Seized by the System

Chapter 826: Blight

At the gate of Tianqing Mountain.

The emerald green peaks rush straight into the sky, and they are unique and unique.

Gu Weiwei was standing at the foot of the mountain, and a beautiful woman like thirty was entrusted to him.

"For the child, the mountain master sensed the heavenly machine and discovered that a big change was imminent, and he could not close the road to the enlightenment. Who knows that at this time, the epidemic of the epidemic suddenly occurred in the door, where men are basically bedridden, and single women are completely spared. . This time I have to trouble you to go out and seek help. Be sure to go early and return early, but if you need it, you can bear it first. "

"Please rest assured, the apprentice will save himself." Gu Buwei bowed his hand, his face was solemn.

Ten days ago, the mountain owner had just closed the gate, and somehow, the disciples of the mountain gate suddenly became ill.

It is said that cultivators are basically difficult to get sick, unless they are injured first, it is difficult to practice.

Moreover, the disease is also strange. Several uncles and masters are very deep, and they follow the strokes. They are difficult to move in the bed, they ca n’t move their mouths, they ca n’t move their hands, they ca n’t even move their eyes, they are scary and weird. Extremely.

In addition, the recruits are all men, but women are not.

This strange disease is unheard of.

Master Zu was unable to retreat again. He tried to use cloud computing to calculate the original situation, but the result was a problem, and the result could not be calculated at all.

If you have to force the calculation, there will be a congestion in your chest, and you won't go for a long time.

This made him faintly aware, seemingly encountering some incredible existence.

What a shrewd man he was, and now he guessed the source of this strange disease ... the gods of the upper realm.

I remember that a long time ago, the moon **** once asked for this secret realm, and was rejected by the master.

The other party is really ridiculous. This is the place where Tianqing Mountain stands, even if it is a **** and Buddha?

It is absolutely impossible to put hands on this and lose the foundation, after that, it can only be slaughtered.

Just like the people of the earth now, when the gods and buddies are angry, they have to avoid far away.

It ’s just that I ’m going out for help now, but unfortunately, all over the world, I am afraid that only one person dares to fight against the gods.

This is also called Shi Ye.

Once upon a time, the other party and Tianqing Mountain were almost at odds with each other, killing the Shanmen heir.

At that time, for some reason, with the prestige of the ancestor, he did not deal with that person.

Now that I think about it, it should be that the ancestors have long considered that the real enemy is not that person.

That person has a bottom line and rules. Tianqingshan acts in an overbearing manner in the past. As long as he is willing to converge and does not go out of the mountain, he will not come up with the novelist's words and find him out.

But these gods are not. They violated their minds before. Now they are taking advantage of their ancestors to close their doors and come to destroy the door.

If there is no main force to suppress the ups and downs, the power of this secret realm will be greatly reduced, even if the master controls the entire secret realm, the power that can be exerted will also be reduced by 30%.

As for leaving female dependents, I am afraid that they want to leave them to clean the courtyard in the future, or to threaten them.

After all, the female companions of Tianqing Mountain are all cultivators, and they have some qualifications for serving gods, which is better than a group of mortals.

Thinking of this, Gu Buwei was a bit helpless despite his ordinary nature.

This is retribution.

In the past, Tian Qingshan bullied the bully, took advantage of it, and exploited the world. Now it ’s up to you.

Gu Buwei is very calm about this, there is something to come back, it is fair, there is nothing to complain about, but it is just to see the tricks.


Chivalry A Farm Villa.

Gu didn't pay a visit to the door, and when he came up, he sent a gift list to Zheng's housekeeper.

Fang Ning couldn't figure out how many the gift list was, but when the uncle immediately moved to the home in the void, he knew it couldn't be lighter ...

Instead of him, he was not happy to help Tianqingshan. After all, this is a very overbearing master. Now that he is pitted, he deserves it.

But Grandpa doesn't have human emotions, so it doesn't matter. As long as it's good, it's not evil.

"Do I need to go out to cope?" Fang Ning asked while looking at the contents of the gift sent by Zheng Guanjia.

"No, you still have to face, and then give me a little more politeness, and my baby will fly again ..." The uncle refused.

Fang Ning was suddenly speechless: "I really can't communicate with you. I want some face. Is that still wrong?"

"Normally, but when it comes to my baby, it's wrong." The uncle straightened.

But at this time, in the living room, Gu Weiwei had already paid a deep respect, with a solemn look on his face.

"The mountain gate is in great trouble, and I ask the Venerable to look for some gifts and help one or two. Although the Tianqing Mountain is poor and has some wealth, it certainly does not allow the Venerable to return empty-handed.

Gu is not proficient in the method of cloud computing.

He wouldn't say something mysterious. What kind of empty talk that saves people from fire and water is useless to others.

It ’s more reliable to ask people to do things with money.

"Oh, is that right? I don't know what kind of difficulties you are encountering?" Chivalrous swept across the big red gift list and said lightly.

Gubuwei is also nonsense, just reaching for a finger, a mirror appears in the living room air.

One by one, the patients who were lying on the bed were completely paralyzed, and their faces were dull.

At this moment, it can be said that if there are still some women's care, only some ants can kill them.

This is no exaggeration.

"Huh, is this poisoning? Or sick?" Xia Kejia frowned slightly.

Gu Bu suddenly looked helpless and shook his head: "Respecting the Venerable, with a real shame, there are also intensive medical practitioners in the door, but there is no exploration of what is happening, just like these people are like this."

"Big rich, do you know if it's swollen? This gift is a little hot." Uncle is very embarrassed.

Fang Ning immediately despised: "Hot hands, then don't take it, anyway, this is Tianqingshan's retribution, regardless of care, they are not good people, this should be reported."

"Look at what you said. As a hero, you have to be broad-minded. As long as you are reformed and willing to abide by the rules, you can't ignore it."

"Wow!" Fang Ning suddenly said nothing. "You're just a ghost. If he doesn't have such a thick gift, you won't read more at a glance."

"Uh, this routine is a bit inferior, and I can't hold you back," said the uncle, "since you all know it, then hurry and think of a way for me, otherwise I will abandon you in minutes."

"Lying trough, you are really bad at learning!" Fang Ning was helpless. "Let me think about it. Hey, there is. Speaking of medical skills, I remember that Chivalrous had a red face, Qi Yan. What? You have given her a lot of benefits. In the past few years, she should be a professional. "

"Uh, your shameless host, is clear about the beauty," the uncle despised, "but the same is true, then I find her as a consultant, I think it is easy to pass."

"Look what you said ~ ~ That's the confidante you booked in the future in the system, but it's not something I hooked up with. How can I say I'm shameless?" Fang Ningli was confident.

"I don't know if you are thinking about it? Oh, man!" Uncle despised.

"Get off!" Fang Ning remembered, this guy could peep at his thoughts ...

He is a gentleman, not like the uncle said.

The current knightly armor said lightly: "In this case, wait for a helper to be found in this seat, so let's take a look at you."

"It's so good, then there will be respected workers." Gu Bu was grateful.

"Wait," Fang Ning suddenly reminded, "Be careful. You can't enter their gate."

"Although you have a little conscience, even if you don't remind you, I won't go to see a doctor, but you still remember this. You really are the host who is afraid of death, yes, I am still bound to you. "Uncle said very pleased.

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say.

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