Seized by the System

Chapter 819: God's best interests

Fang Ning was too lazy to argue with the uncle, and the facts proved that he was correct.

Although the uncle is diligent, he can never get rid of the quick success and the shortcomings. He can only stare at the three-point land under his foot.

Of course, this is not to blame. After all, a kimchi martial arts game background, how high strategic vision can you expect?

It is not a system evolved from the Three Kingdoms series of games, it can learn how to set up the whole world.

He just gathered his heart and watched the process of Hook's joining together carefully, and he could take the opportunity to watch, which is a rare opportunity.

In the azure sea, a black spot suddenly plunged into it, and then a large piece of cyanobacteria moved slightly, then resumed its silence.

"Hook's idea has entered into a blue algae, where he will experience the evolution of life on earth." The cold voice of Hou Hou reverberates in the study.

Black robe nodded, and then left the study.

"Why don't you keep watching?" Fang Ning asked suddenly.

The black robe shook his head immediately and said disdainfully: "Xia Kejia, you really don't learn how to do it. 3.8 billion years ago, the life of the earth was born, but it was not until 600 million years ago that the earth entered the Cambrian, and there was a major explosion of life A variety of multicellular organisms began to appear in large numbers. Before that, there were a full 3.2 billion years. The long-term existence on the earth, most of them are single-celled organisms, monotonous, dead, without any change. That is to say Hook must survive a single-cell biological career of 3.2 billion years. "

"It turned out to be the case. But the time he experienced, and the time we are now, should not be a concept?" Fang Ning continued to ask.

"That is of course. The picture we see now is the history that the heavenly path of the earth shows to the apostles. However, although Hook is just the coming of the mind, he will also spend a really long time in this illusory history. For him, that's the real 3.2 billion years! There is no shortage of minutes and seconds. "Black Robe emphasized heavily.

This is one of the keys to the fact that he does not think the other party will succeed.

For him who is intensively studying the modern science of the earth, humans may be too shallow to be compared with the gods of the upper realm. However, the true depth of the heavenly heaven itself is not much worse than that of the heavenly heaven.

Taking billion years as an order of magnitude, the two still belong to the same order of magnitude.

From the birth to the verge of extinction, the upper realm has experienced 80 billion years.

The earth itself has a history of more than 4 billion years, and the absolute gap is not large.

In the spirit of mortals, how easy is it to carry such a long history?

Fang Ning said, but nodded.

Time is a relative concept. This point has been elaborated long ago.

"3.2 billion years, not to mention anything else, this is definitely a rift. Even if it is a real god, it will decay long ago. Only the unconscious nature will persevere. No, because it does not persevere, it can persevere. "" Fang Ning seems to have some insight.

"What's the matter, if I can be fit with Heavenly Dad, I will insist on showing you for many years." Uncle said very disdainfully.

"Uh, you are really good." Fang Ning admired heartily.

Uncle is not a natural life. Time is not conceptual for it. As long as it can continue to exist, it will continue to exist as long as possible. It will never be too long or lonely.

It has no such emotions and instincts.

The uncle was immediately smug: "I said just now, as long as you play the role of a good key, just give it to me."

"This is still a long-term plan, and the key is not good." Fang Ning was very headache.

The black robe left, to do his own thing.

But Fang Ning did not leave, just looking at the still picture of the ocean, thoughtfully.

Black robe is eloquent, Hook can not succeed.

He and the uncle just analyzed, and they think that the other party cannot succeed.

However, what are the goals of the gods?

What do they and the black robe see, will they not see?

Or is it that Hook is still just a test piece, to test how deep the water in the sky of the earth is?

This speculation is more reasonable.

If it succeeds, it is naturally the best result; if it fails, it also completes the mission of pathfinding. This is the calculation of the gods.

Sure enough, mortals are just mortals after all, how to resist these gods?

If the upper realm is not on the verge of extinction, the earth will never have a chance to fight them.

Fang Ning thought of this, leaning on the leather chair in the study, and then said to the uncle: "You will trust me to sit here, don't move, I will figure out something."

"Oh, got it, as long as you don't buy oranges," the uncle said very honestly.

"..." Fang Ning was too lazy to talk to these two goods, his eyes closed slightly, and the soul quickly immersed into the system space.

He came to the system Internet cafe, opened his work computer, immediately opened the notepad, and then deduced one by one.

"In the mid-three years of Shenyuan, the uncle's use of Tianyun skills failed. At that time, he began to speculate that the gods of the upper realm were working on the earth's heavenly path, which made it free to care for it."

"Later, the Earth Heaven Path transmitted the order to block the upper space channel through the Heaven and Earth Second Monument, and formally sounded the horn to fight back against the gods."

"And then, the upper realm Luna avatar chose Hook this piece, trying to steal the authority of the earth's heaven."

"The battle between the Earth's Heavenly Dao and the gods is now just a prologue. The two sides have only been back and forth for a few rounds, and there is still no victory or defeat. So where is the key to victory or defeat?"

Fang Ning recalled many battles in his mind. The ordinary battles have to go through several stages of trial, conflict, confrontation, decisive battle, retreat / chase.

Then he started writing on the notepad.

"My own camp: Chivalrous Armor, a small number of good gods in the upper realm, a small number of local strong men, and Heavenly Dao itself."

"The other party's camp: the gods of the upper realm, the immortal gates of the upper realms, the large and small denominations ... all potential forces that want to divide the universe where the earth is."

In terms of strength comparison, the gap is a bit too big.

If placed before, Fang Ning would only think that this is an impossible task.

However, after refining his heart, he can still calmly analyze the pros and cons of both sides, trying to find a chance to win.

"The gods of the upper realm are not alone. On the contrary, after a long period of time, the accumulated contradictions can be used from them to let them fight first. In this case, you have to hide yourself first and cannot appear as their common enemy. So as not to let them find a common target. "

"What are you writing? Really unconscious." Uncle suddenly said.

"Nothing, I'm just doing basic text deduction. You can't do these things, and you won't do them." Fang Ning said lightly.

"Is that so? Then I will continue to guard outside." The uncle found Fang Ning was really doing something right, and was very honest.

Although it can't understand it, it also knows that the combination of vertical and horizontal is absolutely impossible for it. Only humans are good at this kind of thing.

Thinking about halfway, Fang Ning frowned suddenly.

I speculate on the mind of the human being, but can the god's way of thinking be the same as that of human beings?

Judging from the various materials previously synthesized ~ ~ In fact, fundamentally speaking, there is no essential difference. Both man and **** are fighting for their own interests.

It's just that mortals at most see the benefits over the years and decades, while the gods look at the benefits over millions of years, or even billions of years.

The mortal knows that he will die, so he actively pursues all kinds of enjoyment in life, spiritual enjoyment, material enjoyment, and regards life as a process.

For the gods, it is their greatest interest to live together with heaven and earth and live forever.

In order to achieve this goal, it doesn't matter what gold and silver treasures, glory and wealth, and beauty pills.

In a sense, they and the uncle of the system have the same basic purpose.

Or conversely, the uncle is an aggregation of rules, and he has stood at the apex of the gods. The interests of both parties are the same, which is normal. Otherwise, it is abnormal.

Fang Ning wrote again in the notebook: "The best interest of the **** is existence itself."

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