Seized by the System

Chapter 816: Unyielding

Back to the familiar system space, standing on that blue stone road, looking at the buildings on the left and right, Fang Ning heartily felt that life is really beautiful!

Those terrifying ghosts and snakes are gone.

The uncle of the system is also safe and sound, and the past is like a nightmare.

But this guy, Grandpa, really became corrupted. Fang Ning naturally understood why Grandpa finally said something like "This rule breaks, and it's good to break it".

If it were not for him to start from the heart, and then trigger a new chivalrous achievement, he would definitely be fooled by the uncle, thinking that the uncle was really poisoned by God, and then turned into a waste wood system.

After all, the performance of the uncle is too real and completely starred.

If the uncle is poisoned and turned into a waste system, Fang Ning is also a person who values ​​love.

To save it, we must do our best.

A little experience of the game book baby, he will not accumulate as before, and he will also try to fix the uncle's rule loopholes as soon as possible.

And more importantly, the experience value that Uncle can get every day now is relatively low for various upgrades. Even if it is loaded with salted fish, it does not have much impact if it does not brush mobs.

Its most important hope is the evil spirits in breeding. If a evil spirit is cultivated to the peak, it will be worth billions of experience, and more than tens of billions.

However, the cultivation of evil spirits takes a lot of cultivation resources. This is where the uncle of the system improves his strength and is completely different from all other practitioners.

For other cultivators, cultivation resources need to be supplied by themselves in order to increase their strength. Even if someone improves their strength by the way of killing, it is also because the part of the slain is transformed into his own strength, and the game upgrade method like uncle In essence, it is not the same thing.

The way of killing is often easy to fall into the magic path, because it is affected by various residues of the victim, and the uncle of the system upgrades by experience value, but there will be no similar concerns, which belongs to a perfect perfection in the true sense.

In order to get enough experience, 24 hours a day, I'm afraid Fang Ning will be busy with 22 hours at work.

In the future, he can only be reduced to the hard work of hard work, and all the benefits must be filled in by the uncle for the first time, otherwise, it will wailing in minutes, "Will disappear ..." and so on.

I have to say that this time the uncle's routine is a bit fresh and refined. If it succeeds, the status between the system and the host will really reverse, the salted fish host disappears, and the salted fish system appears ...

In retrospect, Fang Ning felt a little more incredible. This kind of extremely profound routine almost pits himself in. Can Grandpa really make it up?

This guy first used the so-called heart-practice test to paralyze himself, and then confused his judgment with false years, and finally used a long-established fact that he had just been poisoned and sick to prove that it was actually the truth behind its poisoning.

In addition, it has rarely lied, and I believed it the first time. This is definitely a clever way to hit yourself.

However, the routine is a routine after all, and there must be a flaw.

Fang Ning now recalls that there are at least two flaws. First, the uncle has no way to avoid the real rules, which is the root of its last exposure; second, it has made a false practice time and will be passed by itself sooner or later. See through reality.

Of course, the loophole of the second article is too obvious. This guy must have prepared the explanation method long ago, for example, Yunyun who "was suddenly poisoned, leading to the failure of heart-setting scene layout".

Anyway, as long as you want to find an explanation, there are always countless reasons.

However, there is always only one truth.

That is "Uncle or your uncle".

In fact, a long time ago, it did not do this less, such as pitting its own money, pitting its own time for venting, but at that time it was still very junior.

Now it plays more advanced routines, and it knows how to catch people's heart, and it also uses the foggy technique to make itself in the fog and see its true purpose.

Regardless of whether it's the three hurdles of refining the heart or its final poisoning rhetoric, in fact, it has only one real purpose, which is to cure its late procrastination and work for it.

To put it simply, it means that the host should not marry, have no children, sleep, play, and work only to enhance the power of the system, and strive to build the most powerful system in history.

Fang Ning stood on Qingshi Road and thought about everything thoroughly. After standing for a while, he shook his head helplessly and walked into the system cybercafé.

Instead of playing, he turned on the computer, opened the file, started working, deployed resources, coordinated issues ...

Although Zheng Dao is doing his best, Huang Gouzi is also loyal, and the dragon carp is clever, but he / they do n’t know the details of the uncle, and they do n’t know the real focus of work.

So in the entire work chain, Fang Ning actually has a very heavy role and task.

"The three million free spider-man labors levied by the devil's black robe for the City of Righteousness had been put in place the day before yesterday, on January 3, the fourth year of the gods-Dragon Carp Report."

"According to the Spider-Man labor survey conducted for the first time, they all signed a labor agreement with an unknown existence, and they must work free for 50 years after rebirth, and then the rest of their time is under their personal discretion. If the free work period does not meet Standard, the working time will be extended, if the performance is good, the working time will be shortened, the standard has real-time reminders. "

"This unknown existence, according to a very deliberate spiderman laborer, privately revealed that it is called" Red Queen ", which is a powerful artificial intelligence. According to the subordinates' serious analysis, it should be the black robe demon climbing the dragon and the Phoenix, according to human beings. Named after the Doomsday Crisis movie, it has a very peculiar ability to communicate with these workers in real-time spirit, and even to cross the limits of the secret space. This is really in line with the spiritual abilities that appeared in that movie. "

"According to the observations of the subordinates, the life of the human spirits of the general spider-man labor is about 70-90 years. After a long 50-year free work period, it will immediately enter a recession period. If there is no corresponding red medicine supplement, or absorb enough The spirit of cultivation will soon disappear, and there is no possibility of multiple rebirths. "

"These workers basically don't know this. On the contrary, because they have real-time supervision, their work efficiency is not lower than that of workers who are normally paid. And in order to get freedom early, they are also very motivated. They just put in two days of work and they are planting medicinal materials. I began to actively try some small-scale improvement experiments, adjust the production chain, try to increase the output rate of medicinal materials, and reduce the scrap rate. This is not a concept at all with ordinary slaves. I believe that with the investment of time, they will certainly receive such an attempt. effective."

The black robe really worthy of his black body, this heart is black in his bones, already entrenched in the capitalist country, was deeply rendered, plus he himself is an omnipotent devil, doing this kind of thing Come, very normal.

Fang Ning sighed deeply after reading the carefully prepared report of the dragon carp.

He added a note to the report: "Workers who have worked for the Righteous City for more than ten years, and those who have passed the performance, can be given an ordinary Zhuang Dan as an additional reward."

A magnificent pill can support the lifespan of ordinary gods and souls for at least five to ten years. Of course, it is impossible to rely on this infinite life extension.

After all, Divine Soul itself also has a decline mechanism, which will be washed and eroded from time to time.

If you do not continue to practice and purify the soul of the gods, in the end it will still be attributed to heaven and earth, without traces.

In fact, if there is no physical basis as a barrier, the spirit exposed to the objective world can't even hold on for a few days.

From nothing, to nothing, this can complete a true natural cycle.

Just after Fang Ning wrote the comment, the uncle suddenly appeared as if he had just appeared, and was surprised: "Well, you did n’t even care about playing the game after you came out? I thought you had to revenge me by sleeping for three days ... … "

"Well, how can Fang Mou know you as a small system? You are too little to look at me," Fang Ning pretended lightly, exuding Dao's noble integrity, just like a moral expert, "Whether you use these means or not Routines, I will do what I should do now. "

Although he practiced "Heaven and Earth Righteousness Trick" in Lianxin Valley, he didn't really make any progress, but she learned what she did.

After all, this exercise method is really easy to use, and it is more natural than the "Bodhichitta."

After all, the monk is a monk, and he is still a little tired to pretend. It is better to inherit the things passed down by his ancestors. The two are more similar and can be pretended to be more natural.

"Uh, wouldn't it be better if you were like this earlier?" The uncle straightened, "I'm tired of searching for many days."

"You're justified? Don't you never lie?" Fang Ning despised.

The uncle proclaimed: "This, the sages have a cloud, and the matter is urgent. And I have always been an honest system with no change in my original intention. This is absolutely not lying."

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say ~ ~ Uncle really did not change his mind.

After a while, he said indifferently: "Forget it, I don't care about you, at least I won't slacken before chasing away the gods of the upper realm who want to be slaves. Only after a good job can you play with confidence. "

"I haven't searched for any of these sages to say this ..." The uncle said quietly.

"Can I make a bowl of chicken soup by myself?" Fang Ning said depressed.

"Then you are right, yes, there is one thing I have to remind you, you better check the matter of Heavenly Dao. We said before that Heavenly Dad has a deep heritage and will not succumb. After several days of luck skills, I found a little loose feeling. "The uncle asked.

"Okay, I will use it as the focus of the next stage of work." Fang Ning waved his hand, like driving away a fly.

"You're secretly scolding me again, but it doesn't matter, as long as you are willing to work hard and treat me as nothing, I don't care ..."


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