Seized by the System

Chapter 818: key

In the study room of the Black Robe Villa, Fang Ning has been sitting on the only dark black leather chair without any care, staring at the 3D image in front of him and carefully watching it.

But the real master of the study, the black robe, can only stand, and he will not be tired. It is just the picture of the two meeting at this time. If the outsider sees it, he thinks that he will vote separately from the master ...

But the black robe is helpless, the strength of the knightly armor is not beyond his reach, and even the master has to retreat.

But he was not sullen. He believed that as long as the master had a good plan, not to mention a knightly armor, even if the heavenly **** Buddha came, he could only bow his head.

So he chose to be patient for a while. Patience is uncomfortable, but the reality is that, who can hold it better, who will have a greater chance to laugh to the end.

Those who choose to face up to the knightly armor, without exception, are confused.

Anyone who can live to the present evil path already knows a rule, that is, he cannot violate the other party's bottom line.

Thinking of this, the black robe reached out with a finger, and the 3D images displayed at this time quickly showed Hook's current whereabouts.

The picture changed, and a desert Gobi appeared.

The wind was roaring, the yellow sand was everywhere, and the stone pillars that had been eroded by hundreds of millions of years were lined with holes. Standing on the Gobi, it seemed to be silently telling all the stories that happened in hundreds of millions of years.

A tiny figure was staring blankly at a brownish-yellow stone column that exposed the ground.

On the stone pillar, there are some strange figures.

Fang Ning looked puzzled, and a narration suddenly appeared: "This is an ancient rock layer exposed by the crustal movement. It is located in the Middle East and has at least 3 billion years of history. . "

This is a mechanical female voice.

After Fang Ning heard this voice, although he still had no expression on his face, he was very surprised.

Because of this female voice, he was quite familiar ... After thinking about it, it was the voice of Red Queen in the Resident Evil.

As an old player, how can he not get involved in classic games like Resident Evil?

In this black robe, should one say that the other party is amused, or is it something else?

Does this so-called red queen really have the intelligence in the Resident Evil series? What principle is it made of?

Fang Ning does not consider this issue for the time being, but just focuses on the characters in the picture.

I saw that the character just stared at Shi Zhu in a daze. It was difficult for others to understand what he was going through.

"After the red, switch to the thinking monitoring mode and use the first-person perspective to observe." Black robe said lightly.

"Observe, master. Activate the thinking scanning program, and the first-person perspective switch is successful." The female voice should quickly be reconciled.

Hey, something interesting ...

Fang Ning secretly wondered, but he didn't expect that the black robe, the magical demon of the dragon, could actually do such a mysterious thing with the help of earth technology.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he could not have imagined that there would be such a degree of artificial intelligence. As a former programmer, he knew very well what the so-called artificial intelligence used to circle money was.

The well-known machine learning and deep mining are only done for a specific field, which does not mean that artificial intelligence has the ability to learn independently.

In front of the red eyes, it is very shocking to simply recognize and understand the voice commands of the black robe.

After all, this world is recovering from vitality, not the future world where black technology is everywhere.

"Huh, you stay with the strongest artificial intelligence in history every day, but you can't even imagine it?" Uncle suddenly said in Fang Ning's mind.

"You are not Shenma's artificial intelligence. You are a kimchi system. What can people do now? Can you do it? You can't understand it at all." Fang Ning disdain.

"I can't understand how it's done, but what about it? I'm a generation of martial arts system, it can fight monsters on the top, and krypton gold on the bottom, can it? Can it?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Uh, you really will use your strengths to attack others' shortcomings." Fang Ning said nothing.

At this time, the 3D scene displayed in the study room changed again.

I saw that the small figure disappeared, replaced by what the person saw in the film and television corner, that is, what Hook saw and thought.

The brownish-yellow stone pillar in front of me was suddenly enlarged a lot, and the strange images appearing on it were already recognizable, and seemed to be some paleontological fossils.

Some are band-shaped, some are flaky, and some are fragmented, very mottled and unrecognizable. Fang Ning could not distinguish himself if he had not undergone special image processing.

The devil is the devil.

Director Hook, I am afraid that the other party would have installed strange and unpredictable monitoring tools on his new body, not only what he saw, but even his thoughts, all in black palms. in.

It's not that Hook is not smart enough, but that he can't think of the combination of the mysterious side and the technology side to achieve such a ghostly function.

That's why the mantis catches the cicada, and the cardinals are behind.

However, Fang Ning suddenly had an inexplicable sense of familiarity.

"Uh, sorry, uncle, I just said the wrong thing." He suddenly admitted honestly.

"Huh, it's really rare, you even know to apologize?" Uncle was surprised and happy.

"Yeah, I suddenly understood that you are indeed better than it. You can also peep at my thoughts, and you still have full subjective initiative. You never use what I commanded. Unlike this red one, it only hears black. The gown ordered to do things. "Fang Ning took the opportunity to give the uncle a stick.

"..." Uncle had nothing to say.

At this time, the 3D image changes again.

I saw Hook a silver-white manipulator reaching out and touching the stone pillar.

A bright spot suddenly appeared on the silver-white robotic hand, which kept shining, and immediately immersed in the pillar after hitting the pillar.

"Huh, the bright spot on his hand, you have to remember." Uncle suddenly reminded.


When the bright spot enters the stone pillar, it is like opening the door of destiny ...

A black vortex appeared suddenly.

Later, the entire picture seen by Fang Ning kept rotating, and finally fixed in a blue ocean.

Large pieces of blue flocs settled on the bottom of the sea, and the blazing sunlight fell directly from the heights, and the sea water shone brightly.

The whole ocean is very empty, and there seems to be no fish or shrimp.

"Preliminary predictions show that the pictures there are in the ancient times of the earth. Life was just born 3.7 billion years ago. Cyanobacteria began to multiply and are transforming the earth's atmosphere to release oxygen to accumulate nourishment for the big eruption of life." Red Hou's The narration appears again.

Fang Ning looked at this scene and gradually got a guess.

"It seems that our previous guess was good. Heavenly Dad wanted to choose a fellow. He wanted a person who could bear all its historical accumulation, and could transform its billions of years of accumulation into a true mysterious side force. Able to fight against the gods. This is what the black robe said, the fundamental reason why Hook could not succeed, when he chose to become a chess piece of the gods, he gave up the possibility of a joint success, although he had that mysterious light spot as the door key."

"Uh, listen to the meaning of the rich, do you want to replace it?" Uncle surprised.

Fang Ning suddenly was speechless. The brain circuit of the uncle was really wonderful. He refused immediately:

"Where have I said such things? It's still clear that I have a few pounds or a few. I'm still a highly experienced senior official. Even if I have some occasions and haven't practiced, I can't bear such a huge historical accumulation."

"You can't do it, I can do it. Billions of years of accumulated history are nothing more than occupying more of my system storage resources ..." The uncle took the opportunity to hit the snake.

"Uh, what do you want to do?" Fang Ning suddenly felt something was wrong.

"That, you can actually act as a key, as long as you follow the old example of the place of blood killing, and come back again, if we have the system administrator of the Earth Heaven Dao in hand, then we are more confident against the gods of the upper realm." Uncle Zhen Zhen said with words .

"You think beautifully, my key is not hard enough, even if it can be inserted, it will be broken in one turn, so it is impossible." Fang Ning hurriedly refused.

He had a lot of thought in his mind. At the last round, it was just a little secret world ~ ~ had already spent a lot of effort, and by relying on drugs to get to the lake-level strong soul, he barely succeeded.

Later, he didn't dare to be online often, and he threw it to the uncle for trust, so as to save the cost of running the soul and avoid the hidden danger of being assimilated by the secret way.

Now if he is to Heavenly Dad, will he not be crushed into **** in an instant?

The uncle was very upset when he heard this: "The sages have a cloud, they should not be presumptuous, quotational injustice, and the way of loyalty to admonishment. How can you do this? I am persuasive to you."

"Wait first, this can't be in a hurry." Fang Ning dragged on habitually.

"You said that you want to work hard, and now it is the same again. I misunderstood you, you just can't help the wall with mud." Uncle said sorrowfully.

Fang Ning said helplessly: "At this moment, one moment at a time. Don't be anxious. Everything has to take place slowly, so that it will come to fruition, be mature, and complete."

"Don't talk so much, you just want to drag ..." Uncle is not fooled at all.


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