Seized by the System

Chapter 361: My way is good

Soon Ren Ruofeng ended the topic, and then gave Fang Ning his say.

Fang Ning looked down at the crowd, cleared his throat, and was interested, he wanted to sing a song

But that's impossible, unless he really became the first demon of Zhi Nan.

In that case, this behavior is very common.

Because in the report given by Anderson, there are all kinds of weird records about the behavior of the devil.

He said: You are all beams of material, you have a lot of knowledge, you do n’t need too much advice from this seat, I will simply say a few sentences

These two simple sentences say all day.

At the meeting, it was 9 a.m.

And now, it is already the west of the sunset and five o'clock in the summer.

From the meaning of the ladder, to the future of the ladder, to the great responsibility shouldered by the candidates.

While Fang Ning was speaking, he also asked Anderson to check the materials for him, so that he could come and expand

All the great talents, excited from the beginning, their interest increased greatly, and they are dying until now

They can't believe the expressionless knight armor, how can they do that?

In addition, they deeply admire.

In the end it is a real dragon, with extensive knowledge, quotes from the scriptures, and a hand in hand.

They all asked themselves through practice, and their memory is very good. They usually read a lot of books and improve their knowledge.

But only after hearing this, did they know that the things they knew couldn't even match the heel of the opponent

On many occasions, the famous quotes and stories quoted by the other party thought they were intentionally edited by the other party.

However, when someone secretly used the phone to check, it really did

This dragon is really energetic

Some people thought helplessly, they remembered the legend that once the knights could eat for a week

Does he have to talk for a week now?

These people certainly don't know that they are always in the system space and can't play fresh games. They have to sing for a while, and since there is no sincere audience, Fang Ning can be choked.

While there are a bunch of students under the stage who must listen carefully, he naturally wants to speak happily.

When the house is long, I want to talk more, even if it is across the floor.

Unlike these people, his body has been practiced by the uncle until now, he is full of energy, the key is that he will not be hungry for a year now

He only now understands why the students under the stage wanted to dismiss the meeting when the middle school held the meeting, and why the principals on the stage could still talk nonstop.

Fang Ning suddenly froze for a moment, as if to stop.

Everyone saw it, and immediately looked up, was it finally over?

However, at this time, a voice was echoing in Fang Ning's mind:

(The system is thinking

The system is thinking

The system decided to go for the heroes. )

Oh buy Karma, uncle, you come here again, the old husband Fang Ning is instantly beaten back

The surging Knight Knight stopped and then said to everyone: Well, there are still some things in this seat. Let's go first, you talk slowly.

Ren Ruofeng heard that if he was forgiven, he already knew that he should not be invited.

Obviously in his plan, whether it is the true dragon **** of the knight, or the native, they are more introverted.

Why, without stopping today? It's really incredible

Sure enough, even if he is really a reincarnation, it is difficult to be popular.

Everyone on the stage was relieved, oops, but relieved.

At this time, Ren Ruofeng cleared his throat and said: It ’s not too early, I will simply say a few words

what? Eighteen talented people, looked at each other, shocked.

Suddenly someone whispered: I see, this is testing our patience! Isn't climbing a ladder similar to climbing a mountain? Patience is definitely the basic condition. Without patience, how can it succeed?

When everyone heard this, it was right, what kind of person is Venerable Dragon?

Will it deliberately talk nonsense?

The precious time of his old man is often 724 hours of work, and the whole process is full of energy, the state is unchanged, and the efficiency has been stable.

The latter is the most terrible. Ordinary people may be able to stay for three days and two nights, but the spirit is needless to say

What a blessing it is to take out a whole day to test yourself.

They immediately sat down and began to listen and listen.

It is a pity that the Venerable has left, and it is probably disappointing to see that these people are absent.

Of the 18 people, 17 turned to look at one of them at the same time.

Xue Feng was focused by many eyes, and his face remained unchanged, still sitting expressionless.

This guy is estimated to score a lot in this exam. Someone whispered.

Yes, it has always been an expression from the beginning, so much like Venerable, no wonder he can get Venerable Grace repeatedly. At first, he was enlightened by the essence of mana. Later, he was directly enlightened by His Holiness and cultivated to the supreme state of "unity of man and sword." Someone envied.

Compared with others, they know the whole process of Xue Feng's family.

Everyone has to learn from each other, so naturally they need to understand each other's details.

After leaving the crowd in the auditorium, the knightly armor flew freely in the sky, and the outside air was good.

Fang Ning complained in the system space.

Say yes, I have ten days off; say yes, I will deal with the meeting, say yes, do n’t disturb me

Okay, you just say a few sentences

Uh, Fang Ning was blocked. He now argued strongly that the reader would say two more words, can it be said more? Confucius said, more than Zaiya, not much.

That's what Mr. Zhou said

Fang Ning ignored this self-proclaimed two strokes, he decided to go to a place to sing.

That night, a rare grand party was held in Longwei God Prison.

It is said that this was specially held by the governor in order to affirm these sins and spirits and actively transform the efforts to move bricks.

One night passed, and the next day, the spirits of sin went to work a hundredfold.

Fang Ning was overjoyed after watching it, and immediately smirked at the uncle of the system. You see, isn't this thousands of people who like to listen to my songs?

Then the uncle silently showed him the picture.

It is the gods and souls who are struggling to catch up on the first floor and the second floor in Longwei Prison.

They painstakingly constructed various building materials to carefully frame Fang Ning's target building after several changes.

Now on the second floor, the arena is forming, magnificent and magnificent, just like the ancient Roman arena.

Now we are in a hurry to finish some peripheral decoration work, and it will probably be completely finished in another month.

The first layer, the bottom layer, stacked one after another, densely packed, the huge maze used to trap demons, is also under construction at the same time.

Due to the uncle's hard work day and night, the labor force has greatly increased.

Coupled with the introduction of new construction tools, construction efficiency has been greatly improved.

At this time, these sin gods and spirits are working to each other while whispering to remind each other.

Everyone is a little more convergent, don't be lazy. Lord Anderson cannot see that we only use 80% of the labor. But the warden is the warden, and it is now that this is the case.

His old man beat us last night. If you want to be lazy again, the end is worrying.

Yeah, this concert is much stronger than the weird tricks that the magic sounds enlighten, and none of us can resist

In fact, this adult is very powerful, and when he sings, he wants to join his emotions. The thoughts are volatile, and we all happen to be souls. Where can we stand this?

That ’s right, it ’s not worse than Master Anderson ’s education, and I still have an echo in my mind

After seeing these pictures, Fang Ning automatically filtered out those conversations.

He just rejoiced in the fact that with the current working state of these sins and spirits, as long as it is maintained, the completion of the first and second floors of the Dragon Mystery is just around the corner.

It is estimated that by September, it will be fully operational.

He could not help but sigh: 100% of the work is invested, than 80% of the investment, this labor efficiency gap is too large.

Do n’t forget, the latter investment will bring a lot of additional bugs to fix

The rich, aren't you lamenting places? You are shifting the topic again, come, I can now learn a new Kung Fu, this one, you take a look. The uncle of the system said.

What do you want to do? Fang Ning took over a black sutra book that appeared abruptly, and immediately raised his vigilance, but it is definitely a monk for those who are mentally difficult.

Don't worry ~ ~ I've performed it completely, and some pits have been filled. There is a sound function in it, which is suitable for you to learn. With your talent to sing, cultivate it, it will definitely get twice the result with half the effort and extraordinary power.

Huh, you know it. Fang Ning was affirmed, very happy, and then opened the sutra triumphantly.

At first glance, he was immediately ecstatic.

Uncle, you have done a personnel job. You really are my confidant, I'm good at it!

Fang Ning cheered and started studying all night with excitement

This heart is really difficult to measure. The uncle of the system looked at the hard-working host suspiciously, and could not help sighing.

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