Seized by the System

Chapter 821: The Way of the Sage

The lunar land entrenched in the earth, at night, began to reflect the faint white light, just like a huge artificial celestial body.

It has been a long time since the moon changed from a ball to a flatbread.

Once upon a time, many people thought it was difficult for them to accept.

Those beautiful ancient poems, praising the moon, really become a swan song. The moon has officially entered the museum of human history.

However, as time passed, many people discovered that this was the case.

As long as you can live, how does the moon disappear?

After all, this is not an era of peace in the past, but an era of mystery. No matter how beautiful the art is, it has to give way to survival. No matter how beautiful the scenery is, it has to give way to the belly.

At this time, there was a black and white mysterious figure in dialogue on Yuelu.

The black figure shook his head and said: "Your chess piece has failed."

"Unsurprisingly." The white figure was not disappointed.

"It's just a pity that the pure heart orb made by the saint." The black figure was rather sorry.

They took the risk to work for the saints, and although they had no worries about their lives, they were contaminated for the future. For example, the God of Plague has a life and death revenge with many strong human beings.

The things given by the saints are life-saving first.

The white figure said lightly: "He is only given a projection."

"It turns out that. No wonder you are so generous, hehe, you cheated another person." The black figure shook his head.

"No, I haven't. I just didn't tell him that only the success of the joint will give him the body of the Orb." The white figure does not admit this.

The black silhouette sneered: "Huh, these ignorant mortals, really think that Heaven is so easy to touch? How much disaster, how much hardship did we spend before we became gods, how many hardships did we cut off, how much hardship did we get through? After a few years of cultivation, I dare to hope for this thing. I am really delusional. "

"This is their shortcomings and their advantages. Because of this, they can create such a dynamic world with thousands of years of civilization, unlimited potential, and an unpredictable future. Unfortunately, they can only come here. . "

There was a trace of regret in the tone of the white silhouette.

"In any case, finally let us know the details of this world's heaven and earth. It seems that it is not easy to provoke. If it is fighting against it, all its power is stimulated. I am afraid that only a few holy people may be safe. Even if you and I are subordinate to the world, we are definitely not its opponents under the devastation of the heaven and earth of the upper realm. Fortunately, the saints have a layout, so that this heaven and earth can't work as they please.

"Now they can pry this heavenly path, only their locals. We can't do it, as long as they are in direct contact, it will attract their fiercest counterattack. And just now Hook has actually found a way to success, and now only needs a state of mind The cultivation base is deep enough to be comparable to the gods, at least the natives of the innate great **** level. "

"There is a person who can, but he is an opponent of the gods. I always feel that the saints should use a violent means to kill him instead of staying all the time. That will inevitably become a serious trouble. You know what I said Who is it? "The black figure deliberately did not mention the other party's name.

"The sage is unparalleled, and it won't be that simple. If they don't want to kill someone, it's that someone still plays a key historical node, which must be removed after this node. This is the so-called sage's way." White Man Shadow Faintly said.

The black man was angry and said: "Well, by that time, I am afraid that they will also be the object of their sacrifice. Although the gods have a long life, except for a few few innate great gods, few people can survive the 5 million years of robbery. Among them The reason behind it is that we all know it well, but no one dares to resist. Because everyone knows that resistance is meaningless, it is better to let it go, and there is a chance to reincarnate. "

"This is also helpless. The sage wants to delay the death of the world, and he has to do it, not for a certain god." The white figure tried to defend.

"Huh, if they are willing to sacrifice themselves, as long as one respect, this upper heaven and earth can at least last for a hundred million years. Isn't the saints self-proclaiming themselves, and self-proclaiming that they have always followed the sky? Why don't they dare to sacrifice themselves in return for the longevity ? "The black figure said coldly.

The white figure heard the words, and then kept silent, just looking quiet.

Other interests are trivial things, such as Confucianism, face, and losers, and then another game. However, concerning their own existence, how can they make concessions?

In the upper realm, the saint is the biggest overall situation. Only others sacrifice for the overall situation. If they sacrifice, the overall situation will not exist.

As a congenital god, the Moon God understands this truth very well. She just devotes herself to a saint's door, or is an heir, most understands the teacher's intentions.

Other things, against the saint's intentions, there is nothing, the other party will not care about you, anyway, the other party's blink of an eye, you may have been washed away by the years.

However, if it is contrary to the major events concerning their own existence, the ending will definitely be distracted immediately, and there will be no vitality.

The **** of plague is in another world at this time, so he dare to speak so eloquently, anyway, the sage is difficult to sense, unless he goes back to inform himself.

It's just that he won't be this wicked person. After all, the gods have complained about it.

If he is still in the upper realm, he dare not say a word. At this moment, to be able to say the last sentence is already a great satisfaction and vent.

The white figure has nothing more to explain, that is the case. The original way of nature is to sacrifice the weak and to become the strong. The saints do this in fact, they just follow the sky.

Just as the eliminated party, who would be willing? Even if the **** sees through everything, it is still impossible to face it calmly.

After all, if they were not sacrificed by the saints, they could live for hundreds of millions of years.

It's just that there is no way. There are only a few saints in the upper realm, and they have long been occupied; unless they make mistakes themselves, how can there be a chance for the latecomers?

This is the truth that the sage wants to maintain the backwaters of the upper realm. Only if it does not change, there will be stability.

However, this sentence, she will not speak to anyone.

Although other people can see it, such as the knightly armor, they can clearly understand this.

People who are not in the upper realm are stupid. They have been spinning around for thousands of years. It is the top people who have prevented them from being smart.

The people of the earth are both sad and happy. What is sad is that no matter how good the individual is, no one can live forever. Happily, they still have the possibility in the future, and no one is suppressing at the top, and each individual has the possibility of superiority.

The white figure didn't answer for a while, and the black figure also knew that he had said something inappropriate ~ ~ It was just that he had been pressed on his heart for too long and had become obsessive.

I said it today, but I felt a good time.

As for cultivation as progress, that is nothing. He is just an avatar that can be sacrificed at any time, and there is no such way of progress.

He then said: "I will not mention this matter for a while, coming to Japan, this universe is so vast, it may not be their saints. Everyone has their own means. You just mentioned that you want to find a person with a deep enough mind to cultivate, I I have an idea, but I hope Luna can do me a favor in the future. "

"If you can succeed, you should be rewarded." The white man's tone was quite surprised.

"I was recently studying their human technology, and found one of the tricks." The black silhouette is quite proud.

The white figure exclaimed: "Unexpectedly, after the plague **** lower realm, it is like a fish to get water. It is really beyond ordinary people's expectations. Please come quickly. If you can control this heavenly path, it is very important to us."

"I'll tell you this." Plague God smiled slightly.

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