Seized by the System

Chapter 814: Greatest fear

"Obviously it depends on your real strength, but how can you cheat again? It is wrong to take a shortcut!"

Fang Ning listened to its tone, which meant that he no longer died one hundred and eighty times, and could not grasp the real power.

He turned a deaf ear, folded his hands together, and greeted the head with his head: "A Don Tong, you are wearing a picture!"

"What do you mean? You are obviously using a stele bound by the soul, openly cheating to pass, you are justified?" Uncle was very dissatisfied.

"Oh," Fang Ning said inscrutablely, "The sages have a cloud,‘ Gentlemen are born differently, good things are also good things. ’This is my true strength ...”

"..." The uncle was speechless, and the host's flicker could not be heard, but the words of the sages should be correct.

This sentence was not made by the host himself out of thin air, but was clearly searchable-this is what the ancient Xian "Xunzi" said in "Persuasion".

"Damn, seeing that this is what the true sages said, I will pass you through; but, don't think I'm just like this, the real test is still to come!" The uncle said very firmly.

Fang Ning didn't care: "Knowing that Cheng Bingjin still has three axes, you have to put together another level to put an end to it."

"Don't underestimate me!" Said the uncle.

Upon hearing this, Fang Ning really had drums in the dim sum. These two goods recently pitted him off, but don't play any new tricks.

He quickly sorted and filtered in his mind, created an EXCEL table, and sorted out what he feared.

In the end, he found that he was really too scared, and he could not sort it out for a while.

Sure enough, he is still far from a real powerhouse.

Looking at the cultivation materials collated by Anderson, and the cultivation journey of many high-ranking strong men, they all have to go through a long process of defeating themselves.

Each time they cultivate for breakthrough and promotion, it means that they must overcome a certain defect in their hearts. If the mind cannot keep up, the stronger power cannot be controlled.

This is not mysterious.

To put it simply, if a person has the button to press a nuclear weapon, before he dies, he suddenly wants to take someone else to be buried together. Who will control him?

On the earth, this solution is very simple, using a relatively complete launch mechanism, you can avoid someone's disorder.

In the heaven of the upper realm, the same song is the same.

Heaven's way is fixed, if the mind is not close, it is difficult to grasp the too powerful force, so as not to cause too much damage to the world before they die.

Those gods and Buddhas will kill mortals at will, but they dare not use their might to destroy the world.

You can be evil or good, but you must keep to the bottom line, which is to maintain the integrity of the world and follow the sky.

This is the reason. If he had this kind of thought and put it into practice, he would get into trouble and lose his position.

Devil Dao often wants to steal the power of heaven, look for loopholes in heaven, and try to avoid this limitation as much as possible. However, it often becomes a demon, and the reason that those who lose normal wisdom should have, become a scourge such as natural disasters. Even if you have strength, you have no meaning for yourself, and you can't enjoy the benefits of a little strength.

Good gambling, lasciviousness, good fortune, aggressiveness ... Many shortcomings must be overcome one by one, in order to be successful.

Otherwise, you will have to go out of your way, and you will be able to become a waste of life, and even become a waste of life, which is worse than mortals. If such a thing does not happen every year, it will be called. Bizarre.

Fang Ning himself, with the care of his grandfather, does not need to overcome these problems in mind, and he directly stands at the apex of the rules. There is never a problem of getting caught in the magic. Cultivation is an express train.

While Fang Ning was thinking, the surrounding scenery changed again.

A quiet valley filled with orchids.

A wooden house lives in the valley, and the cliffs around the valley are difficult to climb.

Fang Ning was right in front of the wooden house.

"Speak, what will I test again this time?"

Fang Ning's voice had just dropped, and "Pun Tong" dropped from the sky to a big book.

Five big characters in the book-"The Righteousness of Heaven and Earth"!

"Within ten years, if you don't practice to the legendary level, you never want to leave this valley!" Uncle proudly said.

"Lying trough, Tongzi, you can't do this!" Fang Ning suddenly wanted to cry without tears. "You practiced krypton and practiced for more than two years. You have only reached the legendary level. I just just started. Ten years, how is it possible? Legendary level, I do n’t know what year or month I want to practice. "

"Yeah, this is the final test! Don't you want to work hard? Isn't this about what you want, it depends on your long-term actions. I've decided it, anyway, you're useless, just provide a consultant That ’s it. The final medicinal effect is to give you a closed environment. There is no internet or electricity here. You do n’t have to eat or drink. You concentrate on cultivation and practice for ten years. If you can keep working hard for ten years, then you are really reinventing yourself, not fishing for three days or drying the net for two days. "Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say, and then suddenly he hurriedly said, "No, it doesn't matter if you want me to shut down and practice for ten years, but I still have a wife. I really don't want to see each other for ten years. Gone."

"That's just right, I'll change the name of this valley, it's called Desperate Valley ..." The uncle was proud.

"Lying trough, Tongzi, what is your conscience?" Fang Ning wanted to cry without tears.

"I never had a conscience." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Fang Ning racked his brains and finally had a way: "This is not a hero. For training, you suddenly have to abandon your family. This is a cool man! You force me to do this, the chivalrous value must be clean! "

"Uh, you really think so much ..." Uncle sorrowfully said, "Forget it, what you said makes sense. That's good, I just picked a few exercises to give your wife and let her practice directly for ten years. If you are a true love, you will not be seen for ten years, and it will definitely not be an obstacle. If you ca n’t resist even ten years of separation, then you still have to pull down early, but we will succeed in the future. Holy ancestor. "

"Atong, you are still pure in nature. I have not misunderstood you." Fang Ning was very pleased.

Uncle is not an evil spirit system after all, there is a lower limit no matter how you do it, the chivalry value can still restrain it.

As for other social relations? Fang Ning thought for a while, and there was really nothing. That was because the knight-man A hosted by the uncle was interacting with him. The identity with Fang Ning was not much.

Fang Ning then admits his fate: "Well, you let me go out to meet people and make this clear."

"Why are you doing so many things? I'll direct you to deal with it. You hurry up and practice right here. I promise you won't make you green." The uncle said indiscriminately.

"What you think about is really more ..." Fang Ninghan failed to give up this second thing.

Only then began to seriously turn over the thick book.

He didn't have much worries in the first place. Before being stimulated by the gods, he wanted to work hard.

Now the uncle forced him to create a training environment, but instead let him find the atmosphere of the third year of study. Under the supervision of the teacher, the students were struggling to learn from the competition of the classmates. Knowledge, between 14 hours and 16 hours of study a day, is extremely efficient, and it was once a temporary learning hegemony.

"Heaven and earth have righteousness, mixed with manifolds. Below is Heyue, above is Sun Star."

Fang Ning reads and reads, and gradually enters the state of ecstasy, immersing himself in the exercises.

Uncle's "Heaven and Earth Righteousness Tips", but with pictures and texts, complete deduction, not seen in the sky, hard to find in the world, this is the only one in the world.

Whether it is Zheng Dao or the yellow dog Xue Ba, after being taught, they will be regarded as the main practice, and they will not dare to slack off because they understand that this practice is precious. The ghosts and spirits can be shocked.

Only Fang Ning and Black Dog Zilit are naturally lazy and lack self-control, and have not made much progress.

Now the uncle threw this exercise to Fang Ning ~ ~ and said that it was the final test. For Ning Ning, it was very suitable.

If he can really cultivate to the legendary level, he will certainly possess the self-control and character of the great human sages, surpassing others, and in the future cultivation path, the benefits are great and unparalleled.

So Fang Ning didn't have any doubts. At the last stage of the uncle, why didn't he make up the thing of fear, but gave him a copy of the exercises directly!

Because of this exercise, in his previous view, it was one of the greatest fears.

It can be cultivated to the legendary level in ten years and placed in the upper realm, it must be that the gods and buddhas must be horrified.

The foundation of this exercise method is there, and it can make people's minds complete. If they can cultivate their talents, they can have the same mind as the gods and gods.

Ordinary people want this opportunity, and they can't find it. Even if it is an authentic heir, it will have to pass many tests before it can be taught such a fundamental law.

After all, God Buddha does not want someone to be perfect, it will only add more world variables and increase competitors.

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