Seized by the System

Chapter 811: Heart training

Fang Ning doesn't want to take the good medicine of God's bitter taste, but is there a way? There is no way.

System prompt: (The system hosts the host body.

The system takes three high-level alchemy pills.

The host enters the heart-cultivating land.


"Lying trough, it's me who takes the medicine ..." Fang Ning cried without tears when he heard the prompt.

An extremely strong bitterness suddenly appeared, and he could not be lingered in his thoughts. Even if it was around Liang three days, he could never forget this bitterness.

As this bitter taste continued to spread, Fang Ning only felt the first thought, and the whole person seemed to suddenly fall towards a certain abyss.

I don't know how long it has fallen before finally stepping on the ground.

Fang Ning subconsciously looked around, surrounded by a green dense forest, at the foot of a small open space in the jungle, there are a few pieces of rock next to it, a common wild scene.

Just waiting for him to take a closer look, he found that the wild scenery was very realistic. He could hardly see any illusory traces, just like entering the wild in real life.

The breeze blew through the leaves and made a slight noise; deep in the dense forest, from time to time came birds and insects.

With the hearing of Fangning's lake-level strong souls, he can even hear the sound of "sand" coming from time to time in the distance.

Don't you still have a snake?

After Fang Ning raised this idea, there was a sudden panic.

If it was not that he had just listened to the system prompts and suddenly came this way, he would definitely think he had passed through the first time.

It's just that he's mixing so well now, and he definitely doesn't want to cross the head again.

Thinking of this, he quickly shouted, "Atong, are you still there?"

"Of course I am still alive and well," said the uncle, gloating in misfortune. "It's you, and it's about to be unlucky."

"Uh, we are also brothers who have a relationship for three years. We can't get along with each other. You can't be like this ..." Fang Ning confirmed that the uncle of the system was not lost.

"It is precisely because of our deep friendship that I am so bothered. Each of the three Heart Alchemy Pills is very precious and invaluable. No one else can eat it. You can be content ..." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Uh, Brother Tong, can you tell the brothers, what is your place in this heart-cultivating place?" Fang Ning asked weakly.

The uncle immediately refused: "Impossible, you have come to this place, and you still want to cheat? When you play the game, you hang every day, no one cares about you. Now that it is heart training, then everything is true. I can only give You introduce, this place of refining your heart is what you are afraid of ... "

"Lying a big grass." Fang Ning suddenly said nothing, and then he heard "Shar" louder, obviously the unknown terror was approaching himself.

"No, are you really here? Are you afraid to scare me out of trouble?" Fang Ning hurriedly moved away from the place where the sound of "sand" came.

"How is it possible? Rest assured, I will monitor the whole process. Besides, you are already a lake-level strong soul, able to communicate with heaven and earth, and have also integrated a mysterious heavenly path, but your mind is too weak to fully realize your potential. I used to I ’m worried that it will scare you out, and you ’re always lazy, so I did n’t get it for you. Now that you have the ambition to work hard, I will naturally send you charcoal in the snow. ”The uncle straightened.

Fang Ning heard this and was completely stubborn. He knew the uncle's will, and once it was decided, it could not be reversed.

And he is not a guy who does not know what to do, as long as the other party is really good for him, even if he beats him, he can understand afterwards, and he will not remember it.

Just like when I was in elementary school, I was not seriously listened to when I was beaten. Although the teacher should not corporally punish students, the outsiders who really let you go forward and let you learn their skills, probably only have some teachers in the industry.

Once you enter the society, others can't wait for you to fall, so few competitors, many psychological comfort objects ...

Fang Ning took a deep breath and then ran away.

He didn't read horror novels any less. The first law is never to be close to a place of horror. The guy with the most curiosity and the guy who does not listen to others' persuasion are the first to die in novels and film and television dramas.

There is only one exception, that is the protagonist, and sometimes the protagonist is no exception ...

While he ran, he did n’t forget to ask, "Atong, what is it that I am afraid of, and the regularity of its appearance, can you tell me something?"

"Nothing, you can only rely on yourself, unless you pass the customs to survive, you can go out, otherwise you will be resurrected once, want to suffer less, and become stronger soon. Friendly remind you that the conditions for victory in customs clearance are that you can overcome you Himself. "The uncle finally got a good heart.

"Uh, defeating me?" Fang Ning suddenly became big. This victory condition was actually the most difficult.

An ancient Greek sage once said that one's greatest wisdom is to see oneself clearly, and the hardest thing is to overcome oneself.

Fang Ning ran while observing the environment, thinking about how to get through.

As a game master, he knows how to pass the game by killing bosses, finding items, and completing certain plots.

But now, these are not used, the uncle only gave a hint to defeat himself.

Do you want to confront yourself with the horror of snakes?

Fang Ning immediately thought of a solution.

He no longer ran, but sat down on a stone.

"I am a stone, I am a stone ..."

He hypnotized himself in his heart while closing his eyes.

The whole person is integrated with the stone. In the eyes of the soul, he is a stone.

I don't know how long it has passed.

A giant king cobra, about six meters long, appeared ten meters away. After it appeared, it stared at Fang Ning on the stone, motionless.

Although his eyes are closed, Fang Ning is in a state of soul at this time. Seeing things is based on divine thoughts, he naturally saw this king cobra ...

"Huh, isn't this the poisonous snake that the uncle had killed in the secret land inheritance? The mortal incarnation of the three gods of Tianzhu turned out to be it? Is there any fear in my heart? It's really scary."

Fang Ning's thought had just come out, and the king cobra suddenly moved, and a venom was sprayed over.


"Couch exercise ~ ~ It's too fast to die." Fang Ning was born again on another open space, very depressed. He lay on the ground, motionless, and was poisoned by eight meats and uncomfortable.

"You're stupid, really, the obvious method is right, but you can't keep your heart, you can't concentrate on God."

"Less nonsense, after your death, you still carry a negative BUFF." Fang Ning pressed against the pain, forcibly said.

"Nonsense, if death is not painful, is it still called heart training?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said, "I have thought about your 18,000 death methods, and you slowly realize it."

"You are poisonous ... I was wrong, you have never been a simple and honest system." Fang Ning said weakly.

"You are innocent and innocent. I am a simple and honest system. I have always been sincere, unlike you who always have various reasons." The uncle straightened.

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say, he could only lie on the ground, waiting for the death effect to pass.

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