Seized by the System

Chapter 360: Start cutting cake today

"Why don't you let me go !!"

Thunder City is a mansion in the suburbs of Jicheng, China.

A young man with a pale face and dark eye sockets seemed to be staying up late for a few days and was walking back and forth in the luxurious hall.

At this time, in the living room, the precious goldfish in the fishbowl shrunk in the rockery.

In the corner of the living room, an expensive noble dog lay firmly on the ground, daring not to shout and move.

And this young man, clutching a pale gold notice in his hand, was thundering! !

"Even if Qiao Zishan, the younger generation recognizes his strength first ... the rest of Xu Rui, Xue Feng, Hai Cheng, they are famous on the list !! Everyone is pond level!"

"Xia Kejia, why did he designate a candidate! By what order did he order!"

"What is the character of Xu Rui according to the identification of good character? What is the character of Xu Rui who is no one in the eyes? Without his second grandfather Dean Xu, he is a fart!"

"Actually, there is a Qicheng Qi Group CEO, Qi Ye? What is it in the country, the hometown of knights! A pond level is not a guy, can even hang at the end and become a candidate ?!"

"What is just, what is right, what is the Oriental lighthouse, is just a person who looks at the relationship in the near future!"

The pale boy walked around the hall with anger.

At this time, an old man who looked like a housekeeper approached carefully. The old man was about seventy years old, wearing a robe and a gown, and his face was unsorrowful.

He whispered and persuaded: "Master Pan, let down the air. The knightly armor has no eyes. You have to give mysterious exercises last year. Now you are a pond-level summit master, but he has always been low-key. But so ... "

"Go! Don't bother me!"

Before the old butler's voice fell, the young master Pan waved it out with a fierce energy and hit him!

The old man flew backwards from the living room, broke the revolving door of the living room, "bang" sound, and fell heavily in the paved courtyard.

He suddenly vomited and bleeds, his face was gray, and his heart was cold.

Following such a master, if you flatter, you will be in danger!

Pan Liang, with a cruel temperament and a low profile, does not know how many such people are in China ...

The old housekeeper climbed up slowly, what can he do?

Do not change jobs?

Don't laugh, Pan Gongzi has a lot of means to keep himself from blood, so that his family is better than death.

As long as the other party has a look, and hints, there will be a lot of dog legs, and he will die his whole family!

Who will do the justice at that time?

Oriental Lighthouse, Knight Knight?

Ha ha, he goes up and down every day, catching all the sins floating on the water.

This kind of dark heart, can he have kung fu control?

Besides, people are tired enough and busy 24 hours a day.

No one else, Pan Gongzi estimates there is no stable environment, you can practice low-key to the present.

However, when his own interests are damaged by the Knight Knight A, does this Pan Gongzi in his family think that he has been receiving the benefits of Knight Knight A? !

Impossible, absolutely impossible.

The housekeeper thought hard while climbing up hard from the ground.

Without the blood on his mouth, he walked slowly back to the living room and stood consciously in a corner.

He couldn't stay away, it would be more troublesome if he left.

After Pan Gongzi leaked, he looked at the pale golden notice and hesitated, but did not tear it, but slammed it on the table.

"Well, I'm going to see someone from Pan. The man selected by the knightly armor is not good for you!"

He returned to the bedroom angrily, and then a woman with scattered hair was thrown into the living room, hit the hard marble table, and passed out.

The old housekeeper hurriedly leaned over and touched the other person's breath, and he was still angry. There should be no major problems.

The housekeeper picked up the woman with a complex look, and then walked slowly through the broken living room door.

Alas, this is still good, there is the lighthouse that shines every day, if not ...

He shook his head, and one can imagine that a pond-level master in rage, he would just die first, followed by this woman ...

It's a pity that the world is so big that there is only one knight ...

The old housekeeper took the woman around and went to the parking lot to find a middle-aged driver.

He whispered: "Old rules, give her 300,000, send it home, don't let her get closer to here for half a step, and don't say a word."

"Understood, Liu's housekeeper." The middle-aged driver looked calm and seemed to be accustomed to the blood remaining around the corner of the old man's mouth.

He was not surprised at all, but took the woman silently and placed it in the car.

The old butler also had enough to follow such a vicious and fierce master.

He thought in silence, then drove away from the mansion.


At the same time, the Truth Office headquarters base.

In a large auditorium on the east side, there are 18 candidates, all of whom are pond masters.

They are majestic and have a lot of enthusiasm. They are all under 30 years old, a few years younger than Fang Ning ...

Regardless of background, strength, or talent, they are among the leaders of hundreds of millions of people.

Of course, many of them have no background, but they have talent and strength, and soon have a background ...

A whole year has passed, and with the recovery of vitality, Tiandao has officially revealed its intention.

Now it seems easy to break through to the pond level.

Most people have accepted this saying that the way of cultivation, the pond level is the beginning, which is equivalent to the innate state of cultivation.

Only a pond-level master can actually fill some water, and is qualified to perceive the world and accept the special gifts of the world. For example, when it rains, the pond can be filled.

The previous ones, like what kind of baths and buckets, even in rainy days, are in vain, because they can't accommodate much ...

Fang Ning is now sitting on the rostrum of the auditorium, looking forward with pride.

In this, every selected person has nodded his permission ...

The uncle did not even bother to take care of the matter. Fang Ning himself was in charge, and he finally got a chance to make a big appearance.

Since you want to install, you can't install failed.

So Fang Ning pointed to the list, one by one, and then repeatedly checked the system map.

If the uncle is a multi-threaded operation, he has long been bored ...

For this, Fang Ning stayed up all night again, lest the chosen characters could not convince the crowd.

It ’s easy to be jealous of judges, especially for those who lose.

There are very few people who can think about their own shortcomings, and it is most common to target the judges ...

The greater the power, the greater the responsibility.

Fang Ning is very conscious, don't want to take responsibility, don't touch the power ...

If he wants to act hard, wants to be a big husband, and wants to enjoy power, then he has to bear the responsibility of not choosing the wrong person.

The way he takes responsibility is to cheat ...

He uses the system map to determine whether the yellow dots are red.

The deeper the red, the heavier the sin, and he will touch his obsession when a threshold is reached.

There is only one white spot, and Qiao Zishan passes directly.

Those who failed to be elected are more or less red, indicating that there have been some evils before, but they are not big.

Some of these positive candidates may not be humble enough, and some are more high-profile.

But Fang Ning has seen it on the system map and is sure that it is just yellow dots, and there is no red sin.

These people are not very powerful, er, only at the pond level, and are unlikely to have the ability to hide sin on the system map.

But Fang Ning thought that everything was normal, or he was the Crouse stone from the clues.

The opponent seemed to be as weak as he was, and he was suddenly very unconfident.

"Uncle, help me to sweep the people in front of me. Tell me which one is sin."

"You don't need to talk nonsense, if I have, I will have started to brush." ​​The uncle of the system replied.

Uh, I really said nonsense.

When Fang Ning was speechless, Ren Ruofeng, who was sitting at the center of the podium, had already spoken.

"Everyone in China, we will be the boss from today!"

Ren Ruofeng's colloquial colloquial vernacular immediately resonated with everyone present.

Thunderous applause, enduring!

How long has it been been crushed by the people as the second child, all kinds of suffocation! !

Some people always stand at various heights, pointing fingers and saying that China is wrong here, not good there!

It ’s just a matter of talking. No one is perfect, and you can progress faster if you openly accept criticism.

The point is that some people are not trying to point out problems, let you correct them, and make you progress. Instead, they are deliberate, and deliberately induce you to go the wrong way!

They didn't expect that China will rise up again and again, and it can stand up to today, can they copy this miracle themselves ...

Qiao Zishan looked excited, he looked at the people on the stage, yes, today is the day when China officially rises!

The crisis is coming, but there are big opportunities in the crisis!

This is the first step for Shenzhou to integrate the world!

A fair and vigorous world, rather than wearing all kinds of hypocrisy coats, wantonly trampling the dark abyss of various bottom lines.

Xue Feng was expressionless, but there was blood in his eyes.

But the flying sword in his arms shook from side to side, oscillating continuously, and bursting out of sword chanting, not knowing how exciting it was ...

One by one, one by one, and one by one, this time, the mood is surging.

The age of cultivation is here. Cultivation itself does not distinguish between other nationalities, but cultivators have roots!

Ren Ruofeng then smiled and said, "This time, every ethnic group has 1o places on the ladder. We in Shenzhou want to take the lead and take the first place. Of course, we will talk about this in front of ourselves. Promote. "

Everyone in the auditorium heard the word ~ ​​ ~ to look at each other, and each smiled.

There are 8 places, there are 18 people here, 8 regular elections, 1o alternatives, who will go up and down by then, there are still fights.

But this opportunity is big enough!

How many countries outside do not even know this news ...

When they reacted, the cake was ready, just like the losses China had eaten before.

Now it ’s our turn to be the boss and cut the cake!

In the future, they will be given more chicken soup that is "benefiting from loss" ...

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