Seized by the System

Chapter 378: Cheer up and stare seriously

Fang Ning thought for a while and said to the uncle of the system: "Since this place is a place to kill visitors from the upper realm, and it cannot be displayed on the system map, then we have to send someone to station. Come grab the head, do n’t let the sea squash to death ... "

The uncle of the system straightforwardly said: "Isn't the black dog just right? It has the Shenlong card to summon the mobile phone, and the enemy just came to summon us."

At this time, the black dog Bailit, who was lying around in the big bubble, felt nothing about it, and did not fight the cold war.

I seem to be immersed in the yearning for a better life, and its intuition has dropped a lot ...

Sure enough, the fish is worried, and the dead fish is happy. This dog is like a human. Once fallen, the vigilance will be much worse, and it is far less sensitive than before.

However, Fang Ning was soft-hearted. He knew that the black dog was solving the big issue of dog birth. If he was sent to the trench for business at this time ...

Needless to say, as long as you listen to its work unit, there will be no dogs that will follow him.

Who can live every day living in this dark sea?

No internet, no electricity, the key is that dogs do not like to eat seafood ...

Fang Ning said regretfully: "Black dogs can't do it. It's trying to solve the big issue of dogs' lives, and can't send it on business trips. It would be nice if we had multiple cat followers. Send it here in the sea and have the freshest seafood to eat every day. Definitely happy, I do n’t have to bear the burden ... "

The uncle of the system suddenly said: "If this is the case, there is another guy who is suitable. He was already on a business trip in the sea, which is by the way."

Fang Ning first wondered, subconsciously looked at the system map, and suddenly said: "Yeah, how did I forget this guy. He is also an ally now, and he also brought his own cover, which is really the most suitable.

"However, I have to say hello to Senior Ren. They should pay attention to the truth. After all, I have heard that Senior Ren has the ambition to be the ball ..."

"The rich man is right, then I have to send a message quickly, and when that guy wakes up, it might be troublesome again," the uncle of the system urged.

Fang Ning just nodded, and then said silently: "Where is there a net in the depths of the sea? It is not covered by Shenzhou Skynet, and I can't even connect to Shennian Net."

"You must not be able to connect to the Internet, but I can send a message to go out, Ka Ka Ka ..." The uncle said proudly.

"Your cow." Fang Ning said that he was convinced that the general radio could not spread to the surface of the ocean.


At the same time, the Truth Office headquarters base.

Ren Ruofeng is working intensively on his work, and there are currently two major events that require his adviser to give advice.

First, after more than a month of handling, the climb to the ladder that will begin at the beginning of October to win the contest of heaven.

The second is the return of the moon.

This major event has already been arranged by countless departments in coordination, the people's livelihood and other aspects, which is extremely cumbersome. For example, relocating important industrial and mining enterprises to some suitable plateaus and allocating reserve materials ...

Everything is inexhaustible, and the average person will be confused at first glance.

But he was able to pull the wire and peel the cocoon, and it was well organized.

From this point of view, he is quite similar to Zhuge Xianxian, and is actually better at internal affairs than intellect.

Of course as tired as others ...

If he knows that a guy can get three shots a day and can still sleep in a sea-view room, he will be angry.

He hasn't had this treatment for many days.

Soon, Officer Liu, his former confidante, pushed the door in and handed him a document.

"As a consultant, there is a strange urgent telegram here, with the signature of Venerable Dragon. But we can't confirm the true and false, please visit."

Ren Ruofeng immediately put down the work at hand, took over the documents, and read them carefully.

"I found a deep-sea trench at XX east longitude and XX north latitude. It is now confirmed to be a dense place for people from the upper realm. Please send someone nearby to support your stay. Venerable Dragon, in a mysterious trench on August 27, 2018. "

"Can you get in touch?"

"No, I can only accept it passively, I can't take the initiative to contact him." Liu Guan replied neatly. .

"In this case, let me think about it," Ren Ruofeng pondered, "The information should be true, others can't do this. By the way, isn't Xie Dong floating on the sea? Confirm his position, if the distance is close Let him support first. "

Officer Liu took a snapshot and returned to report the satellite positioning of the other party after five minutes.

Telecommunications above and below the sea surface are two concepts.

"Huh, this guy's position actually coincides with the trench where the Venerable?" Ren Ruofeng suddenly realized, and he sighed, "It seems that the two sides should meet. The Venerable knows his situation and didn't directly ask him for help, but first We need a lot of manpower to order us. "

"Alas, thanks to His Holiness, he is running around, otherwise this important and secret place, we do not know when we will find out when we will investigate, but if you drag on for a day, you may penetrate more terrible guys."

Ren Ruofeng admired it very much. How much did the other party do that he could not do?

So he immediately issued an order, and then Officer Liu pushed the door out, preparing to send a notice to Xie Dong, asking him to change from a merchant to a store.

I believe this colleague will be very happy. After all, running around every day is better than squatting in one place and being comfortable ...


At this time, the twelve claws floating on the sea are still telling new stories to the black and white dolphin brothers.

"Well, it turns out that Brother Bai Ni lo, no, Brother Bai Long, there is actually a big green dragon behind it. As soon as it appeared, the terrible old octopus was immediately unable to fight back, and it should have been swallowed in the end, I did n’t Look clearly, Qinglong is too big to block my sight. "

The twelve claws are talking excitedly, just like those passers-by who are watching the battle.

The two dolphins listened with interest, very seriously.

They tossed and turned, listening to the twelve claws for a long time, but not bored at all, asking every detail three times.

After all, this is the story of Qinglong's entry into the sea.

While listening to the story, behind the tail of the white dolphin, in the chic hut where it was dragging, there was a sudden howling.

"How is it possible? It's not that a good business trip is about to end, why would you send me to squat in the deep sea trench?"

"When will someone be sent to rotate? Three months later? Damn it, it's really good to be bullied ..."

"Just go, remember to apply for a triple allowance for me, deep sea work or something ... I estimate that prices will skyrocket in the future, remember to change it to gold."

Twelve-clawed, wondering, asked the two dolphins, "What is Teacher Xie talking about?"

The black dolphin is very clever, and he replied immediately: "He seems to be sent by someone to the trench below and live for a while."

"Oh, no wonder Teacher Xie is reluctant to go. It is not a good place to live. It is dark and without light, and there is not much to eat. Squatting for a long time to catch a little fish, it is no better than Shanghai noodles." Sympathize.

"Yeah, it's even more impossible for us to switch. You should be comfortable with twelve claws, can you squat for a lifetime if you don't use a octopus?" White Dolphin quipped.

"Well, that's right. If Teacher Xie will let me live in his house, I can squat him for ten years. But now it doesn't work. I still have no destiny. I'll come here to squat after finishing." The twelve claws spoke honestly.

Later, Xie Dong walked out of the hut dejectedly and said to the twelve claws: "Hey, Brother Octopus, please drag me to this place ..."

After he finished, he took out a chart and pointed it to a place, which happened to be not far from the sea area under their feet.

Because before the Dolphin Brothers took the Qinglong to find the trench, they also walked upstream and tried to merge with it.

Before he finished, the twelve claws said, "I just went down this seabed. The place you said should be not far away. You can help me point me in the direction, and I should be able to find it."

"Oh, that's really good news, at least don't worry about getting lost." Xie Dong said helplessly.

So the twelve claws dragged the sea hut back into the water, and thanks to this magic weapon, ordinary submersibles could not enter the deep water and had to be professional equipment.

Rao is so, it also took a lot of effort.

When it was under the guidance of Xie Dong, he dragged it into the deep sea trench with difficulty, and then he saw the green dragon still waiting.

The other party casually said: "I knew you would be so slow, so I will pick you up personally."

Honestly, the twelve claws were very frightened when he heard the words, and he repeatedly clawed and said, "Where do you dare to bother the dragon king to pick up? It is really embarrassing to delay your big event."

"Anyway, is Mr. Xie in this hut?"

"Yes, Teacher Xie is inside."

"Okay, it's really hard for you to go around. There are two nine-strength Pills with strong energy and blood, which can strengthen the soul and heal the wounds of the spirit.

Fang Ning said, he launched two small bubbles very generously.

Encased in the bubble are two extremely precious pills floating towards the twelve claws.

These two "Nine Turns Out Pills" are indeed precious and rare in the system's warehouse.

One will cost 10,000 years to build, and there are still many top-grade medicinal herbs, which are not sold outside. Only a small amount of output is available for Fang Ning's cultivation.

Uncles who didn't settle accounts for the previous consumption of experience, now Fang Ning orders the experience by himself.

The river **** who was sitting in the middle of the big bubble, his eyes lit up.

He murmured to himself now, and could not put in a channel: "These two pills are extraordinary. The other party only helps with such a small matter, and the shot is so generous? In the end, it is True Dragon Supreme, which is different from Fanlong.

"Long Wulong and Dalong San ... Those guys often take a bath in Tianhe, and never give me a minute and a half. Compared with this Qinglong, these stingy guys are simply not a dragon.

"No, next time the True Dragon tribe will choose the patriarch again. If you still invite me to be a VIP, I have to vote for this one ..."

The big worm next to him saw it, and his saliva had flowed for three feet, wet the black dog under his head and his hair, the latter could only pretend to be casual.

"Daqinglong, I want to eat too ... or I will give you these babies for you." Daqingworm said, holding the tiny worm legs, the three jade rings just recovered.

Seeing the scene in front of her eyes, the twelve paws were immediately moved.

It's an honest person, who basically believes what others say, especially these two are not ordinary people at first sight, they should not need to deceive themselves.

Such a precious pill, the other party even rewarded him without thinking.

This Lord Dragon King is so kind to people and really worth following ...

To know that it is not a modern man, there is no independent character like human beings, and following the strong is a demon instinct.

In fact, this is also human instinct, but it is covered with a lot of warmth veil, after unveiling, everyone is still the same thing.

"This guy is green, but unfortunately the upper limit of the follower is premature, or another one will come out." The uncle of the system suddenly prompted.

"Well, I know, it's not green, it's strange, this guy is a honest fish. It's a good point for it, it can give back 10 points, not to mention that these two pills are already very precious." Fang Ning said of course .

"Yes, anyway, the baby will still honor you ... Damn it, eat me, use me, good things are not honored to me." The uncle of the system was very dissatisfied when he thought of this.

"Oh, this is called kindness and kindness." Fang Ning said proudly.

Then Fang Ning took control of Qinglong again and came to the sea hut. He extended his claw and passed a mobile phone through the protective layer.

"Mr. Xie, there is a mobile phone called Shenlong. There is probably information on your side. If there is a danger, press this button and this seat will come to rescue at any time. You do n’t have to worry about anything here ~ www.mtlnovel. com ~ Use this phone to summon this seat if you have any questions. "

Xie Dong was in the hut and received this simple and slightly heavy mobile phone, which was equally touched.

"Thank you, Your Holiness, for going down the road and refusing to say anything."

Well, he has followed Ren Ruofeng for a long time, and he also learned a little style of dialogue with Xia Kejia.

"Oh, talk, talk, you're looking at it here. By the way, in order to avoid you being too bored, these books are all for you. Some subordinates have read it, and there is nothing precious."

With that said, Qinglong sent a lot of online novels into it.

Xie Dong had some grievances and dissatisfaction before.

Originally, this was my normal work, and this true dragon, Venerable Dragon, Oriental Lighthouse, such a noble identity, was so thoughtful for himself, regardless of the safety of life or spiritual food, it was properly taken care of, which can also Say something?

Cheer up and stare seriously, and don't let go of an upper bound visitor.

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