Seized by the System

Chapter 835: Prioritize

Chivalry A farm, villa balcony.

Fang Ning asked the housekeeper Zheng to make a pot of Biluochun, and then sat on a comfortable recliner, drinking tea and holding the "Introduction to Modern Biology" while watching.

This book is very thick and has 500 pages, but Fang Ning is confident to read it in one day and then do some simple experiments in two days to understand and master it.

Uncle expressed his strong protest against his waste of body.

But Fang Ning was eloquent: "What do you know? Reading books with the spirit of the soul is very soul-consuming and inefficient, or I rely on my own brain to understand it more quickly and conveniently."

"That's because you're lazy, and I don't see any difference." Uncle sorrowfully said.

Obviously, the host cannot be hosted, which is a big loss for the system uncle.

Although no big monsters can be brushed right now, you can still brush small monsters anyway.

"Less nonsense, I still need your approval to use my own body?" Fang Ning was straightforward. "Don't hinder me from studying, I'm doing the right thing."

"If you are not doing something right, do you think I will honestly end the hosting state?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Fang Ning ignored this second thing and continued to devote himself to learning.

For a long time, he didn't concentrate on improving himself so much. Looking at the lines of ink-scented text, he suddenly understood why online reading is so common, and he still cannot replace physical books.

The reason is actually very simple. As long as humans still have the demand for pretense, such physical books will not disappear ...

No matter how convenient it is for you to read online, it is not convenient to pretend ...

Fang Ning looked very vigorously, and truly achieved sleeplessness and forgetfulness of eating and drinking.

The uncle saw that he really had to be immersed, and didn't bother anymore. He could only take the time to run the remaining 12 threads and practice his life skills.

Fang Ning watched all day and night, and he practiced all day and night.

"Ah, I'm really the most tragic system in history, and replaced it with someone else's system. These skills should all be hard work. How can it be my turn to become these hard-working skills? "It thought unhappily.

"Nonsense is not, there is no life consciousness in other people's home systems, the host loves death or not, it has nothing to do with it, it has no desire to survive. You are so afraid of death, of course you have to work hard!" Fang Ning said while reading a book.

"His ..." The uncle was horrified. "You can even spy on my thoughts? Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Nonsense, you said it yourself ..." Fang Ning said silently.

"Uh, that's what it is," the uncle just reassured, and suddenly said, "No, Anderson just sent an intelligence, you go to the system cybercafé to check it out."

"This will not be your routine again?" Fang Ning did not put down the book.

"Go away, I won't set you up on big things." The uncle said indignantly.

Fang Ning shook his head and said that he didn't believe it: "You've set me up once before, but if I didn't trigger mythical chivalrous achievements, I wouldn't understand it."

"Uh ... this time is true, Anderson said that according to reliable information, the moon **** is also looking for the foundation of enlightenment, and his foundation of enlightenment is the realm of Tianqing Mountain. Before they came to seek help, but the disease The real goal is to want to infect us, we no longer care about their life and death, now it seems really not work. "Uncle had to recount.

"Oh, it turns out that things have a priority and destroy the foundation of the enthronment of Plague God. It is slow and not rushed. While dealing with the bad things of Tianqing Mountain, it is urgent and needs to be dealt with first, because if the Moon God really took up Tianqing Mountain , Then the big thing is not good, he is likely to become a god. "Fang Ning suddenly woke up.

"Yeah, but we just abandoned them and ran to the door again, isn't that good?" Uncle hesitated.

"Huh, haven't you always been shameless? How could you even consider this?" Fang Ning surprised.

Uncle disdain: "You are stupid, I haven't finished talking, I mean to take the initiative to solve problems at home, it's not good to get paid."

"Uh, I was wrong. I thought you would feel embarrassed. I didn't expect your way of thinking to be so different. It's really a wonderful flower among all the purple and red." Fang Ning expressed admiration.

"It's okay ..." Uncle triumphantly.

"Yes, I wo n’t read the book first. I ’ll give you the body. Then go to Tianqing Mountain. Do n’t come to the door first. Observe the movements of these two gods. What means do they have to force Sang Qingshan to give way to enlightenment? ? "Fang Ning made up his mind decisively.

After getting the way of becoming **** from the ghost king Bodhisattva before, he knew that even if the **** of disgraced the rules of life evolution and cell division, if he wanted to restore the **** position in this world, he would have to go through the approval of the heavenly way and get the personality of God.

This is also the root of what they want to do with the Tao of Heaven. If the Tao of Heaven becomes their own people, then everything is easy to say.

And if this lunar **** masters the secret realm of Tianqing Mountain, with this secret realm built on the lunar land, it is likely that the body will come down and become a god.

After all, he is a congenital moon god, as long as he grasps the land of the moon, it is equivalent to possessing the divine personality.

This is very different from the **** of plague.

Among the jade bamboo slips given by the bodhisattva, there are many examples of congenital gods becoming gods, such as the gods of mountains, rivers and rivers, as long as they grasp the corresponding land, they are accepted by heaven and earth.

The decision of one person was completed, and when the book was closed, the knightly armour went away.

At this time, a young farm worker looked up and sent a message to some place.

If Fang Ning knew that someone was committing a traitor under the eyes of the knight, he would be terrified, because it means that the system map was not recognized ...


Righteous City, Red Hou Cloud Computing Center Building.

The black robe immediately received news, and an incredible look appeared on his face.

"This chivalrous man is really pedantic, he really didn't monitor me?"

He walked around, still a little unbelievable.

However, the news I just got proved that there is no doubt that the Vampire A just got the news of his release and immediately set off.

This proves that the other party did not know that this was just a temptation for him. Yesterday he talked to the owner, and the other party did not monitor.

Otherwise, the other party should set off for the full moon yesterday, rather than waiting until today to leak the past news.

Unless the other party does this deliberately ~ ~ but that doesn't make much sense, the other party doesn't have to fight for such trivial matters.

Because this is not in line with the behavior pattern of knight-errant, the opponent always has a positive temperament if he refuses to accept it, and will not play with these tricks.

"It seems that this guy is really a rare justice man, but how long can he insist on this justice? In the upper realm, the **** of justice, but the one who dies the fastest, often lives 100,000 years, compared with other The average life expectancy of the gods over millions of years is too far apart. "Black robe shook his head.

At the same time, he also let go of his heart. In this righteous city, he doesn't have to worry too much about leaks, he can live here with peace of mind.

At least until those two gods get out, he will not go out.

Otherwise, the other party will definitely make him look good. The hearts of these gods are small, and the memory given by the master is clear.

A disrespectful eye of mortals may lead to the scourge of destroying the home and the country. Such a result occurs when you have unconstrained power.


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