Seized by the System

Chapter 810: It's time to take medicine

Fang Ning relayed the function of the universal bacteria to the people in charge of the biosphere project.

Everyone was surprised and happy when they heard that they had a lot of headaches for a long time. The other party had to solve them together. With only one kind of universal bacteria, they must complete the work of many kinds of creatures in the biological chain.

Although they knew before that the black figure that appeared in the giant greenhouse, that is, the Upper Realm Pestilence avatar, was to help them, but no one dared to get close, let alone ask questions.

After all, that is God.

Although it is a little different from the legend, there is no problem with a few glances. However, everyone understands who this is.

The video of the killing of the Eastern Taoist priests circulated on the Internet was just because of prying eyes.

Coupled with the previous global disaster brought by the other party, everyone just wants to hide further.

There is no possibility of equal communication between God and man.

This is another fundamental reason why they have invited Xia Kejia. Only this hero who is benevolent and just, waiting for people, is qualified and capable to communicate with these high gods.

This is the difference between status and power. Problems that could be solved by communication in a few sentences will become a natural problem. Many similar cases have appeared in the history of human feudalism.

Many innocent people are framed for rebellion, and then copy the genocide, this is exactly the case.

Dr. Edison looked grateful and could n’t help saying: “It ’s really thanks to the Venerable. Otherwise, we may have to consume a lot of manpower. This divine power is really enough. With our technology, we want to achieve a similar The effect is not yet known for how long it will develop, and it may even encounter technological bottlenecks. "

"Yes, after all, it's a god. The thin dead camel is bigger than a horse," a Shenzhou staff sighed. "In the novel, that is the proper invincible template for the gods to travel to the modern world."

Uh, there is another fellow, and there are many people who read novels.

Fang Ning nodded slightly and waved his hand: "It's just a show of effort, it doesn't need to be that way. You are all human elites. After that omnipotent bacterium is created, don't be inferior, but study hard and strive to be explained by the latest scientific theory And transform it into our own technology. "

"My Holiness said, I think everyone has already made psychological preparations for studying the creation of God." Dr. Edison's old face was full of excitement.

Others are also like this. A brand-new creation appears, and it is surely a god-made thing. It is an artifact in the game and a miracle in the literary work.

"Very well, keep this morale, you are the hope of mankind." Fang Ning encouraged.

Everyone looked excited.

Although they are all people with great status, that was the past. Now in this mysterious era, even the wealthy once rich in the enemy country will lose their lives overnight.

Now that this hero is valued, I believe that the safety factor has improved a lot and I can sleep more safely in the future.

Fang Ning looked around for a week, and his heart was very satisfied. Just wanted to say a word, only to feel the nostrils were cold, and a sneeze almost hit.

He said nothing and said, "Well, I still have something to do. I will leave here. If you have problems later, just contact my housekeeper."

Everyone nodded and said yes.

"Uncle, leave quickly, my body seems to have some problems." Fang Ning ordered.

"You don't have any problems with your body, it's because you have a problem with your brain ..." The uncle shattered his thoughts, and then managed to return to Fang Ning's body, starting to teleport away.

Everyone looked at the valiant armor that disappeared from the side, all envious, this kind of skill, that is the standard configuration of the **** ...


Fang Ning digs back into the system space and only feels a headache for a while. Of course he is too lazy to talk and slips into the lounge to sleep.

"Uh, you are still like that, you are excited for three days, and then you are languishing for another three months." The uncle said with a tone of expectation.

"Less nonsense, I have a headache, and I will talk to you after a sleep." Fang Ning only felt that the soul was sour and painful from the inside out. He felt very familiar with this feeling. a feeling of.

Once upon a time, he often caught a cold. At least once a year, the deepest memory of the disease in his life for more than 30 years was the cold and fever, which seemed normal, but it really happened, but he had a headache and sore throat, and the outside was sore and weak. I couldn't sleep with a headache if I wanted to sleep.

Fortunately, he can still sleep now, just hoping to wake up.

Although he has some other speculations, it's just that his head hurts so much now that he is too lazy to think about it.

Fortunately, the uncle has long been accustomed to this behavior pattern, and he did not go back to the bottom, so that he can be a little leisurely.


The next day, it was already 10am and Fang Ning had not yet woken up.

Ever since he finished his nightmare and decided to work hard, he always wakes up at 6 in the morning.

"Hey, you slept a bit too much," the uncle said helplessly, "when you weren't overnight, you would get up and play at eight o'clock anyway ..."

"Ah, what's the matter? Don't disturb me, I'm so dizzy, yes, there is a problem ..." Fang Ning forcibly said a few words, and fell asleep.

"Oh, then I'll check it for you quickly," said the uncle, and immediately diligently got up. "You said earlier. You slept too fast yesterday. I'm not embarrassed to force a check."

Fang Ning has turned a deaf ear, and his thoughts at this time are like spinning in a maelstrom, turning more and more faint, more and more painful, and more and more weak.

System prompt: (The system starts to check the mental state of the host.

The host soul is in a strange virus infection state, with a negative BUFF: a bad cold. The system consumes one million experience points, consumes 10 anger slots, and activates the mystery of the Bodhichitta Sutra-the Qingxin mantra.

The negative BUFF of the host is cleared.

The host soul returns to normal.


"Uh ~ ~ This is a little too fast ..." Fang Ning reluctantly got up from the soft bed.

"Why, you still want to repeat the same mistakes, regain your pretense, and then continue to lead the way ... not successful?" Uncle despised.

Fang Ning was very wronged: "Am I that kind of person? Now that I have made up my mind, I have to be a Tang Zhuang Zong, and I will finish my goals. I was not lazy before, I was in the dark."

"Uh, although this is the case, I always feel that you are a little bit natural and have not made effective resistance. Otherwise, you are all lake-level strong souls. You have taken so many high-level medicines. It should take effect so quickly. Your mind is still not strong enough to be taken advantage of, and I will give you a few special pills for heart-cultivation. , But it's a good medicine. "

"Uh, what kind of tone are you? I don't need your medicine, I will slowly adjust myself." Fang Ning refused, and the uncle's tone definitely wanted to pit him again.

"Don't, Dalang, it's time for medicine ..."

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