Seized by the System

Chapter 822: Cloud computing center

Rice Black Robe Villa ...

In the study, the black robe was a headache and a blessing.

The headache is that, somehow, he came to him in trouble.

Fortunately, not all offended.

Yesterday just sent away the knight, and today comes the two gods of the plague moon.

He naturally recognized these two gods, and the memory the master instilled in him was comprehensive and specific.

As soon as the other party came, he didn't sit down and drink tea, he asked for his red back code directly ...

Those who know, know that these two comers are gods, do n’t know, and think that they are executives of which software company come to him to discuss business cooperation ...

Chivalrous A is not so greedy, and probably does not know how powerful it is. They are staring at it, they can only say that this **** is really a god, and his eyes are poisonous.

The black robe soon realized that the other party was actually a drunkard, and he didn't want to drink. After they asked for red, they must have made a plan.

I remember that when the Tianmen was opened for the first time, in order to let mortals pass the Tianmen fantasy test, the master and rice jointly developed a mechanical police, which combined human and machinery.

Powerful red post-intelligence has both human wisdom and huge processing power of computer networks.

It was done on the basis of the previous one. It is endless and unpredictable. Without seeing the specific structure array behind Red, one cannot imagine its operating mechanism and operating principle.

Only unscrupulous, unrestricted people in the Devil's Dao have ideas, courage and ability to develop them.

This is one of the differences between the magic path and the right path.

But, how could the black robe give in?

This is a great weapon for the master to dominate the world in the future.

In the study, the black robe only said coldly: "I know the origin of the two gods, but this is not my decision, and I have to tell the owner before I can reply to the two."

"Oh, how long does it take?" The plague **** said coldly, his face blurred and his figure erratic.

If you look closely, you will be shocked to find that He is actually composed of countless black dots, circling up and down, which is very strange.

Of course, the black robe is certainly not afraid of this. He shook his head and said: "This is not easy to say. The master recently went out, and I don't know when to contact."

"Since this is the case, it is better to give us the relevant code first. After that, we will meet the Demon Saint, and then make compensation." Although the myth of plague is meant for negotiation, but in the tone, it cannot be refused.

Black robe snorted and continued to shake his head: "God God should not be embarrassed to be a servant. Although the servant is ignorant, he also understands the fact that slaves should not manipulate their master's property.

"Your black servant, is really arrogant, and the spirit of God, you dare to refuse?" Plague God's tone was cold.

"Oh, the next servant is just telling the truth," the black robe was unimpressed. He said lightly, "Is it possible that the gods still want to grab it? This is not the upper boundary, but here is the legal world."

"Huh? You little demon servant, even saying this to the God of God, I don't know what it is." The **** of plague shook his head.

"Shangshen said whatever he wanted to say, anyway, the servant was helpless." A robe in black robe was not afraid of boiling water and leaned back on the chair, no longer caring about the two gods.

It was as if two gods were standing in front of him, but two people came to him to borrow money ...

The **** of plague is furious, if he is in the upper realm, how dare he dare to pretend to be in front of him? Without a single look, you can make them crush bones.

The other party sensed his existence, either rumbling away, or bowing his head.

It's better now, so dare to be big before Him.

He is willing to condescend to come, but has given the Devil Saint Zhi Ji a little face.

The servant dared to refuse his request in person, and he knew nothing about life or death.

However, he still suppressed his thoughts.

Because he is very clear, where is this black man?

It was n’t his master Demon Saint, the guy was far away from the horizon, and he could n’t count on it; it was the knight who was patrolling overhead.

The man was probably looking for excuses to oust himself as the **** of gold.

The quality of human beings on the earth can only be one, not two or three, otherwise it will not work ...

It is impossible for the strong man to be threatened by such foreign objects every time. Once the threat is unstoppable, the nets of both sides are broken, and the situation he secretly created in private will be destroyed.

He didn't want to let his private calculations fail for the sake of the saint's calculations.

As he said before with Luna, this place is blank, not necessarily the world of the saints.

Although he can threaten the knight, but the other party can also threaten him.

Because He is no longer a bargain.

"Let's go." The plague stared fiercely at the black robe, and then called on the woman in white who had not spoken, and disappeared from the study.

"Huh, the two dogs of the mourning family, really think they are the gods of the wind and rain in the upper realm?"

Seeing the two gods helplessly leaving, Black Robe spit out a disdainful sentence.

Chivalrica is really useful, at least the deterrent is not small.

Unless these gods are coming, one or two incarnations will have no foundation and great loss of power. They are not opponents of this fighting maniac.

The master's ingenuity is unparalleled. He chose to retreat when he was on the knightly armor earlier. It is not because he has no way to deal with it. It is for today's balance situation.

Otherwise, except for the local Chivalrous Armor, these gods are uncontrollable, so he himself has no choice but to run away from the wind today.

There are opponents, at least these gods cannot use theft. I believe that the knights staring at them are tight.

Black robe thought of this, a little worried.

After all, Red Queen is one of his core technologies, and he will shine in the future. If it was taken away by the gods, it would be a big loss.

These tricks, nothing else, stealing other people's things, but never feel ashamed.

When he got up from the chair, he had to leave the study and wanted to see where the red queen was.

Just halfway through, he quickly stopped.

"Damn, almost got fooled. There must be an eyeliner under the **** of plague. As long as he is close to the red queen, he can find the key."

God is shameless and shameless, and his wisdom is absolutely extremely high. He will not detract from this point by half.

As long as the other party takes a look, there is a way to copy it.

The power of the red queen lies in the ingenious conception and breakthrough of the imagination limit of ordinary people, but there is no absolute level in technology.

Conception and creativity have always been the most susceptible to plagiarism.

Black robe was a little embarrassed.

He can't keep the red for a long time, but as soon as he approaches, he will be discovered by the gods.

Unless he has a way to clear the eyeliner from his body, and then transfer the red back to a place where the vision of the gods is impossible to watch.

For example, those few secret areas.

The former still has a way to do it. The **** and the master are at the same level. He can ask the master to cast a spell to get rid of it, but the latter is a bit troublesome.

Thinking of this, he regretted it for a while. If the place where the blood was killed before was stolen by him, it would be better. There are no problems today.

Thinking about it, he decided to find someone.

This person's character should still be okay, even if he knows his red post creativity, he can never do it.


Chivalry A Farm Villa.

Zheng Dao warmly entertained the black robe, as if the other party was a good person.

He asked the other party to use a kind of tannic tea, which is a newly introduced upper-class drink. Drinking it for a long time can slightly improve the physical fitness of cultivation.

"Uh, the taste is not bad, although it is much worse than the origin, but it is also rare." Compare the taste of the black robe with the memory, to be honest.

"In this case, it can be pushed to the market." Zheng Dao nodded.

"There shouldn't be many people who can afford it. Because in the upper realm, only the cultivating family will use this as a common drink." Black robe politely said.

"Oh, that's right, it seems that the price has to be higher." Zheng Dao received another message, thanking him now.

It did n’t take long for the Vampire A to appear in the living room.

Zheng Dao has informed him just now.

"Sister, Black Brother came here to discuss a business with us." Zheng Dao explained.

"What's the business?" Xia Kejia looked at the black robe.

"Naturally, it's a legitimate business. I want to rent a building in your righteous city as a cloud computing center ..." Heibao said seriously.

Fang Ning, who was working in the system space, heard this and almost coughed out.

This dialogue is a bit of a violation, but it is also normal. Is it the result of the combination of mysterious side and modernity?

"Uh ..." Xia Kejia pondered, "Since it is a legitimate business, there is no problem. You should discuss it with Zheng Guanjia, and then take the golden train to enter the disposal yourself."

Hei Yan's heart slightly relaxed.

He did not choose a place to kill blood, naturally because it was too complicated there, and Tianhehe God and Ghost King Bodhisattva squatted there every day.

The City of Righteousness is the old nest of the Chivalrous Armor. It is troublesome to get in and out, and will not enter there when waiting for leisure.

"It's just that I have a requirement ~ ~ Even if it is a god, I can't spy on my cloud computing center. Of course, in return, I will pay the corresponding level of insurance costs." Black robe then said his special needs.

Xia Kejia nodded and said: "This is as it should be. Since it is the site you rented, of course you have the right to keep it secret, even if the gods have no reason to spy."

"It's so good, it shouldn't be too late. After a day, I started to move. Please prepare a building in advance. I will make you satisfied with the rent." Black robe finished, and there was no more politeness. Immediately, the robe rolled up and disappeared.

"This guy is really anxious. Is there something serious happening?" Uncle asked Fang Ning.

"Huh, this is not easy. Listening to what he meant, it must be that the two gods of the upper realm were staring at his property. As for what I guessed, it was no wonder that this magical Dao can exist in the upper realm for a long time, and indeed The value of its existence. "Fang Ning lamented.

"You talk less nonsense, tell me quickly." Uncle said dissatisfied.

"Wait, I'll be busy before I talk." Fang Ning shook his head.

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