Seized by the System

Chapter 832: Basis of God

Guigu Mountain, Guiwang Cave.

Xia Ke Jia sat opposite the ghost king Bodhisattva, a pot of tea, breathing Ran Ran's heat.

The technical research of the Array Computer of the Soul Soul has been entrusted to Xue Ba, the yellow dog. The Academy of Vital Energy Sciences can still mobilize enough manpower in this respect.

After all, Fang Ning is only a third-rate programmer. Although he understands the principle, let him do research. Let me not talk about the problem of laziness or laziness. The result of the research is that there is a high probability of failure.

Now he comes to ask how the upper realm became a god, especially the way of the **** of plague.

"The way of God is to integrate the rules of your choice." The ghost king Bodhisattva said at the beginning.

He also didn't want to let evil gods like Plague God continue to be proud in the lower realm.

In the past, he was powerless, and besides doing some aftermath, he had no choice but to plague God.

After all, the latter is a good tool for saints to do dirty work.

Some countries do not respect the saints, and the saints make their own shots, how much lo?

The next oracle, to the **** of plague or other gods of disaster, to a plague, or natural disaster, to destroy their country.

This kind of thing has repeated itself in history.

Because a sage once said that the biggest lesson a man has learned from history is that man will not learn any lesson from history.

However, the innocent are still the majority.

Many people did not offend the saints, but suffered in vain.

The evil gods of Pestilence can't control those innocent people who have no backstage.

Hearing this, Xia Kejia nodded: “It seems that the rule chosen by the Plague God now is to fuse the way of the previous epidemic through the cell level. He is preparing a omnipotent bacterium, which should be from this aspect.”

"In this way, he really found the right way. In the end, he had the wisdom of God. When the upper realm was covered by saints, he had no chance to study the true principle of epidemic infection, only to use divine power to let it happen. Come In this world, without saint interference, they can quickly absorb and master the achievements of human civilization, and finally find the essence, coupled with his evil heart, it will certainly be a big problem in the future. "The ghost king Bodhisattva said very worried.

Xia Kejia immediately said: "This is the root of the seat to find the Bodhisattva. The way of evil gods is endless. The seat will definitely cut them off."

"The rare Venerable has this ambition, and the Venerable will naturally try his best to help." Ghost King Bodhisattva was very pleased.

A sin that a evil **** can create is far greater than those evil demons.

Now the eyes of Venerable Dragon Dragon have shifted from those ordinary demons to this top layer, which is really admirable.

"Then ask the Bodhisattva to teach me these ways of becoming gods." Xia Kejia said very modestly.

"For others, this is harder than reaching the sky; but for Venerable, this is a matter of course." Ghost King Bodhisattva smiled slightly.

"Huh, what's this?"

"Oh, the power of the Venerable has already been reached, there is no shortage of personality, and there is more help from the world. If you want to become a god, it is to push the boat. The true power of the gods is different from high to low. The lake is just a river. In fact, the lake-level powerhouses have the opportunity to become gods. "The ghost king Bodhisattva burst into shock.

"It turns out so." Chivalrica suddenly.

Although the uncle is unique, although Fang Ning has many brain holes, these high-level insights are still rare.

The captured sins of the Dragon Prison don't know much about these high-level insights.

The only Golden God avatar can't extract its memory, let alone succumb, after all, the other party is the avatar of God.

There is a long-term ban on this aspect, and the uncle can only use it to create magic weapons. There is still a lack of auxiliary materials.

Ghost King Bodhisattva has come to this point, and the words turned: "Just becoming a **** has early benefits and late benefits. If you accumulate enough, you can achieve a higher personality, otherwise, you will be limited by the divine position, and you cannot change. Go one level. Different rules have different requirements for power. Those simple rules, such as water control, wind and rain, etc., only need lake-level power, and it is more than enough to be a river god. Those high-level rules , Just like controlling Thunder, it takes star power to do it. "

"It turns out so." Chivalrous Nodded.

"As for how to get started, it is actually about mastering the rules. After proficiently using it, communicate with the Heavenly Dao with the mysterious power of your own to obtain their approval. This approval is the person of God. Without this approval, even if you master the corresponding rules You can use the rules at will, and you ca n’t become a god. In the end, you only use the rules, but you ca n’t control the rules. This step is difficult for others, but it is easy for the Venerable, because you have been recognized by Heavenly Dao. explain.

"It turns out so." Chivalrous A nodded.

Fang Ning couldn't hear it and said depressedly: "You can't read more books? It's always the same sentence that you turn over and over, don't you think it's too lo?"

"You human beings have good face, anyway, I express clearly, it doesn't matter what words you use. You hurry up and supervise that broken book to study biology knowledge, don't mess with me here." Uncle Zhen Zhen said, Push Fang Ning straight away.

"Go away, you will not understand sooner or later." Fang Ning despised.

Briefly speaking, after completing the secret of God, the ghost king Bodhisattva handed over another jade slip.

"In this jade jade, there are dozens of gods in the process of becoming gods. The images are complete. It was collected when the deity was in the upper realm. The deity can refer to one or two."

"It turns out that, thank you Bodhisattva." Xia Kejia reached out and took it.

The ghost king Bodhisattva smiled slightly and said politely: "The Venerable does not need to be so, this is just the deity's part. It is a pity that the deity is weak and it is difficult to suppress the wanton actions of these evil gods. It is really ashamed."

"Where and where, the bodhisattva said too much. It is a blessing for our human race to have a good **** like the bodhisattva in the upper realm. Otherwise, they will be really hard to get through this juncture." Xia Kejia very earnestly said.

The two politely pleaded for a while, and then Knight V left.

Fang Ning suddenly reminded: "Uncle, you went to visit, drank a few cups of tea, and took the mysterious secret of others to go back to ~ ~ But why did you come empty-handed?"

"What do you care about doing so much? Leave me ..." The uncle straightened.


Righteousness City, Yuanqi Academy of Sciences.

Returning from the ghost king Bodhisattva, Xia Ke A came here, and then plunged into the biological laboratory.

Fang Ning had a hundred points in biology when he was in junior high school, and now he has eaten buns.

What he can remember is the cells, genes, evolution, DNA double helix, and the systematic and in-depth knowledge system. He doesn't know anything about it, let alone apply it to real life.

This is also the status quo of most domestic graduates. A lot of knowledge is just to cope with the exam. After the exam, it is quickly forgotten, because their purpose of learning this knowledge is not for long-term use.

Now he really understands the importance of this knowledge, which is actually the basis of becoming a god!


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