Seized by the System

Chapter 377: Heavenly merit

"Yes, I came in from this direction ... I do n’t know why, the spatial coordinates I set at that time were a big river. The spatial coordinates were still provided to me by" Long Wu ", and it was impossible to lie to me. After that, it was suddenly sent into the deep sea. I always had a conjecture, but because I couldn't move, I couldn't confirm it myself. "

Funny Brother, Tianhe Heshen is in a big blister, reaching for the direction on the right hand side.

The strong light is difficult to spread in the sea, and the direction is blurry and dark.

Fang Ning controlled Qinglong to lean in and the light shone nearby.

I saw that the river **** pointed out that there was only turbid seawater in this place, which showed a faint light blue under the strong light, and there was nothing else.

Fang Ning observes carefully for a long time, only to feel empty, nothing feels.

"What's in there?" He asked the uncle.

"Nothing, you are not blind." The uncle of the system said of course.

"Do you still want to improve the efficiency of brushing merit?" Fang Ning was anxiously corrupted.

"miss you."

"Then be honest."

(The system is thinking ...)

(The system decides to be honest.)

Fang Ning said: "You can also trigger system prompts for this kind of thing?"

"Yes, as long as important things can trigger the reminder. There was nothing there just now. I don't understand the method of space shuttle. I can't sense it. You can bring the ghost king Bodhisattva, it may be helpful."

Fang Ning thought for a while and shook his head: "Forget it, the Bodhisattva is busy transforming the secret realm. In the future, I have to ask him a few times. There are also very few, and you can make friends with the true dragon clan chief. "

So Qinglong faced River God Road: "Dare to ask Mr., can you detect any abnormality here?"

He Shen nodded, as he took it for granted: "Of course there is, the space fluctuations are extremely violent, very unstable, and abnormal. Of course, it is invisible to the naked eye, and it must be sensed by those who have very high knowledge of space spells. "

"Look, uncle, you are still a scumbag, and you are crushed by the gods of other people's houses. In the future, you have to quit arrogance and impatience, be humble and cautious, and strive to be a system where strength and wisdom coexist, virtue and nobility." Ning Chang taught.

"Uh, I know." The uncle was very honest and did not refute at all.

Fang Ning let go, and controlled Qinglong and asked Daqingworm: "Daqing, where did you come from?"

The big green worm looked back and forth, and finally lifted a tiny worm leg, pointing in the other direction.

"Just in that place, from here to there, just happened to be able to swim a big green dragon."

If it weren't for Qinglong's eyes, he really couldn't see the direction he was pointing ...

Qinglong dragged the bubbles and swam for about a kilometer. The dragon head had already moved to the place pointed out by Daqing. Sure enough, the dragon's tail had just arrived at the original place ...

Qinglong is such a domineering.

There is still muddy seawater in this place.

In addition to this, Fang Ning sees nothing as usual.

He had long known the flaw of the system uncle, but he had no urgent need, so he left behind ...

After all, Uncle is based on a martial arts system, using true energy, playing martial arts, relying on various perverted increases, and lacking understanding and mastery of various mysterious spells.

Fortunately, "The Bodhichitta" is profound and profound, and it has been kryptonized. There are many mysteries in it. Slowly and deeply, there should be no shortage of related spells.

I just have to give the uncle more experience, at least to make up for the short board of space spells.

Otherwise, after entering the era of mythology, everyone is moving around, but the uncle has to scatter the girl to run, this picture is too beautiful, it is not easy to pretend ...

Fang Ning thought of this and secretly wrote down the matter, and said it later.

"Brother River, please help the deity again." He asked again for granted.

There was a trace of doubt in He Shen's eyes, but he nodded and closed his eyes.

A moment later, his face suddenly changed, his tone was short, and there was a hint of anger mixed with it.

"True Dragon Supreme, the spatial fluctuations here are also extremely dramatic. And one thing I must mention."

"Brother River, please speak straight."

"This place, and the place where I just came in, seem to have traces of some kind of space induction spell left. It seems to be a special temptation to come in this place of death. I was still not sure before, now the two are in contrast There is no doubt about this, the guy who arranged this trap is really surreptitious, very vicious! "

He Shen said angrily.

"If it weren't for the merits of our river gods, and good at conditioning the world's water system, it would be of great benefit to the world, and it would be accepted by the heavenly path of this world. There was no special resistance when it came in, and some mana remains, otherwise it can only be a human race. The end like a lady ... "

His face was filled with righteous indignation, but it was only put on a funny face, which only seemed more funny ...

The big caterpillar didn't listen very hard, and he said to the black dog under his feet a little unhappy: "Black dog, are you saying that Tianhehe God is in disguise that I am not as good as him, so he will be worse than him? "

"Daqing girl, don't care about this. Master Bailong once said that dogs can't lie on past merit books and have to run forward all the time."

Hei Gouzi immediately said to him, "We, the **** of the Tianhe River, may have been lofty in our upper realm in the past and gained a lot of merits from the world, but he is certainly not as useful to the world as the young girl.

"But you can make up for the existence of Qiankun's shortcomings, and you can recreate a perfect life. In the future, you will certainly be able to become enlightened in this way.

When the big green worm smiled and said, "Hey," the insects all smiled with flowers, no more trouble.

The growth of the black dog's skill in patting horses is undoubtedly revealed at this time. It can be seen how much hard work it has done in order to get rid of the order.

Fang Ning expressed concern about this. In the past, the honest black dog, would he fall into a **** in the future?

There is one horse farts enough, it is better to have more honest dogs.

But now he has no intention to consider the depravity of the black dog, there are more important things right now, which need him to worry about.

Fang Ning asked the system: "Uncle, is this God of the Rivers true or false?"

"I don't know. I can't see any traces of the magic horse spells. Naturally, what did he say?" Uncle continued to answer honestly.

"Uh," Fang Ning felt more and more headaches, "he said so seriously, if we are deceived by him, there is no way."

He is no longer Xiaobai. Is there any sin in the Dragon Prison?

There are too many guys in the face to face, and there are too many guys in the back, and many people are self-righteous and think that others cannot see it.

They don't know, if you don't know people, unless you have nothing to do, especially the era of myth that this day has opened its eyes.

People are doing, the sky is watching, who has spared the sky?

Now I see this river god, although the other person seems to be a kind-hearted person.

But only if the other party dares to integrate into the earth's culture and plays the role of the earth's river god, it knows that the other party's mind is flexible.

He had to keep a few thoughts in mind, and naturally he wouldn't trust each other.

"Yeah, the rich, you see that this system map shows that it is a half-white and half-yellow kind character, but it is not impossible to disguise it. Isn't that the Crouchite that you have a problem with? Is a chestnut? "The uncle of the system continued honestly.

"Well, that's right, it seems ..." Fang Ning finally returned to his taste and said helplessly at the moment, "Go around, don't you just want me to give you some strength? You have to say it straight, it's too much to go around in circles like this Doesn't fit your style. "

"I didn't go around in circles, this is all honest." The uncle of the system grieved.

Fang Ning was too lazy to pay attention to these two strokes. He had his own plan, and he would first brush up on the merits of Heavenly Dao.

So Qinglong continued to the River God Road: "Mr. River God, in your opinion, who will be the person who arranges the inducing spell?"

"It should be the first guy to sneak into this world. He is excluding strong competitors. All those with high qualifications, high merit, good fortune, good background, are among their persecutions." Heshen said firmly.

Be logical.

In other words, if I were an evil character, I would do the same. The biggest enemy of the traverser is actually the traverser itself ...

When the western colonists entered the new continent of the Americas, the biggest opponents were colonists from the old continent.

The two passers-by touch one piece, the biggest possibility is that they both want to strangle each other and monopolize the world.

Of course, the premise is that they have the confidence to rely on the advantage of crossing, and alone to smooth the world.

Do people in the upper realm have this confidence?

There must be.

The motivation is established.

Detective Fang Ning suddenly made up a guy who was smiling in secret.

He was dark and he could not see the specific face, only the outline of a person, and the face in the dark, it made people shudder.

"Uncle System, this guy is really skeptical, can you guess who it is?"

"For me, the old mouse is the most motivated, but his strength is so low that he shouldn't be able to do these things." The uncle of the system really gave a reliable answer.

Fang Ning's comparison is not surprising.

The uncle can think of the Bai family ancestor for the first time, because this is the first big boss that slipped away from the uncle.

Uncle, of course, has been thinking about it until now.

Although it seems that the other party may be nothing, it may not be right.

After all, this mythological era is too likely. Perhaps a mortal man can pick up a heavenly magic weapon and crush the immortals.

From the past, this ancestor of the Bai family will also have some kind of advanced means of space movement.

A long time ago, when killing insects, he was blocked in the underground hall by Grandpa and Bodhisattva.

It was the ghost king Bodhisattva that sealed the space, so that he had nowhere to escape. He could only obediently surrender the worm and distract, and lacked a fast-developing golden finger.

Thinking of this, Fang Ning controlled the Qinglong and extended his claws. The image of the Bai family ancestor appeared in the muddy sea water.

This is a dwarf old man with a plain face, but the eyes of the pair of eyes are scorching, exuding cunning but also containing wisdom and tenacity.

"Who is this person? It doesn't look like an ordinary character." River God suddenly wondered.

"He is the patriarch of the giant rat family in the upper realm. No one knows what his real name is. Now he is only called by the ancestor of the Bai family. His tens of millions of giant rats are the first demon clan power in China. It seems that he is seeking to seal the gods. ... "

Fang Ning briefly talked about some things.

He Shen frowned deeply when he heard the words, and he hesitated: "In this way, this person is most likely. I have heard of its name in the upper realm, and it is indeed a demon lord.

"No wonder I haven't heard of any powerful people in the upper realm in your human world in recent years. I must have been killed by him a lot ..."

Fang Ning was thoughtful and thoughtful, and was terribly shocked.

He said to the uncle of the system: "I now understand why the old mouse can escape the uncle's hand several times ... this is obviously unusual."

"Why?" The uncle of the system puzzled.

"Because he carries the merits of Heavenly Dao ..."

"Shenma ~ ~ The abominable guy, who indulges his people to eat man and grow mana, can't be washed in his life, how can it still have heavenly merit? Incomprehensible.

"That's because it killed a lot of powerful upper-class visitors ..."

"It turned out to be the case, but God didn't care about the evil he did?" The uncle of the system complained.

"Yeah, this is the difference between humanity and heaven. The many bottom lines that human beings can't bear are just plain and ordinary changes in the sky. This is also the driving force of our human struggle. We want Let this cold world be filled with love ... "Fang Ning said with a touch of emotion on his face.

"Oh, benevolent great rich man, please give me a little more of your love, for example, let your game book baby give me all the experience." The uncle of the system heard and quickly climbed up the rod.

"Oh, this is the uncle of the system I am familiar with ... you just wandered around, I thought you also turned into a black dog." Fang Ningwen said, letting go.

As long as the uncle is still so straight, then don't worry about yourself.

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