Seized by the System

Chapter 384: The Righteous Banquet

Nie Yuan stood above the waves of the ocean, looking up at the Heavenly Gate at three kilometers above the sky.

At this moment, he was shaking all over, where is there a bit of majesty in the underground giant rat king city?

At this time, the instinct of the rodent to the danger made him clearly feel a line of sight falling from the sky, which was firmly nailed to himself.

He knew this dangerous instinct, and the King Rat King was the most keen, and even evolved into an exclusive talent.

Where there is a place of life and death, the opportunity of life and death appears, they can be sensed in advance, so as to avoid in time.

And he, a local lowly species, does not have a strong intuitive sense of danger.

However, this is not a dangerous instinct that reminds him clearly.

One more step is death!

After another point, it is also dead!

This is enough to show how great the danger he is facing and how irresistible it is!

In just one minute, his thoughts boiled as if he had spent thousands of years.

Shouldn't come ...

He was very regretful.

When I disdain those who fall into human traps because of greed, I never think that one day, I will repeat the same mistakes!

Rats are naturally greedy, just like lazy people.

He turned and wanted to escape, what road to the ladder, what king of giant rats, what ambitions, he was thrown out of Jiu Xiaoyun at this time.

At this time, he just wanted to retract the safe underground giant rat king city, re-cover under the old man, and live a life under a rat, over a million rats.

However, a dragon-shaped sword qi, has been thrown into the sky!

Why not say yes, "Evil Daoists can also climb the ladder"?

Has my confidant been countered by the master?

Gave me wrong information?

Countless thoughts rose and disappeared, but his body could not move.

Because of the dragon-shaped sword gas, there was also a mighty dragon power, which directly shocked him to be difficult to move.

I'm dead!

At this moment, a sound of nature sounded.

"Are you willing to convert?"

A thick black qi suddenly appeared, shielding the sword qi longwei above him.

"I would like to convert." Nie Yuan didn't even see the coming person's image, and replied instinctively.

"Oh, what a wise man, come with Ben Sheng."

Then he felt his figure sway, appearing directly above the waves and appearing at high altitude, with the orientation exactly at the southwest corner of Tianmen.

Only then did he see who rescued himself, a man in a suit, surrounded by several people, and the other person was staring at himself scorchingly.

He quickly thanked the Lord and said, "Thank you to the Demon Lord for his help."

As a new army division of the giant rat family, he certainly knows the identity of the other party.

This is the very active demon of the upper realm who has been very active recently, as strong as a knightly knight, who has to repeatedly deflate and almost frustrate the way of the sky.

However, in the information purchased from the Human Hummingbird organization, I heard that this demon has recently been caught by Vulnerable Knight A and has just suffered a heavy blow. When I saw Victory Knight, I would detour.

But now it seems that the information is not true, and the other party is not afraid of Xia Kejia.

Nie Yuan is really glad that I will never die.

At this time, Zhi Nan said with a smile: "No need to be ceremonious, you will be one of the nine demons in this saint's hands in the future, and there is boundless future in the future. It is expected to become the nine demons, you have to do it yourself."

"Yes, yes, I would like to thank the Demon Lord for your attention." Nie Yuan nodded again and again, and then stood behind everyone very pretentiously.

Zhi Zhi nodded, and then directed at the Tianmen, showing a strange smile.

Nie Yuan looked down the other party's line of sight, and found that it was the faceless knight armour. When it was cold, then there was a trace of pride on his face.

Chivalry A, Oriental Lighthouse, and the Dragon Sword?

I have done a lot of evil, and there is a big event being secretly planned, and once launched, it will be turned upside down.

But at this time, aren't you standing here right?

What if the old man becomes a god?

After becoming a god, it is only a **** of a family, not a great **** between heaven and earth. How can it be compared with the devil of the upper realm?

As long as next year, heaven will further relax the restrictions, and the demon master will be fully open, that is when he is in trouble!

With this demon master as a backer, the position of the king of giant rats can really compete.

Hum, when the time comes, Cang Gongzi, Bai Shixin, the old man, and the woman facing Qin Muchu will all die! !

The family of giant rats can only listen to me!

My bloodline will be the new giant rat royal family!


"Damn it, this mentally difficult bald donkey, it's so good that the scars have forgotten to hurt, and even robbed me of my head ... The rich, you have to find a way to get him back again." The uncle of the system was outraged.

"Be restless, be restless. He is a fake monk. There are many real monks here. Don't bite a bald donkey. If you accidentally speak it out, it will be difficult for me to end.

Fang Ning had a headache at this time, so many demon moths came out of the ladder road ...

How can this be done by pretending to be a big cause and failing in the middle?

Passing it out, isn't it too shameful of yourself?

But one thing made him wonder, why was it difficult for Zhi Ji just to expose his true identity in front of everyone, instead of referring to "Xia Ke Jia"?

To be honest, he was a bit worried about this issue, but he was not afraid of anything, but it would definitely affect his great cause.

Unable to understand the problem for a while, Fang Ning habitually decided to drag it on and then talk about it, first to resolve important issues.

Now that this guy is there, he has to do everything he has to do, so he has to find a way to cure him.

Fang Ning said to his uncle, "I understand, since it is God's will to let the Devil Race in. When they come out, Heavenly Path will not control their life and death. At that time, we will use the available manpower to wipe them all out."

"Eh, tycoon, why are you so bad ..." Uncle System said excitedly.

"Oh, my name is multi-help, and Ren Ruofeng allows so many people to divide the four directions. This ca n’t be a waste of manpower. In the past, the Bodhisattva taught a" Bodhi Blossoming Array ". You hurry up and upgrade, and then secretly teach those people how to stand. The position is arranged in the name of guarding against evil and disorder. "

Fang Ning had just turned into a conspirator at this time, and was planning a great feast.

"Big rich, you're right, I'll get it right."

In a few moments, Ren Ruofeng, who is presiding over his work, suddenly moved his face.

Will there be any pressure to kill these demons coming to the ladder afterwards?

Don't worry about this, as long as the teacher is famous, some people support themselves.

Are you afraid that no one will come?

Not afraid, the fewer people come, the better.

In the past, good people were stolen, and now it is time for a good feast, and it is the turn of these wicked people to taste.

Ren Ruofeng thought about everything in an instant and arranged it immediately.

If Nie Yuan, who was beside him, knew that Ren Ruofeng and Xia Kejia were thinking at this time, he would understand that the gold standard that his former master, Bai Shixin said, was not aimlessly deceive others.

It is really a profound insight into the behavior pattern and mentality of Chivalrous Armor ~ ~ to learn the blood and tears lesson, those who have not received such a lesson will not understand.

But Zhi Nan himself seems to be unaware of these movements, but silently observes the movement of Tianmen.

The Tianmen is very large, solemn and magnificent.

Within the Heavenly Gate, the nine jade steps revealed mystery, and no one knew how to get on it.

Does it depend on one's strength or one's mind?

no one knows.

Presumably the first person to eat a crab comes out, it is possible to say it.

From this point of view, there is nothing bad about being in the fifth group ...

This is also the root cause of any entanglement.

There is no advantage in queuing in front of Tianmen, but it has more disadvantages.

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