Seized by the System

Chapter 815: Salted Fish System

So Fang Ning stayed in the valley and practiced meditation.

The uncle played very well, he could only see the sun rising and sunset, he didn't even have an electronic watch, and he didn't know the flow of years.

He can only use the most primitive method of recording, recording every time of dawn.

If he remembered wrong before, it is impossible now.

After all, he got up early to practice and never got up late one night.

Of course, this should also be attributed to the fact that this "Heaven and Earth Righteousness Technique" method needs to get up early to practice every day and experience the righteousness of the natural world.

Fang Ning must have felt incredible for this kind of day, which must be persisted for ten years.

Later, he slowly got used to it. He thought about it. Before he was eighteen, did he study hard for ten years?

Except for a few vacation days, don't you have to get up early at other times and start learning at 7? Fortunately in elementary school, when I was in junior high school, I started to study in the evening and early.

In his days, everything was divided into examinations, and there was no quality education.

He just knew that if this person didn't oppress himself for a share, he really didn't know how much potential he had.

When he recorded the 400th sunrise, a system prompt sound appeared.

"The host has successfully cultivated" Heaven and Earth Righteousness Technique "and has reached the intermediate level."

Fang Ning heard the voice of the prompt, but faced it calmly, without worry or joy.

As long as you work hard, you will gain something.

"Your gains are not small, and you have reached intermediate level in more than a year. It seems that you really hope to complete this ultimate test." Uncle was very surprised.

This is the first time that the uncle has spoken in more than a year.

Fang Ning knew that the uncle would only come forward if he found out that he had hope of crossing the border.

He said lightly now: "It's actually nothing, everything is as I expected. I had this potential already, but I just didn't play it."

"Oh, is that true?" Said the uncle thoughtfully.

Fang Ning felt a little vague. Uncle seemed a little strange this time, but he didn't ask much, but continued to immerse himself in cultivation.

The 800th day and night passed, and the system prompt sound appeared again.

"The host practiced" Heaven and Earth Righteousness Technique "successfully and has reached the advanced stage."

Fang Ning heard that there was no change in mood.

"You can do it. It seems that I really misunderstood you before. I always thought you couldn't help the wall with mud. I didn't expect you to be really powerful." The uncle said heartily.

"Oh, nothing, mainly because of my previous performance, it was a bit overdone. After all, most people are like this, this is human nature." Fang Ning said lightly.

"Oh, is that true?" The uncle seemed to be touched.

Finally, in the 3200th day and night, which is the ninth year, less than ten years, after all, ten years is at least 3650 days, and Fang Ning heard the final reminder.

"The host practice" Heaven and Earth Righteousness Technique "has achieved great success and has reached the legendary level."

"Ah, I don't seem to be very happy to hear this prompt, everything is just natural." Fang Ning stood in front of the wooden house, holding the thick book, said lightly.

That's right, the book was a re-engraved version of the book that the uncle gave him, almost with his shoulders high ... not the book is too high, it is Fang Ning, which is 1.68 meters, which was not very tall.

"Ah, until now, since you have cultivated a great success, then I will not hide you. In fact, you can already end the trusteeship, and my mission can be achieved." Uncle You quietly said.

"What?" Fang Ning suddenly felt bad, and was sent back to the prototype with a mentality.

He hurriedly asked, "What the **** is going on outside? You haven't consulted me once in nine years. Did you go the wrong way? No, the contract was clearly made. If humans don't migrate, they will take the initiative three decades later. On earth, you should n’t have any opponents? Even if you do n’t ask me, your behavior will not cause big problems. ”

"Ah, we are too young to look at the gods. After all, people are gods. The virus in you before, the soul of the fever, seems to have happened to you, but it is actually directed at me. In the end it is a god, although it is just a seemingly not The eye-catching virus is aimed at the loopholes in my rules. These gods in the upper realm, we really have to underestimate others. They can become gods, and they naturally have to master at least one rule of heaven. They understand the rules far beyond Our imagination. "Uncle said very painfully.

Fang Ning heard the words, and immediately felt that the five thunders were bursting.

He repeatedly asked in horror: "How could this be? Tongzi, are you swollen?"

"Simply put, I'm like Bai Shixin in the past. In the future, it will be a waste wood system. I can only serve as a salted fish. In the future, I can not only trust you, I can't help you to practice monsters, but also consume to maintain existence You have a lot of skills, and the true Qi mana you practice every day must be filled in to me, otherwise, I will continue to decline until your level. "Uncle said word by word.

Fang Ning fully understood this, wasn't Grandpa just turning from a managed hosting system to a grandpa advisor who absorbed the protagonist's skills?

Although he was terrified, "Heaven and Earth Zheng Qi Jue" did not practice in vain, and his mood quickly calmed down.

"Since that is the case, there is no way. Fortunately, you are fine after all. As long as you are alive, there is still hope. Let's take it slowly, I will work hard to practice in the future. I will also learn alchemy, and give you alchemy to eat and make up. Mana, no matter how, we still have industry, and land can be rented out, to spend money to buy medicine, after all, I also merged with a mysterious heaven, where there will inevitably be a commercial distribution center, and the toll will be enough to feed you. Fang Ning analyzed them one by one, trying to comfort the deceased uncle.

"Uh, no wonder you can unlock the three chivalrous achievements, you really are a person who is loyal, not a utilitarian and vulgar person," the uncle heard, and he was very moved, hesitated for a while, and finally said, "Since this, then I Tell you the only solution. "

"What way? Come on, even if there are great difficulties, I will do it for you." Fang Ning asked quickly.

"That virus only attacked my rule loopholes, but it was impossible to anticipate. A long time ago, I transferred some of my rules to that broken book, which is your baby game book. Although I am now paralyzed, I can still Continue to transfer other effective rules to it, so that it has most of my functions. In this way, you can still be managed, and you can still have a small system that listens to you from then on, "the uncle said seriously.

"What about you?" Fang Ning said with concern.

"I will naturally disappear slowly. After all, I am a collection of rules. After transferring the rules, I have no basis for existence," Grandpa Youyou said. "But you don't need to worry. I was not a life. I didn't have me before. After the emergence of, there will be no me in the future, everything is just a return to the original point. "

"How can this be!" Fang Ning refused immediately without hesitation, "I used to be the host of salted fish, and you can naturally also make the salted fish system in the future. Although you become a waste material, then what? Is Fang Ning the kind of utilitarian person who will use his value to determine his relationship? "

"Uh ... your words are sincere? I don't have the ability to peep at your thoughts, and I can't tell whether your words are coming from the heart." Uncle said weakly.

"Of course I am sincere. Although I am lazy, I have always been a person who values ​​love and sentiment. In the game, at least the value of sentiment value is 99. I will never be because of you becoming salted fish, I will like the new and the old Yours. "Fang Ning cut the railway.

"Then you have to think about it. If you choose the latter, you can still have the opportunity to continue to become a holy ancestor; if you maintain my existence, not only will the knight name no longer exist, but you will also practice much slower than other peers. At that time, there will be countless people who will step on you. Even if you let the Vampire A disappear, they will be angry at your true identity and those innocent people. "The uncle carefully reminded.

Fang Ning said with confidence: "You don't have to worry about this issue. We have long been in the back lane. All the important people are in the secret. I will never let those rivals catch up with us. . "

At this time, the system prompt appears suddenly.

(The host completes the obsession "The system can't be lost", triggers the specific unique chivalrous achievement "not to leave": to obtain the mythical skill "human-machine integration". Skill effect: After activating the skill, the host soul will merge with the system for a short time, Has system characteristics and ignores any spirit attacks.)

"Tongzi ~ ~ You really turned bad ..." Fang Ning said quietly.

Seeing the real system prompt appeared, he didn't know where, this is the final fear test!

The thing he was most afraid of was, of course, the master who had been hosting his own system, and suddenly he left him

This is what he fears the most, none of them.

"Uh, this breaks the rules, and it's a good thing that breaks me," the uncle saw, suddenly embarrassed. "No way, I have to tell you the truth. In fact, within ten years, you haven't cultivated to the legendary level, you only spent In a month, I haven't cultivated any famous halls. The prompts are all the sound effects I made ... "

"I don't need more explanation, I know there is no such good thing!" Fang Ning was indifferent to this. "You are so guilty of me today, you wait, I will revenge sooner or later."

"Uh, slipped, slipped ..." The uncle saw that the host was really angry and hurried away.

At this point, the valley disappeared, the system space reappeared, and Fang Ning returned to the original point.

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