Seized by the System

Chapter 823: Countless

After a while, Fang Ning finally corrected a document, and then told the uncle carefully.

"The thing that the two gods in the upper realm are staring at must be the red queen. Their intention is also very simple, that is, they want to use the method that the magic holy wisdom is difficult to advance, take the human consciousness as the body, and use artificial intelligence for the purpose. , Come through a long time and spend the test of heaven. "

"Uh, I don't understand. Didn't Mosheng's method fail? You opened the door last time that day, and you don't know what happened. Heavenly Dad never opened it again. Now I think it should be the time when it was received. The calculation of the upper bound. "Uncle wondered.

"Er, although Mosheng failed, the way is not necessarily wrong. To know that many of the technology products used today, there were countless failures early in the year." Fang Ning shook his head.

The uncle suddenly suddenly said: "It turns out that it seems that they want to use it after they want to perfect it. Since that is the case, we can't let them succeed."

"It won't succeed. When the black robe moves into the city of righteousness, the two gods won't be able to spy. There is no previous case as a reference. They want to study from the beginning, but it will take a lot of time." Fang Ning affirmed .

"Uh, in this way, I have not become a shelter for the devil? The loss is great." The uncle thought thoughtfully.

Fang Ning suddenly was speechless, he immediately understood what the two goods were thinking.

"Relax, the black robe will definitely make you satisfied, otherwise, he is still worried that you will sell him. If you don't charge him, he will not be relieved."

"Uh, the rich man understands me, so let's do it. In business negotiation, we don't care about the devil's way, we just talk about things, regardless of heart."

"This is a bit of a hero's openness ..." Fang Ning admired.

"It's okay." The uncle was proud, and could be praised by the host. Now it's not easy.

After one day, it was so.

The next day, the black robe boarded the golden train accompanied by Zheng Dao. He only carried a suitcase with him.

Although he was curious about what exactly was in the box, Zheng Dao was still very interesting and did not ask.

When he came to the city of righteousness, the black robe was slightly taken aback.

I saw that people here are very different from people outside.

People from the outside have more unpretentious looks on their faces. No matter who they are, they will not stay on the street for too long. The scene of the street full of people in the past has long disappeared.

If it is not necessary, no one will go shopping, everyone knows that the risk of staying outside is greater.

But here, people still walk around the street leisurely like they live in the age of technology.

It's a group of ignorant and happy people. It's a good thing to be able to come here.

The black robe secretly thought that these ordinary people would enjoy the protection of the Chivalrous Armor without spending a penny, but he rented a building here, but it was expensive, but it was not calculated according to market prices.

But it does n’t matter if it ’s expensive, I ’m afraid I wo n’t be able to buy it ...

Only the stupid and daring like Chivalry A can openly confront the gods of the upper realm, just for the so-called axiom.

As for him, it is against his core interests.

Of course, some people say that Chivalrous Armor is a way to practice punishment, but why can't others practice it? Quite simply, others do n’t have the courage to ignore the obstacles of the outside world in order to practice the way of cultivation.

"Brother Black, please come, the building arranged for you is just opposite our Yuanqi Academy of Sciences. It is absolutely first-class security measures, and there will be no accidents." After getting off the bus, Zheng Dao drove to the big customer himself.

The rent given by the other party is too high, so high that he must pay attention, this single business is enough to feed a worker in an industrial chain.

And it's not a hammer sale, it's every year.

Not to mention, it is really fast to get money from this magic path, at least they are ruthless ... Unlike the Venerable, it is necessary to talk about cost, benevolence and righteousness, and not exploit the people.

Hearing the dragon carp say that the three million medicine farmer spider robots, black robe, do not pay a penny, but only maintain the machinery regularly.

Although the other party borrows it for free, it is naturally not completely free, and the maintenance cost still has to be paid to the other party.

After all, spider robots also consume energy and consume souls every day. They are not perpetual motion machines. They need to regularly provide some vitality for the other party ’s souls to replenish, as well as electrical energy for the other party ’s mechanical operations.

The car was unblocked all the way, driving on a three-story elevated structure.

The city of righteousness, the terrain is flattened by the hand of Fang Ning, is very suitable for road construction.

When the road was first built, it was a three-story elevated building and repaired. From the beginning, the future traffic capacity was planned to ensure no traffic jams.

Fang Ning, who lives in Qicheng and Qicheng, knows a lot about it.

The third floor of the viaduct is used as a special passage, which is generally not accessible by cars.

There are very few vehicles passing by, only ambulances, as well as fire-fighting vehicles, and security vehicles pass back and forth, very smooth.

The first and second floors below are much busier, but they are also smooth enough to see no traffic lights. When designing, they have avoided too many intersections, and try to ensure that they are circular roads.

Fang Ning, who has played many simulation cities, has a deep understanding of traffic jams at intersections. No matter how good the command is, as long as there are many intersections, it is definitely the birthplace of traffic jams.

Soon, Zheng Dao parked his car near the Yuanqi Academy of Sciences.

The building opposite is the preparatory building of the Academy of Sciences. It was just built and renovated without March, and it is still ventilated. It has not been moved into the new department temporarily, so it can be vacated for the first time.

The black robe came down from the car and looked up. Although the sky could not see the sun, it was sunny, the weather was sunny, the trees were shaded, and the air was fresh.

In front of it, a newly built building, completely renovated, is as large as one hundred floors and hundreds of meters high, with full-length glass windows reflecting the light.

A group of staff members had been waiting in line at the gate of the building for a long time.

He also enjoys a VIP treatment.

And it's still in the heart of Chivalrous A, this guy is really big-hearted.

Isn't he afraid of doing something for him?

Also, if you get into trouble, you should talk to the other party's thoughts.

The ancestor of the Bai family was just released a few months ago, and the town's demon stone was still empty ...

It seems that Chivalrica really does what it says. He only values ​​the law of the heaven and man. As for whether you are a demon or a demon, or a ghost or a monster, he will not care.

If he doesn't harm others and keeps himself safe, he will not go to great lengths to find a door to destroy. It won't kill or **** just because you have any baby.

From this point of view, this is the essential difference between him and many righteous practitioners.

When the black robe was thinking about it, suddenly a yellow dog came over from nowhere and ran towards him.

He just wanted to turn his head and reprimand, then realized what he was doing, and then shut up.

"You're the black robe? The demon's wise brother?" The yellow dog looked at him up and down.

"It's me, how? You should be the famous yellow dog Xueba?" Black robe said lightly ~ ~ He naturally knows this dog, one of the double-hearted dogs of knights, very recently I haven't seen much, I heard that I have been retreating to practice modern science ...

It's a pity that it is your turn to understand the human science, whether it is a dog or a man, it is no more than one ten thousandth of its owner.

If the master's current research progress is exposed, I'm afraid it can scare his dog teeth.

It's just that the black robe is so childish, he doesn't have a hobby of pretending.

"Well, it seems that you know this dog too. Exactly, I heard that you are going to set up a cloud computing center here. Our Academy of Sciences just lacks computing power. Ordinary supercomputers are still not enough. I do n’t know how you are?" Some proudly said.

"Oh? Unless you want to count on the world, otherwise, I think the red queen is enough to cope." Black robe said from himself.

"Uh, you're right, I just want to count on ..." Huang Gou heard the words suddenly depressed.

"..." Black robe was speechless for a while.

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