Seized by the System

Chapter 812: Joint Course

After a lot of hardships, just like a cold and a fever, Fang Ning didn't know how long it had passed before Fang Ning climbed up from the ground with a heavy head, and he almost fell.

He resisted the dizziness and wondered: "No, I am also a lake-level strong soul. The king cobra in my memory is only a pond-level peak. Why is it so poisonous?"

After a long time, the system uncle did not reply.

Fang Ning was very depressed, and he wasn't angry. "Atong, are you still there?"

"No. I just found out that if someone talks to you, this horror atmosphere will be reduced a lot, and it lacks a sense of substitution. You should read the novel every day. It should be the most feeling. The author's narration is such a pitfall. "..." The system uncle Zhenzhen has a word.

"Uh, you are really learning badly now, I misunderstood you, bobbin, you changed ..." Fang Ning said very sadly.

The uncle of the system ignored him at all, proudly said: "I am all for your own good, OK, this is the last sentence, you will not call me anymore, remember, there has never been a savior, let alone rely on the system, Self-reliance is king. "

"... You're waiting." Fang Ning just dropped a ruthless word, and a rustling sound came in his ear again. It was the sound of snake scales rubbing against the ground, grass, and bushes.

"I really don't believe it, I can't pass it." Fang Ning did not run around, but sat down cross-legged on the spot, anyway, he was not afraid of rheumatism.

Although he said so, he was still very frightened.

When he was an ordinary person, he would be scared even if he saw the colorful snakes in the pictures when he saw real snakes.

He is the kind of guy with the gene of the horror snake ... There are still a lot of such people. This is a benign inheritance, because the guy who is not afraid of snakes hangs faster.

"I am a stone, I am a stone ..."

Fang Ning re-entered the stubborn stone state. The reason why he thought of this method came from an old animation that he watched when he was a child. The protagonist in it practiced in the Snake Cave, that is, he integrated himself into nature and turned it into a rock, so as to successfully pass the level.

Obviously Fang Ning does not have the ambition of the main character of other people's animation.

This time there has been progress. When the king cobra was close to a meter, and Xinzi almost spit on his face, he was fluctuating and died ...

Come again ...

The third time, there was a little improvement. The snake crawled over him, and his heart fluctuated, and he died ...

"Well, I should do it the fourth time." Fang Ning lay on the ground, trembling with poison.

However, it turned out that he thought too much.

The fourth time, he stepped back, and he couldn't get into the stone state ... was caught up and killed by King Cobra alive.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible, Tong, you must have cheated again." Fang Ning cut the railway.

However, the uncle did not speak.

"Damn, you even learned to pretend not to be," Fang Ning said angrily. "You think I can't pass this level without your help?"

The radical method is also invalid.

Er, it seems that the uncle really wants to give him a perfect sense of substitution.

There was no answer for a while. Fang Ning only felt the silence around him. The jungle seemed to be much darker. Is there still a dark saying here?

Holding a big grass, the bobbin really turned bad. The system that used to be simple and honest, no longer exists.

Fang Ning knew that this was normal, and the uncle who bought the abduction was able to learn smart for the third time, not to mention the system such as the uncle who worked hard every day.

As the light dissipated, darkness came, and in the dense forest, it was really terrifying.

Fang Ning suddenly missed the days when he was shrunk in the system space. Alas, I regretted it. I knew it early, and I should n’t work hard if I knew it early. Efforts may not be successful, but it is certainly easy to not work hard ...

No, how can this inertia happen again?

Isn't it being flattened by the bobbin?

Clench your teeth, and work hard forward, to endure for a while, it is the sea and the sky!

Fang Ning's face changed and changed suddenly, suddenly thinking of a place.

The name of a book flashed through his mind ...

"One, Two, Three of the Doctrine Course".

As long as you follow the tutorial, you can naturally merge with the world. At that time, you were a tree, grass, flower, bird, stone, soil ... water.

In fact, the uncle usually gave himself the answer to solve the problem. Just like the exam, basically most of the questions, usually the teacher has said similar things, just to see if you can make a good practice, and make it through.

"Ah, I still blame you, Atong. In fact, you are still a very good system, not intentionally embarrassing me ..." Fang Ning said heartily after finding a reliable solution.

Uncle appeared immediately, proudly said: "Look at you, and finally understand my pains, I'm so relieved!"

"Aren't you there? Are you afraid of the terror substitution that affects me?" Fang Ning suddenly said nothing.

"Uh, in fact, you have found a way, it doesn't matter, anyway, it is certain to pass the border." Uncle forcibly defended.

Fang Ning shook his head and said helplessly: "Forget it, I'm too lazy to talk nonchalantly with you, I'm going to enter the unity of heaven and man, you just let the snake come.

"Well, come right away."

Fang Ning followed the doctrine course, and the whole person immediately did whatever they wanted, like a breeze, floating in the air.

He realized that why the uncle had said that he had passed the level early, and he had no entity, so how did the poisonous snake hurt him?

This is called, the saints don't fight, so the world can't fight it.

The king cobra lingered for a long time, and finally dissipated in the air.

After this scene, Fang Ning felt a great improvement in his state of mind.

He used to be impetuous, and he always couldn't settle down, but now he understands that the world is moving, not in the day and night, but in the long run.

Efforts are not temporary, but enduring.

Just like the uncle, efforts are not its strengths, but its system attributes, which naturally exist, so it is the way to go.

"I realized ..." The wind echoed in the jungle.

"You started to pretend again," the uncle said sorrowfully. "It's really handsome for only three seconds. The next test will come right away."

"Give me some rest time, the effort does not lie in the morning and evening." Fang Ningli said sternly.

"Uh, you have to be lazy again?" Uncle wondered.

"This is a combination of work and rest. I want to consolidate my understanding." Fang Ning said seriously.


Under the dark night sky ~ ~ On the moon land, a white figure is talking with a black figure.

"The God of Plague, you're in the same picture again. You should know that since the knightly armor can have such a reputation, it must not be a generalist. Why do you test him with newly made toads?" White silhouette shook his head.

The black figure smiled and said: "I just want to see how much power my plague Shinto and this world heaven can bring together. Now, it is not enough, not only did not poison him, even let him I ca n’t do it for a few seconds in a lethargy. This guy, as expected, is really well-deserved. "

"Since he dared to take the path of punishment by nature, he must have guarded against the damaging means under the sky. After all, he was offended by all the evil people." The white man said with no surprise.

"Forget it, wait for my deity to come down, and then worry about him, I can't take this trouble, regardless of it, after all, he will certainly be one of my robbers in the future." The black silhouette said lightly.

"Well, it won't take long to calculate the time." The white figure nodded.

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