Seized by the System

Chapter 385: 1st climber

Time flies, the years are like a shuttle.

In the blink of an eye, the past three days.

There are more and more people, demon, ghosts, demons, and other large and small groups gathered outside the Tianmen.

Fang Ning opened his eyes.

All kinds of strange monsters, weird ghosts that make people shudder, a mysterious existence that is difficult to explain in common sense ...

Lin Lin, all appeared in broad daylight, in the clear blue sky.

In the past, he really didn't know that the uncle was so diligent that there were so many terrible monsters hidden in the darkness.

Now he regrets seeing these guys, I am afraid that even if he shrinks into the system space in the future, it will be difficult to get a good night's sleep.

The uncle of the system is excited and inexplicable, Fang Ning can only sigh, it really is a lot of joy in the brain-disabled system.

Of course, Fang Ning also understands the uncle, all kinds of evil demons, monsters and ghosts, are shocked by the light and reputation of the Oriental Lighthouse.

This time, there was apocalypse, so they had to come.

The wise difficult demon appeared outside the Tianmen with a big swing, but Xia Kejia didn't do it.

This gives them an illusion that the knightly knight who pursues the way of heaven punishment will never dare to violate the will of heaven.

However, they did not know that they were just delivering food to their door.

They are playing with Dao Dao's idea, and want to get more benefits, the system uncle is also playing their ideas.

As the saying goes, the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the carduelis are behind.

At this time, Ren Ruofeng looked down at the registration form, and then said: "Everyone is a hero, and the famous people on the list are already available. Today, they officially started to climb the ladder. Ten people from each family, please choose your own people, and then Enter yourself according to the ranking order. "

As soon as his voice fell, he gathered outside the Tianmen gate to all ethnic groups, and he immediately got rid of the wait-and-see state.

There was a lot of noise and even fighting scenes appeared from time to time.

But Ren Ruofeng ignored it all. He just started to deal with the internal affairs of the human race. The hands of Shenzhou could not be stretched so long, and the steps were too easy to pull off.

Within the human race, the five major human race forces, Shenzhou, Raksha, Tianzhu, Rice, and Europa, gathered in an open place at this time, and were arguing fiercely.

As for other small and scattered nations, it is difficult to protect themselves, but also hope that the big countries will protect them. They have no say at all, and can only act as passers-by audiences and cheer.

"Huh, there are ten places in the human race, you will have eight out of the Divine Land, and even one out of the Allied States? It's almost nobody's eyes !!!"

The representative of Rice, a middle-aged white man, blamed justice and outrage.

Ren Ruofeng was not annoyed when faced with reprimands, but rather said: "Oh, this Mr. Smith, our Shenzhou is just following the international practice, we should not be so excited."

"What international convention? I've never heard of it !!" The middle-aged white man named Smith was more angry, and he thought the other party was completely humiliating him.

"You should know the football World Cup?"

"It must be known that I am still a Liverpool fan, so what?" Smith said, suddenly feeling a little bad.

"Then do you know how many World Cup places in Europe, and how many in Asia?"

"Of course I fully know, but that's not ..." The representative of Smith said here, suddenly speechless.

Yeah, what's the difference?

Don't all follow a mechanism?

Areas with many strong teams certainly have more places.

Otherwise, fans who are evenly distributed and who really pay to support the operation of the World Cup will never be satisfied.

Now, Tiandao is the one who pays the money, and it is certainly not happy to see the **** to count up.

Seeing that Smith was speechless, Ren Ruofeng did not take the blow again.

At this time, a representative of Tian Zhuguo, a white man in a white shirt came into battle.

"Your theory is correct, there are more places in the area where the strong are born. But we have a country in Tianzhu, there are many strong, and the pond-level strong are now common, at least, at least, we want 3 places, this is our The bottom line! "

The white Tianzhu man said decisively.

As soon as his voice fell, the other representatives looked complicated.

One country in Tianzhu wants three, and at least four in China, so there are only three left for them, which happens to be one force on average.

This distribution plan really reflects everyone's future potential and current strength.

It seems that after the new era, Tianzhu has also expanded so much that they no longer take the big brothers of the West who once complimented them all in their eyes.

Of course, in contrast, China is even more expansive, at this time it seems that the chief is splitting the cake.

Move the biggest cake home first, and then give only a small piece to others.

This is totally unlike the humble and low-key style before.

In the past, it was not all forcing the Shenzhou people to make concessions and finally calming down.

Now they are uncharacteristically, who gave them the courage?

Everyone immediately turned their eyes to the man standing at the Tianmen, and the other party swept blankly in front of him.

Obviously, who is going to make trouble, is talking to him.

Damn it, wait. Let ’s let go of the power of Heaven next year. See how you can rely on strong fighting power to deal with countless powerful people? !

Ren Ruofeng smiled and said: "Hehe, I am afraid you think we are in a strong man's trouble, is monopolizing the cake? Then you are misunderstood.

"The road of the ladder is related to the distribution of resources of all ethnic groups on the list. The people we selected are all carefully selected. Both the ambition and strength are the best of the human race, and it took countless efforts. Send them out, this It is to fight for the benefit of all mankind and to contribute to the human race.

"You know, it's the first time since the sky lifted. What dangers are there? It's not yet known ..."

When Ren Ruofeng said this, everyone could not help being dumbfounded.

"If you think I'm talking about something wrong, then we can make a quota first, and ask you to choose one person. As the first person to climb the ladder, the human race has the strongest power on the list, and should be the first to climb the ladder.

This is exactly the strategy that has been discussed for a long time, both hard and soft, and they cannot help but fail to follow suit.

Don't you think there are fewer places?

Then let me give you a quota, and when you know how great it is, you will retract it, and then you will definitely push the Divine State to the front to rub the resources.

In the end, they still only spend one quota ...

What is the danger inside the Tianmen, Ren Ruofeng has an intuition, can vaguely calculate one or two out, he always feels that this thing seems very familiar.

Forget it, you can't think things are familiar, just say it's your own, others already have a master.

At this time, the four major forces of other human races began internal violent quarrels and snatched the flesh and bones thrown out of China.

They are the smartest people and can accept reality the fastest.

At this point, it has to be said that Westerners will not ignore the gap in real power for reasons of face. It is still very reasonable.

For the strong, they will decisively admit, and then re-plan the way the two sides get along.

Tianzhu: "The first to enter Tianmen, of course, should be our Tianzhu people."

"Why?" The other three forces represent dissatisfaction.

"According to the Chinese script, we bring a word of heaven, of course we must be the first to enter." Tianzhu representative said for granted.

"Oh, according to the Chinese script, there is still a rice in our rice country, and people take rice as the sky, so we want to be the first to enter." The representative of the rice country disdain.

The Europa representative, in the end there is a place where there is a long tradition of nobility, ca n’t help but say: "Gentlemen, please do n’t joke. We are discussing the most serious topic, which is about the destiny of mankind. The strong enter. "

"In this case," said Raksha, a big man with a height of nearly 2 meters, said, "Naturally it should be the totem that sent us, Xiongling Mishan as the first."

"Uh?" The people looked at each other, unable to speak for a while.

In terms of strength, the other party seems to be recognized as an inland sea level by Dongfang Lighthouse, exceeding the current limit of heaven.

"But it's not human ..."

"Hum, it's the condensed mind of our people, it is the purest human race product, this is the best human race representative!"

"Let's ask the Chinese side ..." The other three forces agreed in unison.

Obviously, quarrels belong to quarrels, and interest disputes belong to interest disputes. On the selection criteria of representatives of this human race, they have already assumed that China has the most say.

After Ren Ruofeng heard it, he smiled slightly: "Of course, even if it doesn't work, it won't waste the quota, at most it won't go in."

He naturally asked Fang Ning about these problems early.

These people guessed right, and the Shenzhou people have the most say in this regard.

The Luosha man was overjoyed and overjoyed. He seemed to see his ever-declining kingdom and hope for a new rise.

As long as Xiongling Mishan successfully ascends to the sky, in the future, there will be an outbreak of vitality, high-quality newborns, and natural talents.

It can be said that if you walk in front of others for the first time, it will become more and more powerful as a snowball.

This is different from the past era of technology. In the era of technology, the advantages of latecomers cannot be underestimated.

Each time the technological revolution occurs, it represents the beginning of a new hegemony.

It is easy for latecomers to put on the battlefield lightly and adopt the latest technology directly, without facing the heavy burdens of the past, and the development speed is extremely fast.

However, the era of vitality is very different. Powerful forces can occupy more resources, and occupy more resources, which can better enhance the strength and increase the number of strong people. The latter can only be pressed under their feet for a lifetime.

Unless there is any God-given opportunity.

Thinking of this, the representative of Raksha immediately dialed a satellite phone and asked Xiong Ling for support.

Shaoqing ~ ~ He shouted with red ears: "What, I haven't heard that bears will hibernate in summer! This is a rare opportunity, you know how much effort I have spent to get rid of the three evils Was this opportunity seized in the dog's mouth ?! "

"Yes, I beg you again and again, I must wake it up, it is not time to sleep!"

"Uh, um, I will try my best to get time, please be sure to come as soon as possible."

Hearing this, the other representatives all smiled with bad intentions.

The Tianzhu people ridiculed and said: "Your Rakshas bear, don't sleep for a month after you enter the ladder? You can't afford the disappointment of all humanity."

In front of the interests of Heaven, no matter how much friendship has been in the past, we must put aside.

On behalf of this, Raksha found that he was too excited and leaked secrets.

He didn't say a word, just stared at Tianzhu's representative fiercely, then walked aside and stayed alone.

He can only hope that Xiongling Mishan will show his might this time.

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