Seized by the System

Chapter 813: Real power

The second test came silently.

When Fang Ning closed his eyes and absorbed his thoughts, the surrounding scenery suddenly changed.

He appeared in a living room, a **** smell flew into his nostrils.

In addition, there is a familiar taste that can't be said.

The winds around and the whispers whispered. This is the beginning of a standard horror movie ...

"Uncle, can you be a bit new? It's terrifying, but it's really boring." Fang Ning said silently, then turned into a breeze.

However, this time, there was no use. A gust of wind blew through, and he hung up ...

"..." Fang Ning wanted to cry without tears.

"Why did I die so confused this time?"

Uncle still did not answer, and really did enough homework.

Fang Ning was a little bit scared. He already understood that the enemies that came back could not be solved by his integration into nature.

Because ghosts kill people is unreasonable!

The heavenly path he understands is still superficial, and he still has no grasp of those strange and mysterious things.

What he can be familiar with is naturally the materialistic education he has received from small to large, all things exist objectively, and objectively determine the subjective.

What ghosts, in the past understanding, are non-existent, they are all deceiving things.

If he really can fully transform into Heavenly Dao, knowing all the changes of Heavenly Dao, he will naturally not be injured by all the ghosts.

However, his comprehension is only superficial, and can only resist enemies attacked by entities, ranging from viper and beast to machine gun and cannon atomic bomb.

"Atong, you really can play, our family has served." Fang Ning was powerless.

Once upon a time, as long as a few words of mouth and guns were spoken, the good deeds of the uncle can be ignored, and it is gone forever ...

Is this a distortion of human nature, or is it a systematic loss? Fang Ning thinks it should be the latter.

Fang Ning was resurrected, still in this old house.

He looked up and looked around, and saw that this was the most common rental house. It was originally a two-bedroom, one-room house, which was divided into five rooms for rent.

The five room doors were tightly closed, and Fang Ning was in the small living room.

There were blood stains on the doors of four of the rooms. Only one room door is clean.

"Isn't it? Do you want me to decrypt the secret room?" Fang Ning suddenly looked very big.

Deciphering the mini-game, he passes the game, relying on the strategy ...

What killed rabbits, escaped rooms and the like.

"Atong, to say a word, which room door can enter?" Fang Ning pleaded.

There was no response, and then a gust of wind appeared and Fang Ning died again.


She was hanged twice in a muddle. Although unlike the seven poisons and eight elements that were poisoned last time, Fang Ning felt that there were some six gods and no master, and his heart was bursting. Going to the public toilet alone ...

Not to mention, the uncle really grasped the precision. The confidence he had just raised because of the victory over the viper disappeared.

After all, it's a rogue who often peeks at his thoughts. What is he afraid of? It's clear. Fang Ning thought very helplessly.

In the third resurrection in the living room, Fang Ning did not dare to make trouble, let alone call the uncle to cheat.

He observed carefully, except for the suspected blood stains on the door, there was a shelf for shoes on the left side of the living room near the door.

When Fang Ning rented a house, he never put shoes there ...

There are now five pairs of shoes of different sizes on the shelf. The style is easy to see. Three pairs of sneakers of different sizes are men's, and two pairs of high heels of different heights are women's.

Obviously these are the shoes of five people.

Fang Ning will pay attention to this point because the shoes are stained with blood ...

This is a problem. Only the murderer has the time and the mind to put the **** shoes back on the shoe rack.

Victims or fugitives will not have time to put on shoes.

That is to say, five people died?

There are 5 rooms, but there may not be only 5 people. It is common for couples to share a room.

Burning brain ... Fang Ning analyzed here, and suddenly had a headache.

The uncle did not give a hint, obviously it was necessary to crack the secret murder of the secret room.

But looking at this situation, if you want to crack it, you have to die countless times, and it is possible to pass through N blocks.

Fang Ning has a wealth of experience in playing games. His solution to this type of decryption game is to read the file, and he has never chosen the right one-time.

Once upon a time, he also worked as a detective for a while, but still had some experience.

Only later, as the uncle became stronger and stronger, the system map became more and more powerful, and the usefulness of the detective was not so great. If he opened the monster directly, he was too lazy to play detective games ...

Thinking of this, Fang Ning felt a little conscious.

With strength and skill, Fang is king.

Before World War II, a country had a lot of wisdom, it was a surprise attack, it was a kamikaze, and it was not overkill by others ...

"Uh, rich man, you are lazy, is your brain hole still possible?" Uncle suddenly said.

Fang Ning immediately knew that his thoughts were right. Although these two goods did not speak, they still peeped at their thoughts.

No way, my body has been entrusted to it for nearly three years, and the structure of the brain is estimated to be clear. It is still simple to decipher some ideas.

"Humph, do you think I'm a fool?" Fang Ning said proudly.

Then a cloudy wind appeared and he hung up again ...

"Hahaha, you forgot again. You can't talk casually here. As soon as you talk, you might trigger the keywords of the murder curse."

Lying trough, you are two hundred and five, actually deliberately pit me.

Fang Ning thought hard, thinking in his mind of 108 ways to ravage the uncle of the system.

"It doesn't matter how you think, I will never be transformed, that is, the aggregation of rules, intangible and immaterial, just a conceptual thing, what can you do with me?" Uncle proudly.

Damn it, Fang Ning was helpless and had to ignore it.

The question now is how to let yourself have the power to overwhelm this haunted house curse!

I'm a lake-level strong soul!

Fang Ning thought of this, the tiger's body shocked and exuded a king's air.

Then the wind hit, he hung up again ...

"Hahaha, it's useless to pretend to be forced! Only real power can pass." The uncle sneered.

The real power?

Fang Ning thought about it in his head, and suddenly understood the intention of the uncle. It was to avoid salted fish and master the use of power.

He thought about it, what would he do?

Uh, it seems like nothing ...

No, I will still read the scriptures.

"You still have a little self-knowledge. You are too lazy to practice. Now you don't even have a fighting method." The uncle despised ~ ~ You are innocent and innocent, I have thought of it! Fang Ning was proud.

His voice just fell, and the wind came again.


A joke flashed in his mind. When you fell off the cliff, what was the last sentence you wanted to say?

A great **** said the two words above ...

However, after all, it was just a fantasy, but Fang Ning was true and true, and he could do it! This is the difference!

In the next moment, a yellow light flashed, and he became a simple stone tablet.

When the overcast wind hit, the stele remained motionless, the golden light was released, and the entire dilapidated house exploded with a bang.

Where is there halfway? Where is the wind blowing and howling?

Everything is in broad daylight! No evil will invade!

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