Seized by the System

Chapter 391: The best reward

"Give me back the pi like a stream." The green-skin frog cried.

"Uh," Fang Ning froze for a moment, and immediately responded, "No one can do this."

"Why?" The green-skinned frog was suspicious, and then despised, "You won't be able to do it by yourself, just say that?"

"No, it's because the pi is an infinite and non-circulating number. No one can memorize it, let alone go back and forth ..." Fang Ning explained.

The green-skinned frog froze for a while, and then refused to say: "You say infinity is infinity, you have to prove it to me. This question was given by that guy."

Fang Ning hurriedly ordered the guys in God Prison to find out the calculation formula for him. After all, apart from remembering that the ratio of pi is between 3.1415926 and 3.1415927, all other relevant knowledge was forgotten. He only remembered that the textbook did not give specific The derivation process.

Soon, Fang Ning took out a stack of white paper from the system space and began to write derivation formulas on it, not too long, but unless professionals, most people want to get it out in just ten minutes , Is impossible.

So outside the gate, under the eyes of all eyes, we saw the knightly armor in front of a frog, starting a math problem, and the math symbols fell one by one on the white paper.

"My God, it turns out that what Heavenly Dao wants to investigate is so wide ..."

"Yeah, some people think they can stop going to school or study after practicing. Now they should understand that as long as there is a short board, some opportunities will pass in the future."

Seeing this scene, many satires suddenly disappeared, replaced by various reflections.

"I didn't expect that the real dragon who walks 24 hours a day, actually has the time to learn math, which is really admirable."

"However, it should be very difficult to solve the math problem that Heaven wants to solve? Can he solve it?"

After more than ten minutes, Fang Ning finally copied the answer and handed it to the frog.

"Damn, that guy gave me a wrong question." The green-skinned frog jumped a few times, and then said: "Okay, look at the sixth level of your frog language, even if you pass this time, You can keep going. "

Fang Ning heard the words, quickly sorted out the meter, and then steadily moved forward, easily climbed to the third step, and came to the fourth step.


Outside the gate of heaven, everyone was shocked by this. How could the knights walk through the third step so lightly?

This surprised them too much. They thought that the third step of the mutation would either bring a turbulent wave, or it was thrilling. How could it not be expected that Xia Kejia can get rid of it by only solving a math problem? !

"Could it be that the math problem is actually an eternal problem?" Someone wondered.

"It's not an eternal problem at all. On the contrary, it's a mathematical problem that had a solution thousands of years ago. Calculate the pi." A monster with a good look explained.

"Oh, pi, what is the meaning of Tiandao's investigation?"

"Unclear, maybe just a problem?"

At this time, there was a man in a robe among the crowd watching the ceremony, looking down at the clouds under his feet, but thoughtfully.

Heaven's inspection of this must be meaningful.

It's just that His Holiness is so easy to pass, but it's not right.

Fang Ning did not lift his leg immediately before reaching the fourth step.

He asked the uncle of the system, "Can you do it? Do you have any new instincts?"

The uncle of the system hesitated and said: "I don't feel anything special, it seems like a normal step, but is there any problem?"

Fang Ning looked around and found that the green-skinned frog was still under his feet.

As soon as he was alive, he immediately heard the sound, and of course he was still crying ...

"Brother Frog, how dare you ask the rest of the steps?"

"How to go? You just walk up, the test is over. After the three steps, the mind, strength, knowledge, the rest is to give a reward for each step." The green frog yelled "Ah!" .

System prompt: (The system hosts the host body.)

After Fang Ning retracted the system space, he could only say "hehe" to this prompt ...

Outside the Tianmen, the people who knew nothing about it, only saw that the knight had stopped, and some creatures began to speak again.

"Oh, it seems that in the fourth hurdle, the Warrior A is going to be stumped again."

"Yeah, this time, he must not be so easy to pass."

In the southeast of Tianmen, the devil is difficult to understand and his eyebrows are deeply locked. Of course, the problem of the third level just now, the process of the calculation of the knight, he certainly sees it clearly.

"Master, do you think Master Qinglong's fourth hurdle is sad?" Yamanashi Sahi asked worriedly.

Zhi Nan shook his head slightly: "There is no fourth hurdle. Of the nine steps, only the first three are the hurdles, and the rest are rewards."

"How do you know?" Yamanashi Sahi was surprised and happy.

Wisdom is difficult to laugh without speaking.

The middle-aged man in black robe proudly said: "Buddha is vast in wisdom and knows all languages ​​in the world. The frog said that the Buddha is already clear."

"Hey, so, Uncle Black Robe, can you understand the frog cry?" Yamanashi surprised.

"Uh ... I was transformed by the Buddha's black robe. I have been with the Buddha for countless years. I also have this memory. I can understand the frog's words." Black robe heard it, slightly embarrassed.

Sure enough, Knight V walked up to the fourth step.

Then a golden light flew out of the sky gate and fell on the knight armor.

Xia Kejia opened his right hand, and saw a red fruit with a big slap, and the purple air rose above it, which was extraordinary.

Then everyone saw him smile slightly, and then quickly walked up to the fifth step.

Then another golden light flew from the sky gate and fell in front of the knightly armor.

This time it was a terrible monster, and the form was terrifying, so daunting.

Everyone saw the knight's eyes light up, covered with white air, and pressed against the fierce monster.

Facing the sky with white air, the monster turned out to have no power to resist, and was swept by the white air at the moment, suddenly disappearing into nothingness.

Sixth, a piece of ore.

The seventh, a sapling.

Eighth, a glass of water.

The ninth, ... no more.

The uncle of the system wondered: "No, the reward given by Heavenly Dad should be getting better and better. Why doesn't this ninth exist?"

Fang Ning was also wondering, thinking around. Suddenly he saw the green-skin frog who was still jumping with himself, and suddenly said: "I know what the ninth is?"

"What is it?" Uncle System wondered.

"This is the frog." Fang Ning affirmed.

"Uh, did it come from a princess? You rich, you will change back to go home with you after a kiss? That's okay, don't forget that you can get married after level one hundred, and you're already engaged." System The uncle immediately warned.

"You just talk to me ~ ~ How is this possible?" Fang Ning said very silently.

Then Knight A lowered his head and asked the frog, "Brother Frog, what is the reward for this ninth step?"

The green-skinned frog rightfully said: "Of course, I recognize you as the master, and this is the biggest reward. You are the first person to pass the nine steps, I am the Tianbei Qiling, before you have a mysterious guy, beat me For a long time, I can only succumb to it temporarily. Now that you have passed the test, I sincerely trust you. I will teach you all the secrets of the stele in the future. "

"Uh, that's what it is." The uncle of the system was very depressed.

It said to the other party rather than saying: "The co-author of the ninth order really has no reward. This frog was originally a celestial stele. I just beat it a few times. I don't need it sincerely."

Fang Ning was very speechless: "Forget it, I said that the stele always felt useless before this day. It turned out that it didn't tell us a lot of things. Sure enough, it was a twisted melon that was not sweet. Now I am totally committed to it, I think it will be very powerful in the future. "

The uncle of the system heard this and was slightly satisfied: "That will do, it depends on its performance in the future. If the performance is not good, I will beat it a few more times."

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