Seized by the System

Chapter 839: The key to enlightenment

After the two gods retreated, the knight fighter shook his body and appeared on the top of the mountain before the portrait disappeared, looking down on the other side.

Shang Qingshan's face was too big, and Grandpa would not look up at him, tired his neck ...

"Isn't this Venerable Dragon Dragon? Thank you for taking care of the juniors a few days ago."

"It's easy to say, after all, you also paid for it ..." Uncle was never afraid of choking to death, "This seat wants to ask one thing."

"Oh, let the old man guess," Shan Feng said with a slight smile on his face. "Surely the Venerable must ask the key to the enlightenment of the two gods, right?"

"Uh, that's the case, please enlighten me." Xia Kejia said lightly.

"It's very simple. The **** of plague, who delved into the science of cells in this world, and wants to become the ancestor of life, he has no chance to re-evolve life on earth. In the future, he will definitely go to another planet to take a journey of life evolution. However, no matter how he does it, if he wants to become a **** in this world, he must be recognized by the origin of time and space. "The face of Shanfeng said lightly.

"Time and space origin?"

"Oh, I forgot to say that the consciousness of the origin of space and time is still in its infancy, and one of its main bodies is our planetary heaven. So, as long as the planetary heaven, the largest shareholder at present, does not cast a vote of approval, he will become a lifetime. Can't be god. "Shan Feng's face explained.

Xia Kejia shook his head and said: "These things have been known for a long time. Presumably, the God of Plague must have a way to obtain this recognition. The matter of heaven and the earth is unpredictable. I am afraid it is difficult to contain it with him."

"Oh, what the Lord said is that heaven and earth do not distinguish between good and evil, right and wrong, right and wrong, and no distinction between foreign and local, as long as it is beneficial to him. However, the **** of plague wants to be the ancestor of life, but it is not simple Mastering cell reproduction, life evolution methods are fine. The origin of life on Earth comes from a celestial meteorite, not out of nothing. If it wants to go through the process of life evolution again, it must find a similar celestial meteorite, and Only the old man can know the place where this meteorite was born. "The face of the mountain peaked slightly proudly.

"Oh, can you tell him where it is?" Knight Knight A asked.

"Oh, Sovereign, this is what the strong man has done. If I say it out, the **** of plague must have a way to know. As long as I don't speak in a day, it won't be found in a day, and it won't become a **** in a day. It can be hundreds of times more difficult than the upper realm. The sages have a cloud, and the child does not speak strangely. The origin of time and space is still inclined to the original rationale of the realm, which can copy the technology of promotion and promotion, rather than the mysterious mo Measured road. "

Shang Qingshan refused to say that the Knight Knight did not continue to question, and instead asked: "It turns out that. The key to the enlightenment of the Moon God is probably the Tianqing Mountain controlled by your Excellency?"

"That's exactly what happened, but the old man wouldn't let him be happy." Shan Feng's face flashed a trace of grief.

"Since this is the case, I wish you all the best in your heart." A polite sentence, Xia Ke A withdrew and left.

Shan Feng's face didn't say anything to leave a guest, it seems that he doesn't need to ask for the knighthood.


After leaving Tianqing Mountain, Xia Kejia returned to the black dog's surveillance, encouraged two words, and then rewarded two bottles of Elixir, and left.

Black Gouzi carefully deposited the Elixir into the white jade ring on the black leg. When he accidentally saw a burning white fox, he thought and thought about it, and took out one painfully and sent his claws.

"This is the Dragon Elixir elaborate meticulously refined by the owner. There is no one in the upper realm. This is the only one in the realm. If you take it for a long time, it will have the magical effect of enhancing the soul and improving the quality. Said diligently.

The white fox is doubtful. It has never heard of such a panacea, a variety of panacea, and it has also eaten a lot. Can this panacea be comparable to those?

It took the Elixir and sent it to the mouth.

It believes that the honest color of the black dog is not to deceive it, and believes the male god, and it is impossible to accept a bad dog to watch the house.

In a few moments, there was a happy look on the fox's face.

After taking the Elixir, it actually felt a hint of sweetness in its soul.

This means that the power of the panacea has been directly dispersed into the soul, which can not be done by the spirit pill used in the past. Those pill can at most make the body feel, but it is impossible for the soul to have this feeling.

Generally, Master Dan would not waste that effort and herbs to do such a thing.

No wonder the Black Goblin cherishes this kind of immortality. I am afraid that in the upper realm, only the immortality refined by the saint to his disciples can be comparable.

And what is the state of the lower realm? Hundreds of wastes are waiting to be developed, the resources are barren, just like a wasteland, the male **** can actually plant such a **** on the wasteland, his vision is right.

It is more and more satisfied with the Knight Knight A.

"Hey, you didn't lie to me. After eating it, I felt that I was one step closer to recovering from my body," the white fox looked back, staring at the white jade ring of the black dog, "Xiaohei, your magic weapon in space I am afraid there are many similar medicines? "

"Well, what the elder sister said is that I went to the South and went to war in the past few years. I followed the master to level the earth and made a lot of contributions. Naturally, I saved a lot." However, these are the gifts I will use to marry my wife in the future, it is not good to honor your elder sister. "

"Uh ..." White Fox was a little embarrassed. His intentions were too obvious. Even such a stupid dog was discovered. Sure enough, greed is the easiest way to expose defects.

It forcibly shifts the topic: "Look at what you said, the elder sister can still grab you? I will introduce you to a younger sister when you go back, and you are ready to offer a gift."

"Ah, that feeling is good," the black dog shines his eyes, thinking and thinking, and once again took out one of the bottles he just gave, and his legs were served, "You can't let the big sister Bai matchmaker, this is for you A little bit of thoughts, and hope to accept it. "

The White Fox took it with satisfaction, and nodded, "Your black dog, although it looks darker, is still very good, and its net worth is quite rich. If a younger sister marries you, you won't feel poor and angry. A good match. "

The black dog was overjoyed, and both legs were so happy that he didn't know where to put it.

It is secretly happy, Lao Huang and Lao Huang, although you find the object one step earlier, but you will never lose the chance to find a beautiful beauty of the Spirit Fox family!

This is what we call the late achievement.

The white fox didn't care either. It thought and thought. Generally, the spirit fox always has to be transformed into a human, and he doesn't want to continue to be a beast. It seems that he has to find a sibling who is not willing to be transformed and has always been willing to be a beast.

Although this is rare, it knows that there is one who is the most disgusting person in his life.

In this way, his relationship with the male **** is closer.

"Then that's the deal, I'll go back and get in touch and urge the sister to come down quickly, and you continue to monitor at this time."

"Well, the eldest sister has been since I went, I must work hard and support my family." Black Gouzi rediscovered the enthusiasm of serious work and promised.

"It's so good, then I'll go." The white fox flashed and ran to the distance.

"Ah ~ ~ It seems that the elder sister's skill has not been restored, but the master has taken care of it, and the situation is much better than we were." Black Gouzi watched the elder sister White Fox leave and shook her head and sighed.

Then it picked up the telescope again and continued to monitor the movement of Tianqing Mountain.

Just when he thought he would drink Tianfeng for a period of time, it didn't take long for Tianqing Mountain to move again.

A man's figure appeared suddenly from the mountainside, and then stumbled down the mountain.

"Strange, doesn't it mean that their men in Tianqing Mountain, except for one who does nothing, are all sick?" The black dog suddenly felt strange.

The master told this information before, is the master wrong?

It took a telescope to take a closer look, only to find clues.

"It turned out to be a male ghost. No wonder he didn't get sick. This is really a blessing due to misfortune. The world is really wonderful." Hei Gouzi was deeply moved when he thought about what happened to him.


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