Seized by the System

Chapter 817: 3.8 billion years of sea song

When Fang Ning got serious, the uncle could not find out the hidden dangers of Heavenly Dao, and he soon had an eyebrow.

From the intricate information, he found a key point.

Director of the Special Investigation Bureau of the Americas ... Hook.

He showed a portrait of the other person in his mind: a middle-aged white man with an eagle nose, high cheekbones, wide jaws, and a normal appearance. It was difficult for the Chinese to see him when they saw him.

This guy is definitely a good material for agents. At first glance, everyone looks like they don't need extra makeup.

A handsome guy like Zero Zero is not good. It is difficult to be a good agent in reality. He is too easy to attract attention.

The striking end is exposure, after all, the agents ’actions cannot withstand careful monitoring.

Fang Ning would notice Hu Ke because he was in the Secret Realm of Heaven, the last time he knew that this guy was present and died in the hands of the group of alchemists.

However, in the latest information, the other party changed a mechanical body, and returned to the Bureau of Investigation ceremoniously, continuing to serve as the director, as if nothing had happened.

There is nothing special about this, after all, everyone will have a life-saving method, especially such a person who holds a heavy weight and is in a key position.

What's special is that after the other party's resurrection, she has an intersection with the woman in white clothes, who is the moon **** of the upper realm.

Fang Ning knew in his heart that the woman was the agent of the gods and gods in the upper realm, and the one who most likely dealt with Heavenly Path was her.

And she also has a history of interfering with the Vampire A blocking the passage of space.

None of these intelligences were collected by Fang Ning, but Anderson collected them through the intelligence network.

Many key figures have specially created files for tracking.

These sources of intelligence are either shared intelligence from the truth office of Shenzhou, or uploaded from the daily work of several knights and their entourage, or posted by an exclusive secret network managed by the friendly army of those friendly forces.

For example, William and Robert are already allies, and they will release some intelligence.

Fang Ning had never understood this exclusive secret network before. Of course, he was too lazy to understand. It was only recently discovered that the uncle had done a lot of things he didn't know ...

Thinking of this, Fang Ning immediately said: "Uncle, we can't let this Luna avatar continue to act at will. She is too threatening to Heavenly Dad. You have to find a way to suppress her, and I will be responsible for dyeing red."

"Uh, it's useless if you dye this red." The uncle was not excited at all, but said in a bitter tone, very disappointed in his tone.

"Why?" Fang Ning suddenly puzzled.

"Do you know the mirror flowers?" Uncle did not answer directly, but sold a pass.

"Oh, I see. You mean this so-called moon **** avatar is not a real existence, but a projection of her real body in the upper realm?" Fang Ning suddenly said.

"That's exactly what happened. So I didn't care about her. When I was in the cafe last time, I didn't suppress her, I just learned that you let go of the gun." The uncle said helplessly.

"So, how can the shadow be suppressed?" Fang Ning suddenly awe-inspiring.

The gods of the upper realm each have supernatural powers. Even if they are restricted by this realm, they have added a lot of calamity, and their depth is deep enough to use many inscrutable means, which is not easy to deal with.

I met three hostile gods of the upper and lower world before and after, except for the Golden God's incarnation, I wanted to play hard, and I was directly suppressed by the uncle as a mythical material in the Dragon Prison.

"It seems that we can only start with Hook first." Fang Ning said seriously.

"This is simple, his body is still provided by the black robe. The black robe, the cunning and insidious, will definitely leave a back door for monitoring, just like he monitors the spider-workers. Now he does not know why, and he listens to us, Should be willing to help. "The uncle made a suggestion.

"Oh, you are still too naive. He is not" speaking and obeying ", but he wants us to stand against the gods and be a fisherman. He is very savvy. However, he is temporarily consistent with his position at the moment. Only the true enemy can grasp the overall situation and get twice the result with half the effort. "Fang Ning learned from the lesson.

When the uncle heard it, he was immediately depressed: "If you are serious, you will have to teach me if you have nothing to do. It is better to let me worry when I get up and play. I have made good suggestions, and you have to give some rewards."

"Less nonsense, hurry and fly to where the black robe is, I want to meet with it." Fang Ning issued an order.

"Uh, don't you want to work hard? Why do you want me to trust you? You obviously can fly." The uncle seemed not to move.

"What do you know, you are a driver now, do you understand? If the boss works hard, wouldn't it be possible to drive in person?" Fang Ning was straightforward.

"... I don't understand. I just think that my status seems to be going backwards again. I used to be a half-body owner. Now that you are struggling, I become your dogleg." Uncle sorrowfully said.

"Just know, hurry up and don't delay Fang Ning's detective's time," Fang Ning looked at the computer clock and started pretending again:

"It's 12 noon on January 5th. I hope to see the black robe in 10 minutes."

"It's already here," the uncle said disdainfully.

"Uh, you driver is really rare in the world, and you can deliver it in one sentence." Fang Ning was very comfortable, and then he had to return to his body.

He looked up, and it was indeed in the American villa in the black robe, or in the other's study, opposite to his face.

"Xia Kejia, you are always uninvited and trespassing into other people's rooms. Don't you think it's a heroic style? Besides, in this country, I can exercise defense power." After appearing, his face changed slightly, and then he stabs in a shadowless manner.

Although the master is destined to help each other to fight against many gods and Buddhas in the upper realm, this does not mean that he will meet with a smile.

After all, it was not only too fake, but also hurt his dignity.

"If it is a normal person, this seat will naturally be unsolicited. But where the devil's cave is, this seat is full of taboos." Fang Ning said rightly.

The black robe is speechless at the moment. In fact, he is preparing a plan that can't see the light, but can't be considered a bad thing.

This is another potential reason why he doesn't want Xia Kejia to break into the portal casually.

"Uh, rich man, you know a lot about your gun skills." The Righteousness of Heaven and Earth "is not practiced in vain." The uncle saw nothing in the black robe and immediately admired it.

"Alright." Fang Ning was also very satisfied with his response.

After a while, the black robe only slightly concealed: "So what's the matter with you coming this time?"

Fang Ning said lightly: "I want to check a person's whereabouts, you must know."



"It turned out to be him. It's the same as the hero saw. I was just looking for his trouble." The black robe suddenly showed a happy look.

"Why is this?" Fang Ning asked blankly.

"Well, he got the advanced robotics technology from us, turned his head, and cooperated with those wicked and despicable upper gods. He really thought he could be around the source? I'm afraid he still doesn't know what is 'magic'." Black robe said coldly.

"Oh? What the **** do you want to do? But there is a word in this seat. If you hurt the innocent, this friendship will be lost before the blame." Fang Ning reminded.

"Relax, I will only teach him a little bit, and what he has done recently, if you see it, I'm afraid you won't need me." Black robe said very self-confidently.

"Then you should show this seat."

"That's about it."

Black robe reached out with a finger, Hook's whereabouts, and suddenly appeared in the study room, the two were like watching a face-to-face 3D movie.

This is the bad thing that people are concerned about. Although Hook looks mediocre, he can't stand someone installing a back door in his body.

Among them are pictures of him transforming into a robot, pictures of him going to Mana Bank to buy mana points, and more recently, pictures of him talking with the woman in white.

The other party clearly mentioned that they must rely on the help of the saints of the upper realm to maintain their own consciousness and at the same time control the heavenly ways of the earth.

"With such important news, you can't bear to say it until you seat here?" Fang Ning was a little puzzled.

It is common sense that the other party should not reveal these news to himself early so that he can be destroyed from it. Does he sit back and enjoy his success?

"It's useless to say," the black robe said coldly. "If he goes together, the Luna won't find another agent. If he dies, the other party will only change to someone I can't monitor. Now He is in the critical period of his partnership, the probability of success is actually very small, and a lot of time is wasted. I do n’t need to waste this monitoring opportunity. "

"Oh, how do you know that his probability of success is not high? To know that he is the character selected by the gods." Fang Ning wondered.

"It's very simple, he doesn't have that kind of instrument. Although the earth is not big, life has a long history of reproduction. 3.8 billion years of tragic song of the sea is not a historical weight that Hook can carry."

A figure appeared in the eyes of the black robe ~ ~ It seems that only he has the kind of device to swallow the universe.

"Is it so? It seems that this seat really does not need to intervene?" Fang Ning said lightly.

"That's exactly what you want, but you can watch here how he failed to get together, and you can grow your experience of getting together in the future." Black robe smiled slightly.

"Hey, is this guy so kind?" Uncle was very surprised.

"Huh, he wanted to leave us with a huge shadow. Let us never let the idea of ​​the earth's heavenly path. These devil heads never show goodwill to strangers." Fang Ning said to the uncle in his heart .

"It turned out to be the case, but speaking of it, other people besides you really haven't left any shadows on me, I have left them all." Uncle said very depressed.

"Uh, it's not kind of you to talk like this. Tongzi, where did I pit you?" Fang Ningqiang argued.

"You just pitted me back just now." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

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