Seized by the System

Chapter 840: reason

Chen Tianxiao touched the painful head and left Tianqing Mountain.

Tianqingshan was in great trouble. All the males were annihilated and he was fine. He had already become a ghost, and he was really blessed by misfortune.

After all, compared to those brothers and sisters who were paralyzed in bed, he was in a better state, at least he could walk, jump, watch and sing.

However, what makes him very strange is, why is it okay to do nothing?

Is it ...

A terrifying thought flashed in his mind, and he quickly stopped thinking about it, not to mention it.

However, it should not be too absurd. It is more reasonable to infer that the other party has a cloud computing method.

This is also wrong. The other party stays with the patient and cares for the other party. How can it not be infected?

That is what mysterious magic weapon the ancestor gave him. No, there is no reason for the ancestor to let his brothers not give it to outsiders.

It seems that it should be the other party's own chance.

Hateful, he is obviously not much worse than him, but the other party is not only able to catch a fish in Tianqing Mountain, but also able to navigate outside. Even in such a big disaster, he can still pass the whole body.

It's just like the cloud neutron in the Fengshen list. The so-called Blessed Fairy, does he really have the so-called merit protection?

Chen Tianxiao thought about it and couldn't understand it. Suddenly, when he had a clever move, he didn't know. He could take the opportunity to ask the person and believe that he should know.

I heard that he and Gu Buwei had a good relationship and saved each other's life.

Chen Tianxiao walked out of the mountain gate, left Yuelu, and drifted towards the ground.

It didn't take long for him to meet the man.

"You finally came out ..." Chivalric A stopped him in the air and said coldly.

"Uh, please forgive me, Lord Shanmen, and the blockade is tight. I have no chance to come out." Chen Tianxiao groaned.

Of course he would not tell the truth, but Shang Qingshan would not let him out.

"You are lying, it seems that this seat is too soft-hearted to you, let's go back to the Dragon Prison and rebuild it." Xia Kejia waved his hand, Chen Tianxiao had no resistance against it and disappeared.

Longwei God Prison.

Fang Ning sat in the office and looked at the penalty room through the monitor. Anderson concocted the process of Chen Tianxiao.

This kid is not honest, and dare to lie in front of himself.

As for how to know that the other party is lying, it is very simple, even if you do n’t do anything, you can make an excuse, and you ca n’t get out?

Are you really a vegetarian?

If you have a soft heart, it is for the good, the wicked, and the malicious. There will never be a Virgin. If you kill, you should kill.

Anyway, with the care of the uncle, he does not have to suffer from the fear of killing by the gods ...

In less than a quarter of an hour, Chen Tian smiled.

Anderson's ability to prepare his soul can be seen. Although the other party has not shown up for a long time, they are not Fang Ning. Even if Fang Ning has no time to ignore him, they are learning and progressing every day.

"Sovereign, please tell me the truth."

Chen Tianxiao spoke weakly in the penalty room.

Fang Ning let Anderson stop temporarily through the communication channel of the monitor and listen to this guy's confession.

"Actually, as soon as I entered the mountain gate, I went to see the ancestors and told him everything here, including what the Sovereign wanted me to do internally."

Huh, it really is.

The other party's answer did not surprise Fang Ning.

After all, this is an era of mythology, and wanting to be a traitor is far easier than it used to be.

In the past, as long as you were properly trained and had the inhuman will, you could be dead.

However, nowadays, there are countless mysterious methods, even those that probe the soul. If there is a special magic weapon to protect them, the spy can't resist the investigation of the strong.

And those who can resist the investigators are not suitable for spying, and the cost is too high.

Chen Tianxiao is nothing but a ghost body. How can he resist the Shangqing Mountain that controls a mysterious realm of heaven?

I am afraid that as soon as the two sides meet, he will be deterred and confess everything.

Now the other side is the same with themselves.

This is the sorrow of the weak in the mysterious era. Even if you are not afraid of death, you cannot keep secrets.

"Master Zu's true support naturally didn't tell me. It was just that he asked me to tell Venerable that his virtue was that the gods and Buddha did not dare to enter Tianqing Mountain. When I came out this time, he told me that if Venerable asked why It is said that the Tianqing Mountain is a very mysterious node. If the **** Buddha enters, it will be suppressed and become nourishment in this world. It will definitely not turn over the waves. Even if it has a power 100 times that of him, it is useless because they want to fight. , Is the weight of the entire earth or even the entire universe ... "Chen Tianxiao said with a smile.

"Hiss, that's what it is." Fang Ning suddenly realized.

Uncle took the opportunity to despise him: "You are not the same, only these four words."

"Leave me nonsense, I mean, no wonder Shang Qingshan is so overbearing to the gods and Buddhas. He deliberately wanted to provoke the opponent and want the opponent to attack the secret realm. Unfortunately, all these gods have lived for millions of years, even He still retains his anger, and he can control it, and he wo n’t be fooled. It ’s just that he did it easily, and he ’s able to pit one by one. After all, there are so many gods and there will always be some brain damage. In case of encounter, That's a big profit. "Fang Ning analyzed in an orderly manner.

"It turned out so, I understand, no wonder the old man is so horizontal. Fortunately, you are afraid of death, and did not let us go into him. It seems that the specialty of the secret realm is that it can suppress the powerful as its own nourishment. It seems that every secret realm , Have their own characteristics, it is really weird, who made them in the end? "Uncle wondered.

"This question, I will talk about it later, finally solves a big problem." Fang Ning deeply understands that there is a truth in heaven.

Don't look at the uncle's high combat effectiveness, but it is definitely not invincible in the world. You must always maintain a humble and prudent style to achieve safety first.

At this moment, Chen Tianxiao suddenly held back the pain and said, "Sovereign, I still have a major secret to report."

"You say it, if you say it well, spare you this time."

"This time the Tianqing Mountain was in great trouble. None of the males was spared. Only Gu is not an exception. I guess he may have merit protection and even some magic weapon ..."

If he was really a villain, he would sell his friends for glory.

However, Fang Ning did not teach each other, after all, this news is of certain value.

"That ancient is not born for the two monuments that have taken care of the heaven and earth. There should be some deeds of merit and deeds. This news is very valuable. At least this person understands ~ ~ The **** of plague is still very taboo towards heaven, no It will infect the epidemic with meritorious people. "Fang Ning suddenly felt a big question.

When Gu Weiwei came to the house before, he was strange, why is the other party okay?

It ’s just not easy to ask, you ca n’t check whether Gu is not a man or a woman, or ask if the other party is colluding with the **** of plague?

Now reminded by Chen Tianxiao, he understands that just as those women are okay, this plague spreads the virus and avoids the people with the merits of heavenly Dao. This is for fear of increasing the difficulty of enlightening the gods.

This inferred conclusion is of great value, at least let Fang Ning understand that the heavenly ways of the earth are by no means arbitrary.

Perhaps it is far inferior to the heavenly path of maturity in the upper realm, but it is also a behemoth in this realm.

And these gods came into the world, and their power was declining to the extreme, so they had to face the existence of the heaven and earth.

This is also the reason why they tried their best to even use Hook as a local to explore the roots of the earth's heaven and earth.


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