Seized by the System

Chapter 833: reading

In the biological laboratory, Fang Ning followed a laboratory director, accompanied by many researchers, and visited it in a magnificent way. He proposed the requirement to fully study the "modern biological system".

The director of the laboratory heard Yan Yan's eyes and helped his glasses. "My honor, I am talented, I am willing to recommend myself. I was once hired as a tenured professor by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and brought 11 doctoral students ..."

His voice did not fall, and a deputy director next to him said: "My honor, I am talented, and I am willing to recommend myself. I was hired by Cambridge University as a tenured professor ..."

Other researchers, all eyes shining, eager to try.

If you can become a teacher of Venerable Dragon, the benefits are beyond doubt.

This is much stronger than the past emperor teacher, I do not know how many times.

As the most elite people, they are definitely not immortal. They fully understand that the arrival of the mysterious era means that power is respected.

If you become the teacher of the world's strongest, and have the title of a teacher, how much benefit will it have in the future?

If it is not possible, it is possible to lie for a long life.

If it was n’t for worrying about being too noisy and causing the strong man to be unhappy, there was still a gap between himself and the two directors, and the others had already rushed.

Fang Ning saw this, suddenly dark.

"Yes, see, Tong, this is the legendary protagonist's treatment!" He said proudly. "The teacher is rushing to take the apprentice."

"Yeah, after accepting you as an apprentice, you are soft-hearted. What will happen to others in the future? You want me to send thousands of miles to help you. Anyway, it is me who is tired, and it is you who enjoy the benefits."

"Sure enough, as baby said, you are stingy, is this a win-win situation? It's not good to say, can we finish the path of God of Plague in advance, these people have to play a third role." Fang Ning despised. .

"As long as you are not lazy, I will be satisfied."

"Relax, I know." Fang Ning said affirmatively.

Without knocking down the gods, he is not at ease to play, if one day is overcast, is it not extremely depressed?

So Fang Ning reached out and signaled everyone to be quiet, and then slowly said: "It is rare that teachers are so active, this is not preventable, this seat can take 24 hours of class, everyone according to their own time schedule and their own strengths, formulate a unified class Plan, just take turns to take this class. "

When everyone heard it, they were a little disappointed. In this way, the teacher's reputation was quite different.

PhD students, graduate tutors, and student teachers are not a concept.

However, they thought about it. This approach is also beneficial. At least everyone has a share. If it were before, it is certain that most people will not be able to squeeze in.

So the people's faces were filled with joy, and they nodded again and again.

The director of the laboratory said: "His Holiness said that modern biology has many categories and covers a wide range, including cells, prokaryotes and viruses, protozoa, fungi, plant animals, genetics, the origin and evolution of life, etc. Waiting for many subjects, it is difficult to cover a full course by one person. I will discuss with you and come up with a lesson plan as soon as possible so that His Holiness can fully master this subject in the shortest time and can enter the actual The level of application. "

"It's so good, then trouble Director Zhang, if necessary, just say to Xue Ba." Fang Ning ordered.


Two days later, Fang Ning entered the classroom again.

However, after only one lesson, he found that this would not work.

"Ah, it's too simple. I will hear what these teachers teach, and the learning efficiency is too low." Fang Ning shook his head immediately.

After the class, he said to Director Zhang of the first class: "It seems that the way of class is still a bit too slow. The director still gave me a study plan and corresponding series of books. It is best to use your years of teaching. Show me the notes, in this case, it will be absorbed faster. "

Director Zhang was surprised, he had taken into account the cultivator's strong learning ability just now, and purposely condensed five times the content of ordinary lectures. Didn't expect the other party to be dissatisfied?

In his awe-inspiring feeling, there is a feeling that the future world is not only about respecting cultivators on the battlefield. Even in the scientific world, if they are not cultivators, I am afraid they are not competitive.

The learning ability and life span of cultivators are far more than ordinary people. In this way, ordinary people can only do some work that cultivators are not willing to do ...

This is true for practitioners, so what learning power do the gods of the upper realm have?

There was a horror in his heart, and he might not have his own living space in the future.

It seems that it is to put hope on their children.

Just why, there is always a kind of unwillingness?

Director Zhang forcibly suppressed this emotion and smiled: "Since His Holiness wants to study by himself, that is also very good, I will discuss it with others, and then contact the former students, after the past years of learning experience, after finishing , To you. "

"It's so good, then there is Teacher Zhang Zhang." Fang Ning said earnestly.

Director Zhang saw this and felt a little comfort in his heart. In any case, if he could live by this big tree, he would always be far ahead of his peers.

But it's time to consider the transformation.

Fang Ning asked a few more words, gave the other party a contact information, and then left the Academy of Yuanqi Science, throwing his body to the uncle for trust, waiting for the other party to send their own subjects.

"Don't take care of yourself, can it understand the broken book? In the future, it is not you who wants it to take the **** of plague," the uncle despised.

"Nonsense, I learned it, and the baby naturally learned it. Although it was made by you, the blue is better than the blue, which is the advantage of evolution." Fang Ning was proud.

"Huh, since you like it so much, last time I said I was scrapped, and let you get a small system out. Why do you disagree if you want to die or live?" Uncle despised.

"Uh, it's not the same thing, I'm not a person who likes the new and dislikes the old." Fang Ning Zhenzhen said.

"... You're still listening." The uncle suddenly became satisfied.

While talking, the email prompt on the computer sounded.

Fang Ning opened the mailbox. After reading it, it turned out to be a reading directory sent by Director Zhang.

The other party was really positive, and it took less than an hour to leave.

Fang Ning glanced at it. Lin Lin had a total of hundreds of books, all with links, so you can read them in a professional online library. It is very convenient.

There are some instructions below.

"Sister, you read these basic books first, and then I will develop a special study plan for you based on your knowledge ~ ~ guarantees you to master the entire modern biological system as soon as possible and understand it The research direction of modern biology. "

"This person is really good." Fang Ning said with satisfaction.

"Huh, he just looks at you as valuable, if you are a waste, people will not care about you." Uncle despised.

Fang Ning was suddenly speechless: "Is this normal? Is your own waste material, then you have to change it yourself, you can't expect others to look at you."

"Uh, you can see it openly, then when you used to be wasteful, why didn't you have this kind of consciousness?" Uncle unveiled Fang Ning's old man.

"His ... you give me a roll, less of my shortcomings, I used to waste, in fact, there are roots." Fang Ning fell into contemplation, his face blank.

"Uh, your situation is not right, do you want me to check?" Uncle said kindly.

"Thank you, no need." Fang Ning withdrew his thoughts, and then began to read the first book, "Introduction to Modern Biology".


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