Seized by the System

Chapter 395: Having milk is dad

The dark tiger Tom burrowed into the chamber, lying on the ground, staring at the Orb of Orchids, muttering to himself: "Damn, I knew to deal with these demons, and sooner or later I would be pitted to death. What should I do now, he actually wants me Undercover Warrior A? Is there a precedent for success? "

Baozhu exudes blue light and seems to be talking about something.

"Oh, by the way, I can also ask your creator, the **** of death, for help or two."

So the dark tiger, Tom, was in the secret room and began to lay the altar with great effort.

Orb was originally given by Grim Reaper, so it does not worry about being seen by Grim Reaper.

"NND, this tiger's claws are really not as flexible and easy to use as cats. I really miss Lao Huang when he is, so he can help set up the altar anyway, and I don't know how he has been in the knighthood? It looks like this magic ...... It's not great, I thought he could save Lao Huang. "

Tom Tiger sullied while finally setting up the black altar of death, and the statue of the wolf-headed man representing the death.

Then it squatted on the ground, ready to pray.

It just suddenly became bigger, and I felt awkward in this prayer position.

Finally, it was difficult to pose, and Tom Tiger bowed his legs and bowed for three weeks. A light green breath still appeared on his body, and he floated to the statue of the wolfhead on the high platform.

"Stupid Tom Yo ... Well, who are you?" After the wolf-headed statue was green, it glowed all over, as if it had turned around in a moment, uttering people's words, but the tone was full of doubts.

Stupid **** of death ... You do n’t recognize your uncle Tom changing his vest?

Although my Tom cat is replaced with a tiger skin, the soul is still the same.

You can't see this, is it still worthy to use the name of death? Just rename it Blind Bleach ...

Wait, Tom suddenly moved, and then he was shocked.

The demon master is difficult in wisdom, and it is really magical, and it is worthy of the legend of "the wisdom is vast, the sky is impossible"!

As strong as his real master, the power of the upper realm, which used the name of human death, could not recognize its current identity!

No wonder the other party will send themselves to the undercover knight armor.

It turned around now, calculated his mind, and completely abandoned the previous idea of ​​asking for help, because it had a better idea.

"The great Grim Reaper, your loyal servant, the Black Cat Tom, has been killed by Xia Kejia. I am a dark tiger, my name is Jerry, and it is his home cousin. Me, and tell me how to communicate with you ... Please give me strength, I want to avenge Brother Tom. "

Black cat Tom, opening his mouth is just a flicker ...

"What ?! Stupid Tom, my most loyal servant, died like this ?! Shouldn't be!" The wolf-headed man's voice was horrified, like the sky was falling.

Hum, now you finally know the importance of Uncle Tom?

Tom Tiger thought proudly.

"Damn, Chivalrous A, I and I have been punishing the river, he killed my loved one! It is unbearable!" Wolfman said angrily.

After a while, it finally calmed down, the style of the painting changed, and it followed the dark tiger to follow the way and entice, "Jerry Tiger, you have informed the news in time, and you are doing very well. I will give you strength and teach you the way of death. You need to take over your brother Tom Cat ’s class and practice well for me. You will have everything Tom has in the future. "

"Yes, yes, thank you for your gift. Wisdom and great death, your brilliance is like the sun and the moon, destined to shine in the world." Black Cat Tom patted lightly.

"Huh, you are indeed a relative of Tom. Even the words of compliments are exactly the same. So familiar. Unfortunately, Tom, stupid finally let it fall into the arms of death in advance. Well, I think you have a tiger's eye to reign, this is for you You have a powerful death skill, the eye of death-the effect is to stare and die! "

Speaking of which, there was a faint green breath on the wolf-headed man, full of essence, and rushed towards the dark tiger.

The black cat Tom secretly hid, neither flicker nor avoid, according to the order.

It didn't feel guilty at all. These forces were originally taken by themselves. They were taken away by this death before, but now they just let the other party return some interest.

"Well, you serve this **** well, remember to hurry up and perform another sacrifice. The relevant cultivation methods of the way of death are all in that breath. Poor and stupid Tom Yo, I thought it would survive at least next year, Everything will be different then ... "

Speaking of the wolf-headed statue, the light on his body slowly faded away and became a dead object again.

The dark tiger respectfully worshipped three times, and after a while, it jumped excitedly in the back room.

"Haha, with the" eyes of death ", coupled with the" camouflage of death ", Uncle Tom can transfer to the strongest death hunter. From today, I am really going to develop Tom!

The dark tiger thought with excitement, and finally it flicked all over, performing the exercises, and the newly acquired "Eye of Death" appeared suddenly.

In the two dark eyes, two deep black vortices appeared at the same time, just like the abyss of death, which was daunting.

This is the power of God's gift. It does not require personal hard work. As long as it is given to you, you can learn and use it on the spot.

The dark tiger, after activating the eye of death, swept around in the secret room, and finally found a small ant on the ground.

This ant is the most common kind of Chinese soil ant. It is dark in color, average in size and unpretentious.

It ’s really rare, Brother Ant, I did n’t expect this secret atmosphere to be a holy place for dead souls. There has never been a native creature. You must be a foreigner, and you came with the group of construction workers above.

It's a pity that you don't go when there is a way to heaven, and you come in without hell!

The tiger's eyes widened and he looked at the little ant.

The little ant immediately fell over, his limbs twitched, and he looked like he was dying.

"Haha, the eye of death, really deserved reputation."

The dark tiger laughed proudly, and then looked at the orb enshrined on the stand and said: "Oh, orb, you are here to absorb the yin and grow up. Your father Tom, no, it ’s father Jerry. Matter, speak with you when you come back. "

Orb glowed slightly, indicating that he knew.

The dark tiger Jerry left the underground lair with confidence.

It is also going to smooth out the chivalrous armor and fulfill the demon's instructions.

That guy is not as good as the foolish and arrogant death, and he can't meet his requirements. If he fails, he will really be "dead" ...

The tiger left the nest, and after a long time, the little ant suddenly turned up from the ground. At this moment, where is there any sign of death?

I saw it crawling up and down in the secret room, and finally stared at the orb with a faint blue light.

It sniffed out its tentacles and sniffed around, seemingly confirming that the breath of the dark tiger had gone away, and then it crawled quietly towards the Orb.

Tom Cat drilled out of the underground lair, then ran to a high **** and looked around.

Soon it found the site of the City of Righteousness. It turned around and ran quietly.


At this moment, above the Heavenly Gate, **** ghosts and demons, as well as many small ethnic groups, are studying how to climb the ladder.

The human progress is first, it has reached 9 o'clock, but other groups have only 0 o'clock, and the newly born Zerglings are no exception. They have not even sent representatives to try.

Now the ghost king Bodhisattva probably feels that the time has come. As soon as his figure moves, he appears in the group of eagle dogs in the knighthood.

"Bodhisattva, is there something important?" Zheng Guanjia immediately came out and greeted eagerly.

His Holiness was busy maintaining world order, and he had left for a few days. Naturally, things on the Tianmen side were taken over by him.

"Oh, I'm here to find Daqing." The Bodhisattva looked in one direction and smiled.

In that direction, the big green worm was lying on the head of the black dog, and was extorting the dragon's honey pill against the latter.

Last time I went to the deep sea trench to find the place where the upper boundary came, Fang Ning gave it two fake beeswax pills, and since then it has completely fascinated him with this dragon creme.

It's a pity that its clinic business has declined, and the money it has earned is just enough to eat.

And this immortality has always been in short supply, it simply can't afford it, and after thinking about it, he had to come up with Bailit's idea.

"Bai Lit, don't you really want a daughter-in-law?" Daqing said arrogantly, "The old dad said that the dog who gave up halfway, never succeeded. You only failed one, and there are many more None of them are introduced to you. "

"Sovereign Bailong once said that the great cause is unsuccessful, why should I do it at home? I was afraid of the doomsday crisis. I forgot this, my will was shaken, and I went to find my wife halfway. Crisis, I will be busy with big dogs again. "Bai Liyi said solemnly.

"Well, wait until next year, the canine girls I know should have married dogs long ago, and the baby will give birth to a bunch, you can't find it if you want to find ..." Chong Daqing broke the idea of ​​black dogs procrastinating.

"Wait, Daqing girl," Black Gouzi panicked, and said quickly, "Although I am not busy looking for it, but I have been following the master for a long time, I also have compassion. I am coming to the end and want to have many excellent The local dogs may be cut off. Daqing girl sees many dogs, it is better to help them and send them to the dragon mystery. No, it is put in the newly built city of righteousness, and saves our dog family in the future. Root off. "

"Hum, my appearance fee is very high." Daqing immediately took the opportunity to blackmail when he heard it.

"Okay, there are three medicines, all of which are rewarded by the owner on weekdays. I have always been reluctant to eat them, and this is given to the girl." Bai Li said with pain, and then from the space bracelet of the front leg, Take out three pale red elixirs.

Once the Elixir was taken out, there was a sweet smell in the air, and many monsters looked over here.

Seeing this, Daqing quickly stretched out her tiny front legs and took away the three immortals with her bronze jade ring.

The ghost king Bodhisattva patiently waited for Daqing to finish the medicine of immortality ~ ~ before he came over and said warmly: "Daqing, you are the head of the insect spirit. At this time, it is your time to play."

"Oh, okay, I'll be playing right away, but where is the playing fee?" Chong Daqing looked at Bodhisattva for granted.

"Uh?" The Bodhisattva was suddenly dumb.

He is really a breeze with two sleeves now. In order to transform the magical energy secret realm, he has consumed a lot of old books.

Such a large site of magical energy secret realm, where can you easily eat it?

Just look at the history of mankind and how much it will consume to open up a new land.

Bodhisattva has never been a eloquent person. He thought about it and said helplessly: "Later I will borrow a batch of Elixir from Brother Long for your participation fee as Daqing?"

"That's great, what do you want me to do now, Father Caddy?"

The milk is the father, the big green worm smiles and blooms, and immediately agrees to come down.

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