Seized by the System

Chapter 390: Level 3

"The first step, someone went up?"

Outside the Tianmen, the news spread quickly, and the wind of the sky was cold, and it could not stop the heart of a hot gossip ...

"Who is it? Such cowhide?"

"Who else, Dongfang Lighthouse! Go and see ..."

"Go together, go together."

East and west, north and south, in all directions, all kinds of creatures, gathered together towards the Tianmen.

For a time, there was a lot of people clamoring, refusing to give in to each other and scrambling to watch.

Tianmen ’s advantage in opening up at high altitudes suddenly showed up, and no matter how many people were watching, there was no need to worry about trampling accidents, only a lot of bad luck.

"Bumping" and "Bumping" above the sea surface are like dumplings. Many guys come down, which shows the fierce scene.

Fortunately, the squeezed guy is at least a bucket-level master, otherwise they will hit the sea from a height of 3,000 meters, and it will be no different from hitting the concrete floor.

Everyone who could still stand in position looked very far away. I saw that within the Heavenly Gate, dozens of heroic figures were trapped under the first jade-made stairs. The laughing stock in the future.

Only the chivalrous man stood with his head high and his mind refreshed, and looked at the steps as if there was nothing, just like a walk in the court, raising his feet up.

Clouds and mist, the ladder winding, straight up to Jiuxiao, ascending the Tianmen, everything will be different.

"The first step went up, how about the second one?"

Everyone was so upset that they watched Chivalrous Armor walk through the first step.

Then he went straight to the second step.

The second step, for him, was still on the same level, ascending effortlessly.

"It really is the Oriental Lighthouse!"

Everyone exclaimed that when others were still trapped under the first step, he had already walked the second step? !

However, this did not end, and then they watched the other person walk down the third step.

Only then, the color of the third step suddenly changed.

Originally seen from outside the Tianmen, the nine steps inside were all made of jade and white.

The height is moderate, only reaching the knees of ordinary people, but it is very wide, just like an ordinary climbing stone ladder, which can accommodate dozens of people climbing at the same time.

Now, the third step changes from the color of white jade to the color of bronze.

From a distance, these nine steps are not many, and can be easily completed in less than a minute.

However, these seemingly easy steps have trapped dozens of heroes just before the first step.

And now, Knight Knight A can climb the second step straight and is sprinting towards the third!

This fully reflects the gap between the two sides!

It's just that the third step suddenly has a color change. It seems that Tiandao has realized that there is a BUG climber and is changing the difficulty.

At this moment, the great hero stopped before the third step.

That's right, everyone saw it, and they were relieved at the same time.

If the opponent can climb nine at a time, they must wonder if this is the referee's personal end!

This door was originally opened by the other party. If the ladder would let him climb to the top anymore, this is simply a child of heaven and it is too unfair to others.

Only this hero, can he rush higher?

Fang Ning was also very puzzled and wondered: "Uncle, why are you stopping, don't you know why you're dying, then declining, and exhausting?"

"Drum your head, this third step is not easy to get on ..." The uncle of the system hesitated, "Are you still a rich man?"

"What?" Fang Ning doubted his ears and asked quickly: "The first step in front, the illusion that appears has no effect on you. The second step is to test the strength, as long as it is above the lake level It can be passed, and it has no effect on your uncle. Is there anything wrong with this third step? "

The uncle of the system hesitated and said: "I don't see anything strange, but I have an intuition, I can't go directly, or you come, the rich."

System prompt: (The system has suspended the hosting state.)

Fang Ning is very speechless, and can only take over the body of the knight.

He observes carefully, there is a blue step under his feet, what is difficult to get through?

But the uncle of the system was so cautious, he did not dare to act rashly.

This stagnation, a few moments, came from the ears of discussion.

"What's going on, Dongfang Lighthouse hasn't become?"

"Well, it doesn't seem to work. But it's good to be able to take two steps at once, and none of the other guys can get through it."

"Oh, look at what you said, isn't this comparing the Dongfang Lighthouse with those vulgar and vulgar powders? How can they have to pass seven to be worthy of such a big name."

"Yeah, he's still a real dragon. He has only crossed two ladder steps. I'm so sorry for the distinguished identity of the real dragon."

"Yes, if the other big men in the upper realm can enter this gate, I am afraid they can easily reach the top. It does not need to waste such time."

A group of criticism sounds into Fang Ning's ears, making him quite agitated.

Fortunately, he succeeded in his cultivation, and he was able to calm down, and replaced it with a year ago, he was already angry.

Now that he is accustomed to it, there are a lot of popular issues. Now that the integration of China is up and down, no one will be ridiculed.

But beyond the Divine Land, outside of the human race, there are more jealous people and jealous demon.

Fang Ningping calmed down, then lifted his legs decisively.

I saw him stepping on the third step, and suddenly there was a thunder in the Tianmen.

Then a strange beast appeared.

I saw a green frog with a large slap appeared on the third step. It screamed at Fang Ning who was stepping on one foot.

"What is it saying? Uncle, can you translate ..." Fang Ning was confused.

"Wait, I'll find it," the uncle of the system immediately started searching. "Yes, I caught a frog monster who had robbed the female in the West in the past, and I was locked in Longwei God Prison. Translate for you. "

Fang Ning breathed a sigh of relief, and soon the call of this green-skinned frog was automatically translated into Chinese.

The green-skinned frog said: "If you want to cross this step, you have to do one thing first."

Fang Ning was very big at first, but this range was too wide.

He still quietly carried out the chanting of the mind: "What is it?"

Of course, Fang Ning's words ~ ~ are also automatically converted into frog words, so he only wants to read the sound, can't he yell at it?

The green-skinned frog suddenly said in surprise: "You are so powerful that you still understand the language of our frog, then I will let you do a simple thing."

"You say, I'm ready." Fang Ning said.

Well, he has prepared the spirits of Longwei God Prison to be highly concentrated.

He now fully knows the difficulty of this ladder. Do n’t look at the uncle ’s weightlifting, it is because of the reason for restraint.

Not to mention anything else, just talking about the first two steps, Tiandao magnified its difficulty to only the top-ranked Junjie to break through.

One is a mysterious illusion, which requires the most perfect mind.

One is the lake-level strength, which requires top-level strength.

What does this third need?

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