Seized by the System

Chapter 327: Honest man

Fang Ning is proudly looking at the product of his brain hole, the pool of yin qi that is operating like a gossip tai chi.

Just a moment ago, he thought of the idea of ​​"cathode generation, conversion of yin and yang" often mentioned in the novel, so he gave this suggestion to the uncle.

Once you hear these eight words, you will know how difficult it is to achieve.

But the uncle really found a way. The perfect version of the Bodhichitta has similar methods.

It turns out that the upper realm is also taking the path of the confluence of Buddhism and Taoism. This belongs to the Taoist Taoism, and it is not recorded in the general scriptures. The "Bodhichitta" will record it, because the founder of the practice is the master of Buddhism and Taoism.

There is an old saying that hybridization is king ...

At this time, the uncle of the system suddenly said: "Listening to Locke and Danny in the Dragon Prison, the land here is about 113,000 square kilometers. You just told me that you want to build a city here, and the capital for building the city needs Where did it come from? "

Fang Ning was righteous and straightforward: "The ultimate goal of building a city is to provide the uncle with righteous fuel, of course from the uncle."

The uncle of the system immediately aggrieved: "I knew it would be like this ... No wonder when you tinkered with a **** horse" Salvation Fund "that day, when I said that I would never borrow money from you again, you would smile.

"Before I thought I needed to borrow experience from you, now I understand that no matter how much money I have, you can defeat me."

Fang Ning immediately taught: "You don't understand it at all. This money is essentially a symbol of resources, and it is worthless to save. It only makes sense to let it flow, drive the flow of resources, and use it to enhance our strength. "

System: "Of course I know, but this time, you spent too much."

Fang Ning ignored the complaints of the uncle, and just said: "Thousands of dollars are going back and forth, remember, this matter should be carried out in a low-key manner. Don't talk outside. After all, you are now facing a global crisis. After being known, you will think Even Chivalrica has to find a way out, the impact is very bad. "

System: "I never talk nonsense, you always talk nonsense yourself.

Fang Ning was too lazy to pay attention to these two strokes. Hey, the emperor's dream was awake, and the dream of the city master could still be done again, and it must be done with a real identity ...

After all, itchy tickling is really uncomfortable.

So he immediately urged the uncle to say, "Let's talk less, hurry up and do fieldwork. This city mainly looks at the foundation of the future Zhengqi City."

"Oh," Uncle just asked, and wondered, "Wait, I still have things. I just noticed that there are some yellow dots nearby, and two acquaintances. They should have stepped in advance, that What are they trying to do here? "

Fang Ning had been busy transforming the source of Yin Qi just now, and really didn't notice it.

Immediately after he heard it, he raised his vigilance and thought about it, and he immediately understood: "What else do I want to do? Since he came in early, he must have been picked up by those two evil spirits. There can be no good people. The two acquaintances are Who?"

"One is Valery, and the other is Alexey."

"Oh, it's a tease of the two fighting nations," Fang Ning recalled immediately. "It goes without saying, they must all be paying attention to this source of yin. Hum, Grandpa Fang's pre-ordered site , Some people dare to covet? Du Nima gave me red ... "

"Hey, your obsession with the rich man is stronger ... It turns out that after the strength is improved, there is this benefit. You have to work more overtime in the future." The uncle of the system was pleasantly surprised.

Fang Ning immediately forcibly explained: "It's not like this ... it's because the city I want to build is for the benefit of the broad masses of justice. This place was originally a place of shame, and their purpose of coming here is self-evident, sure Is it to build a holy place for the dead? Isn't that just fighting against justice? Certainly they are not good people. Of course, the red ones are quick. "

"It turns out that. But now, there is no sin on the map showing these yellow dots. I don't know if you said it wrong, or whether my map really needs to be updated ..."

Fang Ning immediately said: "It must be your patched system to be patched and upgraded. I'm definitely right."

The uncle of the system did not refute, and directly controlled the body of the knight, first walking towards a pink kitten squatting not far from the pool water, who was like a passer-by.

Everyone in the special investigation team immediately noticed this situation and immediately looked at it.

Qiao Zi Jiang was puzzled by this, she secretly thought, this cat is extremely qualified, but unfortunately he is the way of the zodiac, there is no cat in the zodiac ...

But the timing of its appearance is indeed a bit weird. Is there any problem found by His Holiness?


The black cat Tom was quite upset, and came over in front of him, but the heroes of China, the Oriental Lighthouse, and the real dragon in the upper realm!

The title of Shenma "Shenzhou Hero, Oriental Lighthouse" does not scare Uncle Tom, but the identity of "the real dragon in the upper realm" must be looked up to.

For a while, I regretted it.

Unexpectedly, I still can't bear being greedy, and now it's already a personal end ...

It looked like a faceless knight, who came over step by step. He had a kind of intuition. The other person's eyes were obviously the same as those in the video materials before the big monster ...

After discovering this, it no longer hesitated, jumped into the air and disappeared immediately.

"His! Sure enough, weird!" The special investigative team saw everyone and took a breath.

They admire them very much. Although they thought it was strange to have a cat and a lost Bai Shiren before, they didn't have time to investigate them at the moment.

And His Holiness can confirm that the other party has a problem at a glance. It is worthy of the legendary man with "Sky Eye".

Qiao Zijiang was rather upset when he saw this, but he did not expect the protection of His Holiness. While he was safe, his vigilance was greatly reduced.

In the past, when the mission was made, such an abnormal messenger, even a cat, could not allow the other party to haunt the core site.

It was just a small and negligent act just now.

The uncle of the system was shocked and said: "I didn't show any murderousness. That guy ran so fast ..."

Fang Ning thought carefully and suddenly realized: "I know who it is. In addition to the black cat Tom, Anderson's old boss, who has this legendary ability to shuttle through the space? Very early, Anderson mentioned, black Cat Tom can link the space through the soul and move to other people. "

The system affirmed at the moment: "Yes, this kind of ability is very rare, very high-end, and few people will use it, let alone cats. It also deliberately changes its shape, and it is really unpredictable. The analysis of the wealthy is right, these None of the guys are good people. "

Fang Ning proudly said: "Then, by the way, clean up the other Xiaoxiao together, so as not to covet the city of the city in the future."


Crouching in the bleak crooked stone, no, Claude.

He really couldn't understand why he waited, waited, he met the real Patriarch Patriarch so quickly ...

Fortunately, he has always been a full set of acting, and simple flaws will not be missed.

Yes, the uncle is still afraid of killing the wrong person. Although Fang Ning can dye the other party's red, he can not see the other party's sin from the map.

So the uncle just caught this guy directly into the Dragon Mystery, not the Dragon Power God Prison.

The third floor of the Dragon Mystery.

Chivalrous A, as well as a number of members of the special investigation team, has already enclosed Krauss firmly.

"Stone Patriarch, this man calls himself Crowstone. He said that when he came down with you, he was separated in a secret area. Do you have any impression of him?"

The Shigan patriarch looked at him and wondered: "Well, aren't you originally called Shiba? I remember the elders leaving you on top. Why did you come down privately and change your name? Did you learn to lie? Alright? "

Crowstone immediately touched his head with his hand and said, "I didn't learn to lie, patriarch. I saw you going down that day, I was really worried, so I secretly followed it down, and then I didn't know what happened, so I fell here. As for the name change, it was a The handsome guy said I had a relationship with him, so I changed my name. "

After listening to it, the Shigan patriarch frowned and paused. When he said, "You are telling the truth. In this case, you come here and you don't have to go back. Just because there is a shortage of staff here, you stay and work. Right.

"Hard work. Venerable Dragon Dragon is very kind to us. The wages are very high. There is no need to work overtime and stay up late. It is also safe here. It is difficult to find lanterns."

The uncle of the system quickly hurriedly said to the other party: "Look at you, almost made me mistakenly brush good people, and quickly asked your broken book to give me a million years of experience and pressure ..."

Fang Ning was speechless. He was hesitant and doubtful, but he did not show weakness to the uncle.

He just said: "I didn't let you kill him ... Besides, uncle, you can't find all the sins now. Although the stone patriarch has the power, this time may not be accurate. There is no absolute in this world. thing."

The uncle of the system retorted: "Yes, at least you are definitely a salted fish."

Fang Ning was speechless and reminded: "Don't talk nonsense, he is here to stay or I will let space administrator Achilles look at him."

Chivalry A then led people away.

Claude looked up and saw a large area of ​​medicine fields, and one or two Baishi people appeared from time to time.

He is dumbfounded. He has prepared a lot of things in order to disguise his identity, but he has not prepared how to farm.

Don't underestimate farming. This is also a professional job. Without hundreds of years, it is impossible to reach the same level as Baishi, so he did not take it into consideration at all.

But he hasn't said anything to refute.

Because he knew the rules of the Baishi people, he listened to the patriarch's words and the elder's words, unless they were major events, they would have a collective discussion.

Now his affairs are obviously not a big deal. It is impossible to refute the patriarch's arrangement, which is not in line with the honest and obedient Baishiren setting.

There are so many smart eyes around here.

Just ran away a Tom cat, apparently let them greatly raise their vigilance, one is not good, you may have to enter Longwei Shen Hei ......

But this is not less than the clever and clever Claude. He instantly thought of a clever way, that is, only to do hard work, not to be technical, and it can still be done indiscriminately.

It's just this clever way, I don't think it's right ...

So, the Dragon Mystery, the second core zone of Chivalrous Armor, was mixed into a fake white stone man.

Two days later, the other party became a hardworking and capable person who was really eager to do the hard work.

The positive and sincere attitude of work ~ ~ Even those who really live in Shiraishi have to give their thumbs up: this is the role model among Baishi people, leaving the tired and dirty work to themselves, and to others easily. Sure enough, it is the honest man among the honest man.

Krauss, always smiled humbly and humbly for these comments.

What's the matter, co-calculating for a long time, is to come to the house to sell the coolie for free?

Oh, it's not right, there is a salary that is very generous to ordinary people, but what is that?

I am just an underground castle, and this so-called lucrative salary cannot be bought for a hundred years.

Wait, Knight A, I will work hard to gain your trust, then, just wait and see ...

As Claude thought, he carried a sack of high-quality, high-quality compost and sent it to another Baishi man who was responsible for fertilization.

The other person smiled at him, patted his shoulder, and expressed encouragement.

Claude also smiled.

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