer the worst affected area."

Huang Rui didn't ask why, but nodded.

One person and one cat were about to speak again. At this time, a charming dizzy cat appeared outside the fence in the courtyard of the villa, yelling twice at the black cat Tom.

Tom's eyes flashed immediately, he dropped his dog's leg and followed him, flexibly over the fence, and chased.

Huang Rui saw the old man.

His mentality has always been cautious, but at this time his brain monkey suddenly engendered a very disrespectful idea.

It seems that no matter how clever Tom is, the nature is still a cat after all, it is not necessary to listen to it all the time

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