Seized by the System

Chapter 394: Is this a providence?

"Damn, why can Knight Knight A go in !!!! This is not fair!"

The black representative of the rice country saw this and was immediately filled with indignation, shouting in confusion.

It's just that when he was angry, he didn't pay attention to the robot who was beaten by Tianmen.

The other party seemed to have severely damaged components, and it was already difficult to maintain the suspension state. It fell straight from outside the Tianmen and ran all the way to the Pacific Ocean.

Not long after, I only heard a loud noise from "Boom" and hit the surface of the sea.

In a few moments, a pair of black and white dolphins swam over hesitantly, then reached out and looked over.

I saw this human-shaped object that fell from the sky, strangely shaped, smoked all over, incomplete, without bleeding, but it shed a lot of white liquid.

"Dahei, do you want to save him, don't you feel like a person?" The white dolphin hesitated.

"Let's pick him up first and wait for the twelve claws to come back from the sky." The black dolphin circled the other side a few times, and finally looked at the pale human face of the other side and said.

"That's good, just don't know when the twelve claws will come down?" The white dolphin agreed with his companion's proposal, wondering.

"Oh, well, when you went out to find fish to eat, I had asked a seagull to go up and ask about the movements. It came back and told me that the twelve claws were trapped in the light door above. Tug of war ... I don't know what it means? "

As the black dolphin explained, he burrowed under the sea water, holding the strangely shaped human on his back to prevent him from drowning.

"Looking at his appearance, it is estimated that it will not be long before he needs emergency treatment." The black dolphin turned his head and looked at the human on his back.

"Uh, so, I'll get a large pearl mussel and use it to help him heal the wound." White Dolphin suggested.

"Okay, go back quickly, I will stay here waiting for you ..."

The white dolphin heard his head a little, and then swam to the bottom of the sea.

The mechanical police X001, listening to the conversation between the two dolphins, suddenly felt a sense of unclearness in his mind.

The same kind of people he once was only concerned about why he didn't complete the task, but he didn't care about his safety.

This is actually very common. This is the usual practice in the team. He will not have any complaints.

It's just that these two dolphins, who have never lived, have nothing to do with him, but they are trying to save him. Why?

"The longer I stay with people, the more I like dogs." He suddenly thought of this sentence and had forgotten where he saw it.

When the robot was confused, a familiar voice rang in his ears.

"It seems that it still has major defects, but unfortunately, such a precious place is so wasted, Shenzhou will not give us a second chance. Now start the recycling work, ready to re-commissioning."

Director Hook?

The other party is speaking in English, so he can clearly hear the other party using "it" instead of him.

It turns out that I am no longer a human being, so it is no wonder that I cannot enter the Tianmen on behalf of the human race.

Such a thought suddenly flashed in the mind of the robot, and then his eyes went black, fainting.

The black dolphin watched the few people floating overhead, and took away the strange human on his back.

Really a group of guys who don't understand the righteousness, saved their companions by themselves, and didn't know to send some fish for themselves.

These tall, flying guys are not as good as ordinary fishermen.

It secretly slandered, and then turned its head into the bottom of the sea to find its companion.


In the southwest of Tianmen, where the demon clan is located, Zhi Nan gazes at the Tianmen with golden light in front of him.

"Tools should not be included alone?"

Beside him, the subordinates and the disciples, all dare not speak, everyone just saw in the scene just now.

As soon as the strange robot appears, they can feel it, which must be related to their master / master.

However, the failure was so fast, it was really unexpected, and it was extremely uncomfortable to want to come to Master / Master.

Difficult to ignore the thoughts of those around him, he just thought about his own problems.

Chivalrous A, what kind of existence is it?

Fang Ning is his true identity, and that mysterious rule can be surely embodied by the True Dragon Supreme Divine Thought.

According to the latest speculation, it should be the intelligent technology of the True Dragon Supreme Divine Thought integrated into this technological world, and then there will be many divine differences. Only in this way can it explain the many abnormal behaviors of the other party in the past.

Tianbei actually rejects the new-born spirits he created, which is a serious problem that must be solved.

Either you have missed your understanding of the rules of Heavenly Dao in the realm, or Heavenly Dao is already vigilant against herself.

"This Tianmen is somewhat beyond my expectation. It should not be supposed," Zhi Zhi thought a moment, and suddenly said, "It is the Tianbei illusion, my calculation is no problem. It should not exclude that mechanical police unless unless It's been in the hands of knights, and there have been major changes. "

In the end, the master of wisdom is deep and his wisdom is correct. After the monument was born that day, there have indeed been major changes. After being beaten by the system master, he became blue and purple, and he was forced to "system bind" ...

As for whether it is because of this change that the mechanical police are being rejected by the Tianmen it turned into, then only "Tian" really knows ...

The middle-aged man in black robe heard that he is now worrying about his master: "Master, do you want the little one to inquire?"

Zhi Zhi looked ugly and shook his head: "You can't do it, the knight can see through you at a glance. There is a guy who is very suitable."

Black robe wondered: "I don't know where is the sacred, can help Buddha solve this problem?"

Zhi Nan "hehe" smiled: "You haven't seen it, but you will definitely see it in the future."

After he finished speaking, he moved, disappearing from the sky.

It seems to him that the ascent of the ladder to allocate resources of the Demon Cultivation is nothing at all. On the contrary, it is the problem of the robot being excluded by Heaven, but he is more concerned.


Tracks of scrap steel mills in the east of Qicheng.

A golden train travels regularly here.

No one has seen who is the driver alone.

Anyway, it would not be Fang Ning. He was used to it and would not choose to drive the train.

The train stopped slowly, and Zhi Nan walked into a hard-seat carriage and sat down without buying a ticket.

As if no one could see it, he didn't have to buy a ticket, and he wanted to let the uncle of the system see it and he had to slap it.

At this time, he was sitting opposite the young man who looked like two college students, and was talking.

"Brother, it looks like you and I should have just graduated this year?"

"Yeah, I'm X Jianda, where is the buddy?"

"My Y Agricultural University, what position are you applying for?"

"I am applying for a new farm staff. No, I have to train after entering."

"Me, too, I am engaged in urban construction and I have to train. The knowledge I learned before and the current ones have faults. The school just opened a short-term vitality-related training course for three months this year. . "

"We are too, the teachers sent are not good enough, I still found a paid training class from the Internet to learn."

It is difficult to see these two ordinary new generations of human beings, shaking their heads under their hearts.

If human beings continue to use this crude and inefficient way of inheriting knowledge, it will not be possible to gain a foothold in this era of vitality in the future.

Not long afterwards, the golden train started, and it quickly crossed the void from the old railroad tracks.

In fact, some people had proposed to rebuild the nearby, at least the atmosphere, but they were rejected by Fang Ning.

The reason is very simple. Why waste that money?

Is n’t it good to have manpower to help build his righteous city?

Not long after, Zhi Nan got out of the car and walked into the secret environment of qi. After a few months of absence, the scenery had changed.

In the mysterious realm, on a vast expanse of plains, there was not a dark grayish air covered, but a peaceful and comfortable white air was floating everywhere in the air.

The plains are full of people, and cars are coming and going.

Road-building, bridge-laying, city-building, farm-cultivating, various people, etc.

The entire mystery realm has now become an emerging large construction site.

Zhi Nan raised his eyes and shook his head: "Everything is nothing but vain. After ten years, it will all disappear. Why bother?"

Then he shook his body and came to an underground lair.

In a secret room in this lair, the black cat Tom is holding the faint blue orb, talking and chatting, and cultivating feelings.

The so-called "culture pearl" is nothing more than that.

It was talking, and suddenly felt Orb cold, as if reminding it of something breaking in.

Tom Cat quickly put down the Orb, and then walked out of the secret room. Sure enough, the annoying guy came again.

It had to show a smiley face and hurried forward.

"The Devil Lord came to visit, and the hut was vigorously glowing. The kitten failed to meet him far away, and he hoped that the Lord would forgive sins."

"Oh, you said this last time, you don't have to be so polite." The demon master Zhi hardly smiled.

Tom pretended to be pretentious and said: "Where is this? Dasheng. Whenever he visits a hut, it is an honor for the kitten. Saying it many times cannot express the admiration of the kitten for Dasheng."

"It's easy to say, I have something to worry about for you this time. After that, I'll keep you in good health." It's hard to follow the wisdom.

I do n’t want to, can I?

The black cat Tom is not uncommon with the devil's golden body ... he has already set his own way of practice.

But it said in his mouth: "But the devil master has instructed the kitten to go through fire and water, not to say anything."

"Oh, I heard a lot of people say this, but there are very few that can be done," Chi Nan said with a smile. "If you can do it, the promise that this Saint just made will never fail."

"Please the devil's command." Tom Cat was upset and annoyed, but he had to confess to the other.

This makes it feel extremely humiliating, as strong as a knight, and he has never really suffered a loss, but this big devil in the upper realm can restrain himself to death ...


Because Xia Ke Jia doesn't understand the technique of space movement, this guy can't master any more, he will find him out when he goes to heaven and earth.

I, Black Cat Tom, must become stronger, I want to let this day, can't cover my eyes anymore, I want to let the ground never bury my heart ~ ~ I want to let these gods Buddha, demon holy demon master, all disappeared!

Tom Cat thought stubbornly, but he didn't find that there was a vicious tiger roaring all over him.

But all of this fell into the eyes of Zhi Nan.

He nodded slightly, reached for a finger, and saw the black cat Tom, the cat body shocked, suddenly enlarged.

Not long after, a dark brown tiger appeared out of nowhere in this underground lair hall.

The black cat Tom was stunned. What happened, how did he become the black tiger Tom?

"Well, what this seat wants you to do is very simple. Undercover Warrior A, help me find out the secret of his heavenly stele." Zhi Nan ordered lightly.

"What?" Black Tiger Tom was shocked, his face was startled, his body shocked, his heart was horrified ...

Do I go around, or do I just have a wave with Xia Ke Jia?

Is this a providence?

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