Seized by the System

Chapter 827: For help

There is a valley in the southwest of Shenzhou. There is a river in the valley, which is where the Baicaomen lies.

Here is not famous in the practice world, but among the common people, it is famous.

In January of the fourth year of Shenyuan, the upper and lower parts of Shenzhou were mostly in the winter season.

However, the grass is still lush and green, and some fish jump out of the river from time to time, but no one catches it.

Ren Ruofeng and an old man in sackcloth were sitting in front of a cup of tea.

"Baicao Divine Physician, this great migration must be preceded by medicine. This time, we must rely more on the power of your Baicao Gate." He was very polite.

"Alas, it's all injustice. These gods are always so cold, they were like that when they were in the upper realm. They finally got a new home, and they were so inhuman, driving out the innocent local people. The old man was really ashamed to be with them. "The old man in linen is ashamed."

Ren Ruofeng followed with a sigh. This person who came to the upper realm with magical medicine and kindness was a rare kind-hearted old man who belonged to the same kind as the Bodhisattva.

It is a pity that there is very little such power. More is the pseudo-gods of the three gods of Tianzhu who regard the people in the lower realm as fish meat, and the gods of the **** of plagues who regard ordinary people's lives as ants.

"There is nothing wrong with the old magician. People are good or bad, and God has good and evil. This is a matter of nature. We in this world are not stupid, but we can still distinguish this. The old magician has been practicing medicine for many years and has saved countless people. The evil gods blame themselves for their atrocities. "Ren Ruofeng explained.

This is the route of uniting effective forces. It is not possible to push the opponent to the enemy because of the origin of the opponent; on the contrary, it is the solemn way to disintegrate the upper camp as much as possible.

The old man of sackcloth showed gratification. In the end, he was a civilized civilization, and he had a wise man who could control the overall situation.

If it is replaced by a group of stupid husbands, it is estimated that they will be angry with the descendants of the upper realm, whether they are good or bad.

Such a thing is actually very common. Where can ordinary people distinguish so much? If you ca n’t beat the gods, then the weak who angered in the upper realm will also vent their anger.

"Thank you for any open solution, but there is something to do with old age, despite the instructions. As long as the channel is built, the old age will lead the doormen's children to log in to the star and explore the livable place." Baicao said seriously .

Ren Ruofeng bowed his hand and thanked him very sincerely.

Although there are many monsters, evil spirits in the upper realm, there are such rare kindhearted people.

This is normal. Even in Ashura, Bodhisattva can appear, not to mention the infinite upper bound?

It must be said that although life is inherently selfish, there are always some exceptional people who devote themselves to gain the respect of others for the greatest happiness in their lives.

These exceptions are actually the ultimate hope of the entire ethnic group. If it is an ethnic group without these dedicated people, once sinking, it is basically impossible to get up.

After thanking you, Ren Ruofeng said again: "For the passage, please rest assured that the Venerable Dragon Dragon and the Tianhe River God are rushing to work day and night. I believe that the passage can be completed in half a year, and the planet can open the door to our human race. "

"Uh, that's fine. Venerable Dragon Dragon is indeed an enthusiastic person, just the River God? Ha ha, this old guy is very slippery. I didn't expect this time to be very hard." The old man in Mai shook his head and smiled.

Ren Ruofeng smiled and followed the other party's lion's mouth. He understood this, but he could understand it. After all, the other party's body came and needed resources. This is also a matter of survival. It is not a robbery.

The two had just mentioned this, and the air next to them fluctuated.

Chivalrous A, and Gu Buwei, suddenly appeared in the valley.

Uh, sure enough, the strong have telepathy, but fortunately they didn't say bad things ... Ren Ruofeng thought helplessly.

"Sovereign, coming from afar, what's the point?" He stepped forward to say hello.

The old man in linen also stood up and smiled.

Chivalrous A stepped forward and introduced to the two of them, "I am a senior, the master of Cao Cao, and Tian Qingshan has an epidemic. I am here to ask for help."

"Oh, did this happen? It's just that the old man was busy preparing for the big migration, and it was difficult to withdraw at the moment." The old man of Baicao changed his face suddenly and said lightly.

Of course he knew the reputation of Tianqing Mountain, and he had always been overbearing, knowing that this was not a good place.

Although he is a kind-hearted person, he will not act spoiled.

"It's okay. I heard that there is a disciple with a surnamed Qi in Guimen who has deep medical practice. Please ask her to come to help for one or two. Of course, the doctor's matter is easy to say. Gu Dao, is this seat right?" Head said.

Gu Buwei nodded: "This is natural, although the door is not rich, but it can still afford the price, it will certainly satisfy the two."

Elder Baicao frowned, and then nodded, "Since that is the case, the old man calls his apprentice to walk with you. Just old man still wants to remind you that this disease is often caused by ethics. I know that in the past Good people in this world will also suffer. Now that the heavens and the heavens are showing up, accumulating virtue and virtue, and prosperity and well-being are not false. "

Gu is not asking for others, so he nodded his head and learned the sudden lesson.

Of course, he knew what virtues the teachers and brothers were. To be honest, most people deserved this disease.

It is a bit excessive to say that Tianqingshan is all wicked, but to say that it does not have good people means that there is no wrongdoing.

Even if it is him, he believes that he has never done evil, but he has never done good, but just stayed neutral and indifferent, and acted indifferently.

After the old Baicao finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and a grass symbol ignited.

Not long afterwards, a woman in a green shirt came slowly from the valley, it was Qi Yan.

I saw her behaved Duan Ya. She used to be a great beauty. Now she is successful in practicing medicine, and she has lost the vulgar spirit. She has a little more fairy atmosphere, but she doesn't have that kind of cold air.

Qi Yan looked at it from afar, and a person who had been thinking for a long time appeared in Taniguchi and was in the same rank as Master.

There was a wave in her heart, and her movements were scattered, and then she calmed down.

In any case, she is also a young man who has cultivated for a long time, so that she will not lose her sense of affection for some children.

Most of the things that make people admired when they see admiration still exist in novels and television.

"I have seen Master ~ ~ Before she came closer, she first paid respect to the old Baicao.

"Well, yes, your" Baicao Jing "has made progress again." The old man in Baicao took a serious look and immediately satisfied.

"All of them are the merits of Master's teaching." Qi Yan was very grateful.

"Oh, you have today's spiritual practice, and you have accumulated too long, everything is God's will. Exactly, today the two of you want to ask the door, if you can't get away from the teacher, you will go with them. The embarrassment is to send a message to the teacher. "The old man of Baicao said kindly.

Qi Yan nodded: "Everything is mastered."

"Uh, rich man, this little woman, why don't you know what we look like?" Uncle said depressed.

"What do you know, don't you allow others to put on a suit?" Fang Ning said silently.

"Uh, boring, it turns out that just like you, you humans are always so hypocritical." Uncle suddenly suddenly.

Fang Ning despised: "Just because you are straightforward, your face will be completely lost."

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