Seized by the System

Chapter 359: Friend is hard to find

After being persuaded by the patriarch of the Baishi people, Fang Ning was very dissatisfied. He sang all afternoon, but there was only one confidant. The other people were all torn, did they sing badly? & 1t; /

Impossible, absolutely Qu Gao, widowed, outnumbered, blinded ... & 1t; /

Returning to the system cybercafe, Fang Ning still felt that he had n’t sung. Yu [ updates fast] because he turned on the microphone and started singing loudly, flying freely ... & 1t; /

Unfortunately, this time I sang for a long time, there wasn't even an applause. & 1t; /

On the ginseng side, at least it will shake the leaves, beat the beats, and accompany itself. & 1t; /

"Ah, if the game book baby is here, you can have an audience anyway, uncle, you are a sound idiot, there is no appreciation level, and no applause to encourage me." & 1t; /

Fang Ning complained casually, and then there was thunderous applause in the internet cafes, gongs and drums roaring ... just like a famous singer on the stage. & 1t; /

"You are too fake ... can we be sincere between us?" & 1t; /

Fang Ning looked at this very pretentious scene and rolled his eyes. & 1t; /

It's difficult to do it, so he is in a good mood now, especially if the other party is going to walk around the uncle now, it makes him re-inflate. & 1t; /

No way, he is just like this, he needs to warp his vulgar temperament ... & 1t; /

"You are too difficult for the system, obviously you are not tuning a word, and you still want real applause ... If I were not resistant, I wouldn't be caught by your magic voice. 24 hours. "The uncle of the system complained. & 1t; /

"Shenma?" Fang Ning was like a monkey with a stomp on his tail. He was crazy. "Nonsense, I not only tune up, but also put deep feelings in it. It contains my thirty years. This This kind of sincere singing, you actually do n’t praise with the same sincerity, it is absolutely jealous, you have no singing skills, this is jealous of my singing. "& 1t; /

"Okay, let me see the scene after you sing a song ..." & 1t; /

After the uncle finished speaking, the process of washing the leaves of the old man's ginseng essence with clean water was completely played out. Naturally, it also included the dialogue between Krauss and Zhao Xin. & 1t; /

Fang Ning suddenly got a head blow, his face turned red, irrefutable, but how can he admit that he is a sound idiot? & 1t; /

He took a closer look at the playback screen, and then pretended to be like: "No, where is the old man who is scorning my singing? They all guessed wrong. This is clearly suggesting that there is a bad guy hiding behind us." & 1t; /

"You want to fool me ... not listening." & 1t; /

"Hum, your so-called sky eye is nothing more than that, it has been touched under the eyelids, and you don't feel it ..." & 1t; /

The uncle of the system wondered: "Big rich man, are you talking about Shenma? My God's Eye, isn't that your krypton golden dog's eye? Your krypton golden dog's eye doesn't work, and you want to rely on me?" & 1t; /

"Okay, you said it very well," Fang Ning was held back, and quickly changed the subject. "The old man's ginseng went to pick up the water. In fact, he was telling me that the claustrous that brought him water had a problem. "& 1t; /

"Is there any problem? Isn't he also your friend? A total of two of him and the old man are not destroyed by your magic voice." & 1t; /

"I know a little, I have a sense of self-knowledge. This guy behaves a little weird. The old man's ginseng is a flatterer. He will be applauded and normal. However, it is obvious that other Baishi people have a headache, but he has nothing to do with it. There must be something wrong." & 1t; /

Fang Ning's Zhuge Liang's style, which made the system undaunted. & 1t; /

After all, others, but I just turned over the existence of the devil's wisdom ... & 1t; /

So the uncle immediately said: "This is easy to handle, I immediately let Achilles, the spirit of the space of the secret realm, the real administrator shoot out and control him." & 1t; /

Fang Ning glared. "It's really rough. Didn't you find him hard-working and popular?" & 1t; /

"Huh," the uncle of the system suddenly said, "the rich and powerful." & 1t; /

"Hey, it's right to let Achilles stare at him, but don't shoot, as long as this guy doesn't do anything, let him work honestly. & 1t; /

"It's not easy to find such hard-working guys this year, especially for the work of doing these herbs, ordinary people can't do it, and practitioners may not have other thoughts." & 1t; /

"If he is a good person, then everything is fine. If he is a wicked person, as long as he is evil, he will be caught directly in the next dragon. In short, we will sit on the Diaoyutai without any loss." & 1t; /

After Fang Ning's confrontation with intellectual difficulties, his mentality has improved a lot unconsciously. & 1t; /

Before switching to it, he was careful and careful, and he must immediately rule out hidden dangers. & 1t; /

But now, he subconsciously chooses to maximize the other party's role, without him, because he has confidence in his own strength. & 1t; /

At the same time, Claude, unaware that he has been included in the focus of observation, is also thinking deeply about a serious issue. & 1t; /

I have come to the dragon mystery realm of knightly armor for a month. Except for working for him every day, it seems to be farther and farther away from the real goal-seizing the yinqi secret realm. & 1t; /

Now I seem to be accustomed to picking water and fertilizing every day. In order to hide my identity, I even secretly learned a lot of exclusive tricks of Baishi people's land ... & 1t; /

Bah, what's the use of this exclusive trick for them? & 1t; /

"Crawstone, it's time to eat again. This time I want a new medicine, I heard that it is the dragon medicine with salt medicine." & 1t; /

"I didn't think that we were in the upper realm, and even Uncle Zhenlong's bathing water could not be turned. Now I can actually eat the elixir they have personally refined. This day is so happy ..." & 1t; /

Shi Da walked over and talked to the most honest Baishi person, only this guy would not refute what he said, and he always looked obedient. & 1t; /

Huh? This welfare is really good, Crouse suddenly, he felt like he had found some clues. & 1t; /

That's right, continue to mix, at least the treatment here is really high. I have improved my strength a lot in the past month. This is very rare outside. & 1t; /

While enhancing their strength and gaining their trust, they naturally blended into the core layer of Chivalrous Armor. By then, they will be closer to the secret atmosphere ... & 1t; /

Such a huge secret area is worth tens of hundreds of years of effort. & 1t; /

Not everyone can be like Xia Kejia, born with a real dragon, a strong blessing, and a secret world that is eager to embrace. Is it his father who lost the ball? & 1t; /

This plan will succeed! & 1t; /

In an instant, he was full of self-confidence. & 1t; /

Bloodstone Demon Claude is now raising his ambitions. & 1t; /

Then he vigorously picked up a load of odorous fertilizer and seemed to have forgotten that the meal was coming, instead he worked harder. & 1t; /

The chattering Shi Da was so ashamed that he was already thinking about eating, but the other party was working in oblivion. & 1t; /

Upon seeing this, he also put down his thoughts about eating and began to pick up some tasks that he had not done perfectly. & 1t; /

Fang Ning saw this behind the scene through a systematic perspective and immediately strengthened his confidence. & 1t; /

He said to the system uncle: "Do you know that this guy has a problem now?" & 1t; /

"I don't see it. A very honest and capable guy is much more diligent than other Baishi people. Of course other people are very diligent, but he is more diligent." & 1t; /

"I will tell you a joke and you will know." & 1t; /

"In the past, there were two organizations A and B, and the undercover sent by organization A was always easily seen and captured by organization B. Later someone asked organization B what the secret was. They just said a word, you want to know What is it? "& 1t; /

"I don't want to know, you must be planning to let me stop the hosting status, but that is impossible. It's rare that we have been run away for a while. I want to grab a wave of heads." The uncle of the system shook his head. & 1t; /

"I'm going to say ..." Fang Ning was so straightforward, he continued, "People from Organization B said that the people they sent were so capable, that they could work overtime day and night for promotion ... This is not ours. . "& 1t; /

"Oh, to put it this way, this Ke Laoshi is almost all right. His efforts are almost as good as those of two and a half Baishi people." The uncle of the system suddenly realized. & 1t; /

So Mr. Claude, who was unaware, continued to have a sweet dream, carrying the burden back and forth. & 1t; /

In a way, he is no different from the sinful souls who are moving bricks on the second and third floors. & 1t; /

But he is more proactive, and the latter will occasionally want to cut corners and laziness. & 1t; /

This is the real reason why Fang Ning decided to leave this guy. The other party did not know at all. He has been exposed. In fact, in Fang Ning's eyes, he was a prisoner ... & 1t; /

… & 1t; /

Time went round and round and three days passed. & 1t; /

Fang Ning is practicing singing voice, then received news from Zheng Dao. & 1t; /

"Shenzhou" Climb the ladder "candidate list?" & 1t; /

He was so happy that he didn't have to be bored. & 1t; /

I did n’t expect that we should be a judge now, who is qualified to be a horse ... & 1t; /

"Big rich man, what are you thinking about again?" The uncle of the system felt Fang Ning's emotions and gave him a scoop of cold water. & 1t; /

Fang Ning heard that the momentary misunderstanding was completely dispelled. & 1t; /

The body is entrusted by the uncle, and want to do bad things? & 1t; /

Impossible, it is impossible in this life, or stay in the system space more confusingly, here you can surf the Internet and take pills. & 1t; /

The next door is still a prison, there are all kinds of guys who can interact, and all talk very well-those who are not good are locked in the confinement room ...

Fang Ning was thinking about it, and then looked at this long list. & 1t; /

Obviously, this is Ren Ruofeng's intention to let Xia Kejia with heavenly eyes give some reference opinions. & 1t; /

This is climbing the ladder, not the **** battlefield. & 1t; /

It's not like in the novel, what kind of competition is better than everyone else, who has a higher combat effectiveness. & 1t; /

You have a strong fighting ability, have a secret technique, can kill others in seconds, and may not be able to climb a step. & 1t; /

Although there is no specific information given by Knight Knight A, everyone glances at a glance, and can roughly conclude that if you want to climb high, the mana is solid, the body must be strong, and the spirit must be tough. & 1t; /

In short, there should be no shortcomings in the three rings of "jing, qi, and god". A short board will directly defeat you and make you unable to board. & 1t; /

Just like climbing a mountain, climbing a peak like Mount Qomolangma has comprehensive requirements for good health. & 1t; /

You cannot have big flaws, such as hidden dangers like heart disease, which are obviously very dangerous. & 1t; /

What now? & 1t; /

Naturally, an authoritative person is required to appear at ~ experts to select. & 1t; /

Just like the selection of various well-known bonuses, naturally, there will not be a live pk, who will give the fist ... & 1t; /

Fang Ning looked at the long list and immediately raised his ambitions. & 1t; /

Which of these is not a talent selected by more than a billion people? & 1t; /

Now their destiny is in their own mind. & 1t; /

This feeling is that the elder husband cannot be powerless for one day! & 1t; /

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