Seized by the System

Chapter 842: Confusing Shame

Early the next morning, Uncle continued to tour the sky and immediately noticed changes in the Fuso Islands.

"Hey, rich man, that island seems to have something more."

"If you blame you, you can brush it, if you are a ghost, just accept it. Fang Ning didn't raise his head, and he worked overtime coolly.

For many years, after being entrusted by the uncle, he actually found the feeling of working overtime when he was a programmer again ...

"Look what you said, if these two things, I will come to ask you?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said, "I came to you just because I am not sure whether they are ghosts or monsters."

"Let's start my Kryptonian God," Fang Ning ordered, "Don't make a fuss, you are almost three years old."

"I am very old ..." said the uncle, and then activated Fang Ning's dog's eyes.

(The system consumes one million experience points, consumes ten rage slots, and activates the mysterious "ghost eye pupil".

The system discovered an unknown living body. )

Fang Ning had already seen through the system perspective that the pieces of gray below were like living things in the human brain, and the state was very strange.

Before switching to it, he would still feel uncomfortable, but now he doesn't feel that way. After all, he has been with the uncle for so long, he has seen any **** battlefield, and he can't be afraid of this strange thing anymore.

"Alas, this world is really messed up, and all the strange things come out. Perhaps the environment is naturally generated. There are too many of these things."

"Well, I pinched my fingers, I didn't have much experience after brushing, or I left. Anyway, there is no one to live below, there will be no harm." The uncle said nothing to the host, and no longer wastes time decisively.

The knight fighter Shi Shiran flew away, but let the two existence below quietly relieved.

The only person to consider when moving such big hands and feet on the earth is Chivalrous Armor.

Now even the other party is indifferent. Obviously, the other party really didn't learn nothing and didn't know the true use of these unknown lives.

When the other party understands the true use of these lives, everything becomes a foregone conclusion.


There is peace on the earth, and the crisis is lurking.

However, there are crises lurking on other planets.

Mars, the ancient name "Fantasy", is a planet brother on the verge of the earth.

Just because it is farther from the sun and smaller in size, it leads to a completely different fate between the two.

A complete life system that has evolved in more than 4 billion years is making great strides towards the age of mythology, and may even become one of the masters of the universe in the future.

A long-standing state of silence, although there is water on it that is the source of life, no decent life system was born, and even the presence or absence of bacteria cannot be determined.

As one of the nearest neighbors of the earth, its observations have been among the subjects of human research. From ancient times to the present, there is no shortage of observation data.

What is certain is that there are no traces of higher life activities on Mars, and the Martians are just a joke.

However, in this age of mythology, the "Martian" is no longer a joke.

There is really a group of wise creatures lurking here, although they are fundamentally relocated from the earth.

In a large yellow-brown desert, there are occasional rocks rising and falling one after another, it seems that they are engaged in a large stone gathering.

And when the stones looked closely, they showed a kind of human shape, which is strange and strange, just like an unknown stone monster.

"This planet, after our unremitting efforts for two years, finally began to produce life, and the consciousness of heaven and earth also appeared. And in the solar system, it is the only planet that can break the wrist with the earth." A white stone monster said with a voice With.

Hearing this, among the stone monsters in a circle around, after hearing the news, he burst into cheers.

A piece of yellow stone monster urn sounded and said: "Very well, our Moon Devil family finally has a place of foundation, there is life, and there is a steady flow of power. It is hoped that counterattack on the earth, we will rebuild God Moon.

"It's just that there is that person on the earth. I'm afraid that our strength is still vulnerable." A brown stone said with a lingering fear.

In an instant, all the stone monsters suddenly became silent.

In front of them, it seemed that the terrible astrological attack again appeared like an abyss like the sea, irresistible.

"Don't worry, we may not be able to beat it. Two years later, the existence may be more tyrannical, but as long as the Martian heavenly consciousness is cultivated and formed, the person can't fight against the heavenly consciousness with planetary heritage!" Bai Shiguai Said firmly.

"It is said that Mars is rotten again, there is also a three-point nail, and there are billions of years of planetary history accumulated. As long as the heavens and the heavens are born, we, as the original voters, can certainly let it target the person at that time. This biggest opponent, the entire earth is in our hands. "Yellowstone strangely excited.

Many stone monsters were immediately excited, thinking about the bright future. After all, they were all made by humans before, and naturally they also carried the instincts of human instincts.

It did n’t take long for the brown stone monster to firmly play the role of splashing cold water. It again said: "According to the latest investigation, it seems that the gods of the upper realm have come to the earth, and our opponent is more than that person."

"Huh, even the gods of the upper realm, it is impossible to fight against the planetary heaven and earth. Their recovery power is at most equivalent to that person." Bai Shiguai does not seem to take these gods and Buddhas into consideration.

"But their wisdom is very deep. If they don't know it, it will be calculated to our existence, thus interrupting the birth process of Mars." The brown stone monster is still very worried.

Although Bai Shigua hates this kind of morale-breaking kind, she also knows that the other party's existence is necessary.

Otherwise, a group of people is all stupid and bold, and it is not far from extinction ~ ~ There has never been a bold group of biological communities, because according to the principle of natural selection, there may be such a group, But they are difficult to multiply smoothly and are naturally eliminated.

So it patiently said: "Relax, we are lurking deep, and the life on Mars is very different from the shape of the earth. Just like us, it will not attract their attention."

"In case they are noticed, how should it be?" The brown stone monster still worried.

"Really pay attention to them, it's simple, just surrender if you can't beat it. I believe they are happy to have more of us as an ally. It is said that they have had several conflicts with that existence and will not refuse our joining." Said.

When the brown stone monster heard the word "surrender", it stopped questioning and finally reassured.

In any case, as long as this newly elected leader is not the kind of hard-core fighting faction.

However, the Moon Devil family, all from the transformation of human beings on the earth, really tough guys, it seems difficult to exist. After all, such a guy would not worship the moon.


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