Seized by the System

Chapter 836: Scout

Above Lulu, outside the gate of Tianqing Mountain.

Chivalrous A was hidden on one side, watching the movement here.

After watching it for less than ten minutes, the uncle said very impatiently: "This is a waste of time too. Who knows to see the Year of the Monkey? Just let your broken book look at the trend here, I'll just go brush it."

"Look at what you said, why don't you have patience at all? How can you become a big deal?" Fang Ningyu taught with a long heart.

"Nonsense, I think you just distressed the broken book, and what I said was justified." The uncle did not listen to Fang Ning's fooling.

Because this guy can read books and study in the system space, and eat a jelly bean, but ask him to drink northwest wind here.

"Aren't you always very patient? Besides, baby doesn't have your merits, what should you do in case of an accident?" Fang Ning didn't listen to Grandpa's fooling.

"Then let me insert an eye here." Uncle said helplessly.

"Uh, don't you have a system map? Is there anything that can't be observed directly?" Fang Ning Lingji moved.

"System maps are not omnipotent. These gods all have stealthy clever means. The targets targeted by system maps are those vulgar enemies, not some elites." The uncle admitted honestly.

"It turns out that it seems that we have to train a scout." Fang Ning thought thoughtfully.

"Huh, you say that, it's OK to call the black dog? It's okay every day now, it is wandering around a group of fox spirits, call it." Uncle suddenly surprised.

Fang Ning slapped his head and said depressedly: "I really forgot the idle dog. That's what makes the wise man think a lot, and there must be a loss.

"Yes, yes, I'm a fool system, you don't have to emphasize this all the time." Uncle sorrowfully said.

"Alas, I just expressed it in a smooth manner, you don't care." Fang Ning said silently.

When Ning below called Black Goose ...

At this moment, the black dog, who was acting as a free guide and bodyguard, answered the phone unhappily.

This is called seeing the forgetful, and the British dog is sad about the beautiful fox.

"Hello, Master, is there something wrong?"

"Huh, you seem to be busy?" Xia Kejia said lightly.

Black Gouzi was an excited spirit, and quickly rallied: "It ’s nothing. I ’m taking your instructions, and take these young ladies of the Linghu tribe to appreciate the great rivers and mountains of our planet, so that they can quickly integrate into our world . "

"Oh, there is now a new task for you, you hurry up and come, located ten kilometers southwest of the highest peak of Yuelu." Xia Kejia ordered.

As it turned out, the black dog looked at the foxes chasing butterflies on the tropical grassland reluctantly, and then said: "Okay, master, I will go right away."

Then he said hello to several already-comprehensive spirit foxes and was about to leave.

At that moment, the white fox's eyes flicked and asked, "Xiaohei, what does your host let you do?"

"This, I don't know, the master just let me join him." Black Gouzi answered honestly.

"Then you take me with me, anyway, I'll be fine when I'm idle." Baihu said with wide eyes.

"Uh, then I have to ask the master talent."

"Then you go and ask."

Black Gouzi hurried to redial the phone and said the matter.

Upon hearing this, Fang Ning was a little bit big. Is this fox really wrapped in knight armour?

Forget it, anyway let Grandpa get a headache.

"You heard it, do you want it to come over?"

"Why not? It's not good to have a white labor force? In fact, when scouting, foxes are actually more clever than dogs." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Fang Ning was suddenly speechless: "Then I will go back to the system space to read, whatever you want to do. Your peach luck is stronger than me ..."

"I don't care, your face is lost anyway ..." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Lying trough." Fang Ning indented into the system cybercafé, and then began reading, no longer ignoring the two goods.

It didn't take long for the black dog to appear in front of Xia Kejia with a white fox.

From a distance, this black and white is still a match.

It's just that Black Gouzi knew in his heart that this goddess of the Linghu tribe could not really look at herself.

Just by looking at the other person's eyes at this time, they understand that there is only the master in the other person's heart.

Alas, this world is still the world of looking at the face ...

This kind of black and hard, always suffer.

Black Gouzi ran forward slowly and said with his head down: "Master, what did you tell me?"

"Well, I recently discovered that two evil gods in the upper realm are hitting this mountain gate. You stare at me here, and if there is their movement, I will immediately report it back."

"Oh, since these are two gods, in case they use any means to hide, the little dog is helpless." Black Dog Zi said with a bitter face.

"Hey, Black Goose, you're in a wrong state now." Xia Kejia suddenly wondered.

The black dog is depressed now, what's wrong with him?

It now supports us: "Master, I am normal."

"No, you haven't talked about difficulties first before you received the task. If you have difficulties, you have to rush. If you don't have difficulties, you have to rush." ​​Xia Ke said seriously.

Uh, did I fall? Sure enough, it's a hero mound in Meiren Township.

Black Gouzi flashed a thought, and honestly said now: "Master, I'm wrong, I must complete the task."

"Well, you just have this mentality, yes, you are a **** iron body, and naturally resist all diseases, but this white fox will not be completed. This time, you will still be the main task, supplemented by it. This If you take the telescope, it can see through the invisibility method, and it will not let the gods hide you. "Xia Kejia said, took out a golden telescope, at first glance is golden equipment ...

Black Goose is overjoyed and overwhelmed, and ashamed now, feeling ashamed of his depravity.

It quickly squatted, and lifted its legs to ensure: "Relax, master, I will not let them slip away."

"Eh, uncle, do you seem to be Xiaodingdong now?" Fang Ning suddenly surprised, this baby he hadn't seen before, don't know where the uncle was hiding.

Anyway, it is impossible to stay in the fresh-keeping area of ​​the system, because he often steals snacks there, but he has never seen it.

"It's okay ~ ~ My baby is much more than you think." The uncle proudly said.

"Where are your babies hiding?" Fang Ning asked.

"Hum, don't tell you." Uncle saw through Fang Ning's intentions.

"You are stingy, if I know, it will help to think about the big picture." Fang Ning flickered.

The uncle simply ignored this: "You said it was useless. If you need it, I will take it out, but until then, I will not give it to you."

"..." Fang Ning was helpless.

At the moment, Xia Kejia arranges Black Goose and White Fox, and then flew down by himself.

Anyway, there is "thousands of miles to aid", and I am not afraid that the two guys will be killed by the gods.

In other words, as long as they dare not tear their faces openly, they will not do it.


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