Seized by the System

Chapter 834: Tentative

Righteous City, Red Cloud Computing Center.

Black robe stood on the highest floor of the building, looking at the properly arranged red back array.

As Fang Ning conjectured, the red queen is indeed a divine computer array ...

I saw a cloud of fog circling between rows of server arrays. Among these fogs, some people's faces were looming and strange.

On these faces, various expressions flashed from time to time, some dignified, some joy, some sad.

At the same time, various signal lights flashed on the server array, indicating the transfer of excess data.

This is the combination of technology and mystery.

This is that Mo Sheng Zhi Nan recruited hundreds of thousands of geniuses and spirits, and used the magic method of refining the Dao to bring them together and be able to process each command received concurrently.

These souls are like an ant. A single ant is so weak that it can't show how much wisdom, but when it comes together, it becomes a powerful social community. It is overwhelming in the difficult natural world. .

This kind of technology that combines mystery with science is difficult and beyond imagination, and fully reflects the true wisdom of the deity.

Therefore, the black robe worshipped his master extremely, even the saints did not pay attention to it.

After watching for a while, the black robe suddenly said: "Red Queen, can you still contact the outside world now?"

"Yes, master, there is an open wifi signal here, which can be connected to an external public network." A female voice sounded.

"His," Black Robe was shocked when he heard this, and he quickly asked, "This is the secret realm of Xia Kejia. It is said that it is impossible to communicate directly with the outside world. Can you analyze the reason?"

"Insufficient information to infer."

"Damn, Swordsman A still has a set. Even you can't figure out the reason, but in this way, can I also contact the master here?" The black robe thought thoughtfully.

The reason why he guessed this way is that there is a new way of communication between him and Demon Saint, that is quantum communication ...

Humans are still in the laboratory exploration stage, and they started to use them early.

Since it can be networked here, it means that quantum communication is also feasible.

Only in this way, this secret area is obviously not very safe ...

The black robe suddenly worried.

He was willing to risk the discovery of Red Queen's secret by Xia Kejia, and moved Red Queen into here, the reason is naturally to avoid the prying eyes of the gods of the upper realm.

Relatively speaking, he would rather let Xia Kejia know the secrets of Hung Hau, rather than be discovered by the gods of the upper realm.

Because Mo Sheng clearly told him that for a long time to come, their real enemies are the gods, not the knights.

He didn't doubt this at all. The master's plan in the universe's starry sky was directly rooted in the saints of the realm, and he took the saint's way.

If he was discovered or disturbed by the gods, and he told the saint, he could have imagined that even if he paid a lot of money, the saints would send avatars to come and slaughter the deity.

For this reason, they must support Xia Ke A, ​​so that the other party really like a lighthouse, attracting the gods target.

Now that this goal has been achieved well, the other party seems to be unaware, but is dying with the gods.

According to the information obtained, Xia Kejia is studying modern biology, and without question, this is definitely aimed at the **** of plague.

Black robe thought for a while, not sure in his heart, he decided to do a temptation.

He came to a desk and reached out a little, and a small machine appeared on the table with a blue antenna on it.

He pressed a green button in the machine.

Just a moment later, the voice of the demon came from the machine.

"Black robe, are you okay?"

Hey, can it work? The black robe shook for a moment, and then quickly responded.

He hurriedly replied: "Master, I pin the Red Queen in the City of Righteousness in Xia Kejia. The strange thing is that this righteous city can only be accessed through the golden train, but it can communicate with the outside world. What kind of technology? "

"Oh, you look at him too high," a laugh came from the machine. "This is just the back door opened to him by the earth's heavenly path. You have to know that he is the son of destiny after all. This authority is still there. But others' In the secret realm, there will be no such good things. "

"It turns out that, thanks to the master for the explanation. I thought he had no mysterious hole cards that we didn't know." The black robe suddenly realized.

"Oh, is there anything else?"

"There is another thing, the **** of plague seems to have found the way of becoming a **** in this world, and is still attracting the saint disciple Moon God. Recently he is helping the other party to explore the secret realm of Tianqing Mountain." Black robe quickly reported the recent major events one by one.

"Huh, these gods are really not to be underestimated. The Tianqing Mountain is above the Moon Land. If she is occupied by the Moon God, she will also have a foundation for enlightenment. Come down to the three gods, except for one that is full of brain muscles, the other two All of them quickly integrated into this world, and it seems that we will soon regain our footing, and we must step up our pace. "Mo Sheng said lightly.

"Do you want to provoke a little from it, and let the Knight Knight A conflict with them? Now the Knight Knight A is learning modern biology, and it seems that they want to destroy the path of enlightenment of the Plague God." Black robe suggested.

"Well, you have a good idea, but pay attention to the fire." Mo Sheng agreed.

"Yes, master, this is what I started to do." Black robe responded quickly.

"Okay, you can contact me again if you have something to do." Demon Saint disconnected.

The black robe put the machine away immediately, and then looked around, without any sense of peeping.

However, he didn't believe that the Knight Knight A would have no surveillance on this. The conversation between him and the master just now was actually another kind of temptation.

He wants to see the reaction of the Knight Knight A. If the other party responds, it means that it is not safe to contact the owner here. The other party probably already knew the mystery of the Red Queen.

However, the true mystery of the Red Queen is not only the structure of this array of gods and spirits, but also the kind of magic refining technique.

Chivalry A is impossible to use in this way ~ ~ Otherwise, he will break his own practice, so let him know that there is no problem.

Then he said to Red Hou: "Red Hou, analyze how to intensify the conflict between Xia Ke Jia and the two gods."

"The task input is completed, the analysis begins ..."

"The solution is generated and is being output ..."

Then a pair of images suddenly appeared in the air.

After watching the black robe, he nodded in satisfaction, as long as he did as per the content of these images, if the knights knew everything that happened in this building today, he would not be stimulated.

Otherwise, he will be stimulated.

I am really too smart, and with the master, it is impossible to stay smart.

The black robe thought secretly.


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