Seized by the System

Chapter 328: 2 roads

The black cat, no, is the pink cat Tom, who escaped from the knight's armour and returned to his hiding place.

A group of people looked at each other, the pink cat's eyes were familiar, but the skin color was too weird to speak.

"Look at it, if you change the vest, you don't know it?" Tom Pink stared at them.

This disguise is very strenuous, and it takes a while to change back. Skills need to be cooled.

"Oh, the boss is good." Hearing the familiar reprimand from all the men, they immediately let down their hearts and paid tribute.

Tom nodded in satisfaction, and then jumped on one of his heads, looking around.

I saw a piece of gray-white breath, which was everywhere, and from time to time there was a cloudy wind blowing, wavy waves.

Many depressions on the ground are silted up with large patches of yin, just like lakes.

I don't believe that such a large and inspiring land is almost equivalent to the area of ​​a small country. It should be born as a holy place of death, so it fell into the hands of knights in vain?

Now he is tossing around indiscriminately, what yin and yang transformations are made, and so many nasty yangs come out?

It's a violent disaster, and it's unbearable.

Uncle Tom is absolutely intolerable.

Now, it's time to pull that guy out of the pot.

The uncle contributed so much power to death, and it was time for it to contribute again.

Black Cat Tom thought and thought, holding and holding, and after a few hours, he finally held out a perfect plan.

Hum, sure to be able to fool that stupid death.

Moreover, he can also completely get rid of this place.

After thinking about the plan, Tom took a group of men and walked away.

After walking for a long time, it finally chose a place in the plan.

This is a highland located in the northeast corner of the Necropolis.

If you go out again, there will be a mist and you can't go in.

Tom looked at it carefully, nodded, and then ordered his men to be alert.

A group of men in suits immediately spread out, looking for a location, and looked around with caution.

Tom himself took out a group of altar components from the space equipment and began to build the altar seriously.

That momentum is almost a hundred times more serious than before chasing the little female cat.

It took half an hour to build the altar this time, which is completely different from the previous few minutes.

It can be seen how black cat Tom pays much attention to this flicker ... No, it is communication.

After the building was completed, Tom sighed, and if the old man Huang was still there, he would at least help himself a lot, but now this group of men will not work.

After the black altar of death was erected, it squatted under the altar, bowed its legs for three times, and a body of subtle pale green breathed out on its body.

"Stupid Tom Yo, you don't collect the power of death, call me out, what's the matter? Say first, it's impossible to change the share."

After receiving the green breath, the wolfhead statue slowly lighted up, as if coming alive, a word came out of the wolf head.

Yo your uncle!

Tom scolded in his heart that every time he communicates with this guy, he must be derogated from it. Sooner or later, the uncle will ride on your head.

Tom then threw out the freshly baked flatbread, delicious and delicious, and carrying honey.

"Stupid Tom Yo, this place is really good, just to be my death palace. You finally thought of a less stupid plan."

"However, after the success of this plan, the share is still in accordance with the old rules, which is still one in 10,000."

After hearing it, Tom gritted his teeth.

Remember, at any time, the contradiction in economic interests is the most fundamental contradiction.

In many cases, seemingly inconspicuous economic contradictions are far more profound than many of the common hatreds, and they are more unbearable.

Human history has repeatedly proved this.

Tom worked so hard and died so many brain cells, or can he only get such a small share, can it endure for a long time?

Impossible, this is an irreconcilable contradiction between the two sides.

But now it depends on others and can only swallow their voices.

Its cat face smiled: "Adult Grim Reaper is as generous as ever, Tom is grateful, grateful ..."

"Very well, I will give you new power, let you complete that not stupid plan, and conquer this land."


At this time, Fang Ning didn't even know that there were cats who were still not stubborn, and he was still coveting his future city foundation.

He was floating back and forth in the sky at this time, walking around proudly.

That's right, he drove the uncle of the system to practice. He was using his body to patrol the future territory.

Anyway, he is now a pond-level master, flying in the air, still a breeze.

The uncle of the system now has two major handles in his hands. He has to borrow experience and borrow money. He has to temporarily end the trusteeship and return his body ...

He looked down from the sky one by one, from east to west, from south to north, and looked at it roughly.

The north is mostly highland hills, and the south is mostly plain.

It's just that no matter the mountains or the plains, they are covered by a large area of ​​gray and white breath, layer by layer, it is difficult to see the specific scene below, but a little speculation can be learned, there must be no vitality below.

"It's high mountains and hills, so you can engage in mines. Forget it, polluting enterprises still don't want to do it, lest it be black and smoldering, it's not a good life. Let's do tourism."

"Well, this large piece is so flat that it can be used as a grain production area in the future. It is self-sufficient and has grain in hand, so I don't panic ..."

Fang Ning looked at a large area of ​​plains below, pointed to the mountains and rivers, and scolded Fang Qi.

He found a large river ditch across the east and west.

It's just that there is no water in the big river ditch, only a large area of ​​gray-white breath, but it looks like Huang Quan.

How can this work?

Ghostly, how can Grandpa Fang's family play the simulated city with peace of mind?

The yin qi inside must be cleaned up and then turned into a real river.

There are already ways to clean up the yin gas, but where will the water come from? Where does sunlight come from?

This is the primary problem of farming.

The sunlight in the Dragon Mystery Realm, as he knows, there was no sunlight originally. It was transformed by the formation method to glow, which is equivalent to artificial manufacturing.

But it doesn't work here, but there are more than 100,000 square kilometers below. How much does it cost to transform by array method?

Thinking of this, Fang Ning wanted to ask an expert.

The Truth Office has inherited secrets. There are already established industries there. They should have experience. Both are great secrets, and they should be similar.

Fang Ning immediately asked the uncle to start the golden train and wear it back to the real world.


After listening to the request of Xia Kejia, Ren Ruofeng happily mobilized a group of experts to accompany the investigation of the undead realm and explore how to transform it into a paradise of life.

During the dialogue between the two parties, there was no mention of the attribution of the secret realm.

Obviously, the entrance and exit of this secret realm is not in China, nor in any country on earth.

Now all rely on that ghost train, the Shenlong Golden Train shuttle back and forth.

Obviously, smart people will not say that this problem is broken.

Fang Ning took a group of young and middle-aged experts and hurriedly returned to the secret realm of the undead. No, it is the righteous city in the future.

After a field trip, they frowned.

"Sir, it's very weird here. To say something unsatisfactory, it's not the place where the soul lives. It's too hard to grow land."

An old man reached out and pinched a handful of black soil, and then showed it to Fang Ning.

"You see that the soil here is similar to the outside. Actually, I don't know how long it is soaked in yin. It reveals a taste of silence from the inside out. I think, what kind of death should be. Even if it can be introduced from the outside. Sun and rain are also useless. "

Fang Ning nodded and said, "This is only temporary. When the new heaven of the world is corrected, it will naturally transform the dead place into a vitality."

The experts were horrified, but they did not expect that Venerable Dragon Dragon could even correct the operation of Heavenly Dao?

What kind of magical power is this?

You have to know that they have been studying inherited secrets for more than ten years, but they have only found some of these defects, which can only help to make up for them.

As for correcting the operation of the Tao within, that is simply impossible.

Seeing the change in everyone's face, Fang Ning was dark, but he didn't care about his face: "Actually, there is nothing remarkable, this secret realm has just been reborn, and I don't know how to get on the right path. This seat teaches it a supreme method. If it is treasured, it is being incorporated into its rules of operation. "

Someone immediately could not wait to ask: "Dare to ask His Holiness, what is the way?"

"Cathode Yangsheng, Yin Yang transformation."

"His ..." Many experts took a breath of air.

In the end, it is a real dragon in the upper realm. The deep background is difficult to measure. You can easily come up with such a supreme method!

At this moment, an expert immediately said with admiration: "As a result, this place will be a paradise for spiritual cultivation and reproduction in the future ~ ~ If it is guessed well, it can not only transform into yang, but also go further. It can transform the yin and yang harmonious qi. This has many benefits for the cultivator, and it can't be said for three days and three nights. "

Hey, I haven't thought of this yet. The expert is an expert, and I thought of it in advance for me.

Fang Ning woke up now, hey, this, this can be used to make a fortune.

An additional source of capital for city building

Thinking of this, Fang Ning quickly stopped her thoughts and stopped thinking.

The uncle of the system suddenly said: "Hey, rich man, what were you thinking? What is the endless stream and how can you make a lot of money?"

Fang Ning said seriously: "Do you want to leave some privacy? Don't move, you will feel the fluctuation of my mind, and you will practice with me."

The uncle of the system said sorrowfully: "Cultivation can't go on, there is no money in my hand, and I'm in a panic."

Fang Ning ignored the complaints of the two-stroke system and began to discuss it with the experts.

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