Seized by the System

Chapter 392: 1 stone 2 birds

After Fang Ning and the green-skinned frog had finished speaking, they saw each other turning into a golden light, and returned to the Tianmen.

The uncle of the system hurriedly said: "The last reward flew ..."

Fang Ning said nothing: "One month's road to the ladder, now only three days have passed, and the frog brothers have to preside the following clearance, and certainly cannot directly go home with us."

"Oh, so, then I know." The uncle of the system was satisfied.

Later, outside Tianmen, everyone saw a new text prompt appearing above Tianmen.

"Human race, enter three, seven remaining, and ladder progress 9."

Okay, someone finally broke the awkwardness that has always been 0 progress.

But who will be the next big family whose progress is above 0?

Everyone immediately turned their attention to the two large groups of monsters and ghosts, but turned a blind eye to the demons with only two or three big cats and kittens.

Even if someone occasionally casts some gaze, it is full of disdain.

In the southwest of Tianmen, where the demons gather.

The white female Claudia was keenly aware of these despising eyes and couldn't help but carefully advised: "Master Lord, our bloodstone demon is above the earth, and there are many people remaining, are you letting them come to work?

It is said to be effective, but everyone present understands that it is to find someone to support the scene. The other three groups have thousands of people and immense momentum.

In contrast, the fifth-ranked Demon Race on the list, but only these few people, no wonder they will be looked down upon. The initiator of all this is the guy who has just stepped out of Tianmen.

There are many devil heads who died in his hands.

The Seven Devil Lords, Insect Demon, Eight Snake Demon, etc. are not the famous big devil heads. If they live to this day, only the last one will come, and no one will dare to underestimate the Demon Race.

Of course she didn't know that the two demons and ghosts had already been remembered by a certain guy, and this first time they could gather such a magnificent momentum ... In the future, they will also have two or three big cats and kittens.

"Oh, there aren't many demons, you can be elite, you can turn hundreds of millions."

Claudia didn't say anything, but just quietly watched those people discussing the countermeasures. The three major gates of the ladder were already spoken by the green-skinned frog. Among the other demons, there must be some who knew frogs.

After a long time, Zhi Nan suddenly looked in the direction of the Eastern Rice Kingdom. He smiled slightly on his face: "Oh, they found the person I want, you just stand here and don't move, and I will come when I go."

The middle-aged man in black robe said: "Master, can you ask me to follow me?"

"No, you can just optimistic about this place." Zhi Nan finished, his figure disappeared from the sky.

Black robe is now vigilant, paying attention to the surrounding movements, especially the knightly armor who is coming out of the Tianmen.

This guy is the enemy of his life. If he is not careful, he can easily be wiped out by the opponent.

When he explained the problem of frog speech with the new apprentice of the master just now, he instinctively lied in order to face the birth problem, that is, he was just a new robe and did not accompany the devil for long.

The old robe that really accompanied the devil for countless years was destroyed by this knightly armor.

If he was transformed by that old robe, he was confident that he would be able to share the same with the other party now.

He can understand the frog language, relying on the land of happy land, there is no devil in it?

It was just when he went that he ran a lot. There is a broken book chasing various demon heads every day, many guys can't live anymore, and have fled to avoid the wind.

Black robe thought, while staring nervously at the target.

Soon he was relieved, the guy who made him like an enemy, said a few words with a human, and left with a flying sword.

Really LOW, with such a big reputation, there is no such thing as a space shifting technique ... where can it be compared with the master.

I do n’t know what I ’m doing, maybe I feel that the task is completed, and it ’s meaningless to stay here?

This is good, at least he can relax, the other opponents, his black robe is not in the eyes.


Tianmen is still open, the ladder is still climbing, but the person who opened the door has already ran across the ocean.

Because of the improper response to the moon crisis, the Americas are becoming more and more chaotic, and various crimes are frequently reported on the system map.

And in a forest zone, there is an oak hut.

Old man Abraham, the great druid wizard, is receiving some special visitors here.

Among them were middle-aged white men, Director Hook in casual clothes, Jim the black prophet, and a somewhat ignorant and determined young white man.

Director Hu Ke righteously said: "Master, for the rise of rice, we decided to start a plan for a mechanical police ..."

A tall, thin, white man with a long beard and a long beard touched his beard and wondered: "I've seen this science fiction movie. Do you want to use a group of robots to maintain order?"

"Yes, robots can block the invasion and control of most spells, and we can use this as a basis to gradually clean up the pests that penetrate the rice system. The most important thing is that the master may not know one thing ... "

"What's the matter?" Abraham Wizard asked.

"The world-famous Oriental Lighthouse is actually a dragon robot!"

Director Hook broke a shocking news.

"His!" The calm wizard said suddenly, his face changed suddenly.

"How is this possible?" He mumbled to himself, "but he is a strong man, how can he get a relationship with modern technology?"

Director Hu Ke explained at the moment: "We only found this after careful analysis of his fighting videos ..."


After a while, the wizard of Abraham barely accepted this view.

He suddenly realized: "So you are imitating the previous example, and you want to replicate the success of the Upper Realm Dragon Clan, but do you have their skills? But they are the upper realm, they can combine human technology and cultivation power, but we do not Inside. "

"Oh, of course not before. Although we have had similar ideas for a long time, we have been unable to integrate the very different knowledge of technology and cultivation. But now it is different. There is a great saint willing to help. And we have found a The man with great talents and determination, and his physique is also suitable for transformation, is this young man, Arthur Davich. "

Hook said that the young white man suddenly stood up and looked proud.

"Then why did you come to me?" The wizard of Abraham had already realized.

"Oh, the master should have guessed that the fusion of machinery and life is very complicated. Only the big wizard like you who is proficient in life and nature can guarantee the perfection of this work."

"This is a blasphemy against natural life," the great wizard shook his head. "It is very inconsistent with my cultivation, and I can't help it."

Director Hook didn't excuse the news, but motioned the black Jim to step forward.

Jim took out the crystal ball quietly, showing a picture about the future of rice.

There is chaos, there is fighting, there are demon dances, there is the weakness of the formal institutions, there are countless people of insight who are distressed ...

After seeing the pictures, the great wizard sighed a long way: "Well, maybe this is really the only place that can give play to our previous advantages. I will help you to complete this concept, but where is the Great Sacred King?" ? "

"Oh, this is the Saint." Zhi Nan appeared silently in the cabin.

Seeing the big wizard, he frowned slightly. With the help of the natural way, he could naturally sense this coming person, not a kind generation.

He thought about it, then quickly got up and gratefully said: "So you are the Great Sacred Lord of the upper realm, even though you have worked hard, traveled between the two realms and traveled thousands of miles to help us build the rice country. What spirit? Really admirable, admirable ... "

Director Hook heard numbness. He knew that the great wizard was closed, although he didn't know the devil.

But by virtue of the way he has repaired, he has been aware of the problems of the other party, which is secretly mocking and testing the other party.

But he couldn't let this matter go, so he even coughed a few times and hurriedly said: "Great Wizard, the road of the ladder that everyone is paying attention to is in progress. Just the latest news came out, that the knightly armor has successfully broken through the three levels. Go reward. Whether our rice can 'beat' them on the ladder depends on the plan of this mechanical police ... "

Old Man Abraham was not surprised when he heard the news. He just said lightly: "This is also a good thing. At least the whole human race benefits, and rice is no exception. They have never been our real enemies. Why talk about it? "

"Only we are suitable to guide this world. Those people in Shenzhou have always acted arbitrarily. If the world falls into their hands, it will definitely be bad in the future." Secretary Hu Ke insisted.

"Hum ~ ~ is at least better than the one that fell into the hands of monsters and ghosts ..."

"Oh, it seems that this gentleman has some opinions on Ben Sheng." Zhi Nan said quietly.

"NO, NO, I am very grateful for the great benevolence of Da Sheng, the spirit of supernaturalism, where can I have any opinions?" The big wizard understood the difference in strength between the two sides and immediately denied it, shaking his head and shaking his beard.

"In this case, Mr. Hu Ke, we will start our plan now. With the help of this holy person, up to three days, your first mechanical policemen will be released, and you will not be inferior to the knights."

Zhi Nan said calmly, but sneered in his heart.

Chivalrous A, I can no longer stop you from punishment, but I can break your roots in other ways!

And this interim plan fits well with the big things that I have always wanted to do, just two birds with one stone.

The skills of the Americans, plus their own land, their own avenue, will definitely not be a castle in the sky.

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