Seized by the System

Chapter 843: Invasion

Speaking of here, Bai Shiguai glanced at all the stone monsters, and then emphasized: "Because the opponent is strong, everyone should step up their efforts to fight for the life of Mars and speed up the budding growth of Martian heavenly consciousness. The Devil family will not fear anyone, and the same is true for the gods and gods in the upper realm! "

All the strange people heard the words and the emotions were uplifted.

Bai Shiguai nodded secretly, it was transformed by the original Moon Demon killed by the knight, and it was one of the natural leaders of the Moon Devil family.

There are only Moon Devils of the same origin, and there are still some.

The convening of this annual meeting of Mars is to inform the same kind of people who have split from the original Moon Demon, to inspire morale, to inspire the demon, and to unify their thoughts.

This is very important. Now it seems that the effect is also very good.

At this time, the yellowstone monster suggested: "Since that is the case, I suggest that it is time for us to colonize other planets. As we all know, we abandoned the dirty and fragile body of human beings in exchange for the powerful moon demon body, and also obtained The ability to survive freely on other planets, as long as it carries a little mysterious power, can survive with the sand and rocks that exist in nature, and the radiation energy ... "

"Well, you are right, just need to set a goal. Although our survivability is far stronger than humans, because we need mysterious power to maintain the existence of the core, we should not be too far away from the origin of the earth unless we have the ability in the future. Realize the reconstruction of mysterious power. "Bai Shiguai agreed.

The Yellowstone continues today: "There are four terrestrial planets in the solar system, all of which are suitable for our survival. They are Mercury, Earth, Mars, and Venus. We have now grown and can send two detachments to sneak into Venus and Mercury in secret. , Establish new colonies, and at the same time awaken the heavenly consciousness of their planet, when the time is three to one, I believe our advantage will be further increased. "

"Very good, this brilliant and important task, who of you would like to take it up with glory?" Bai Shiguai glanced around and asked with interest.

The brown stone monster shrank from the back just now, and he shrank a few feet underground when he heard the words.

Colonizing aliens has always been a difficult task.

Although they do n’t need water, protein, or oxygen, they are thousands of times more flexible than humans.

But they are not perpetual motion machines, or there are four things that are necessary for survival, that is, sand, stones, sunlight, and the mysterious energy that maintains the core operation, that is, vitality.

Mars is closer to the earth and can accept some radiated energy. Although the environment of Mars is also very poor, compared with the other eight planets of the solar system, the environmental climate is still closest to the earth and the easiest to adapt them.

Relatively speaking, although Venus, a terrestrial planet, is closer to the Earth, it is also closer to the Sun, with a very high surface temperature, above 400 degrees, spread over volcanic lava, and lava rivers often appear.

Although such terrain is not necessarily suitable for moon demons, the second-generation moon demons derived from these original moon demons are still close to the way of human thinking in their bones, and naturally this is prohibitive.

However, this matter has already been mentioned at the annual meeting of the Moon Demon today. These concerns are not easy to declare. Can't we admit that they are still as vulnerable as humans?

So this brown, cowardly, strange stone monster just wanted to send me away.

However, the more you fear, the more you come.

"Brother Brown, you just worried about the existence on earth and the gods of the upper realm. I think you should open up our back path. I believe you will build them into unbreakable bases. Know the two places, At the moment, they will definitely not be cared for by them. On the contrary, Mars is more dangerous. After all, that existence has come once, not necessarily the second time. "Bai Shiguai suddenly named.

Many moon demons glanced at the brown stone monsters at the same time, all of which were meaningful.

This poor moon demon, like a little sheep that fell into the big Han group, was speechless for a while.

Someone soon agreed: "This proposal is good, I believe it will definitely do the best, because it is the most afraid of death, ha ha ha ha!"

All the moon demons laughed, and Mars was suddenly filled with cheerful air.

The brown stone monster is unable to resist, and the general situation is so. If it refuses this task, it may be executed as a traitor!

Such a thing is not unprecedented.

After all, the Moon Demon comes from people, and people's hearts are changeable, so are they. During these two years of lurking, there are quite a few thoughts to change, and those who want to return to the earth and return to a stable life are all executed.

The brown stone monster can only stubbornly respond, but it makes a request and decides to colonize Venus.

Mercury and Venus have very poor environments, very close to the sun.

However, Mercury has a small mass, lacks the atmosphere on the surface, and the temperature varies greatly between day and night. It can reach more than 400 degrees during the day and can fall to minus 170 degrees at night. It is similar to the moon and is surrounded by craters and craters.

Venus has a large mass, a thick atmosphere, and a very high carbon dioxide concentration. A typical greenhouse has lava volcanoes on its surface.

It has an intuition that lava seems to be more suitable for the survival of these stone monsters ...

Although this intuition is likely to come from previous human fantasies, such as the lava stone in a game.

After making many major decisions, the Moon Demon Annual Meeting finally dispersed and greeted the work of the new year.

At this time, they are very confident that their own family will be an indispensable member of the future mythological universe and will be a permanent nightmare for humans ...

Humans are still toddlers on earth. They have successfully colonized an alien planet, and they have to march towards the other two.

I believe that in the near future, as long as the source of the mysterious power is solved, they can march towards more planets.

Even if it rules the entire galaxy, it is not necessarily whimsical.

Because they compare with humans, their life advantage is too great.

Half a month later, a member of the Rice Aerospace Administration reported an observation result to his superior.

"Venus 36 observed the spacecraft and found that there are multiple strange meteorites that struck the equatorial plain of Venus."

This observation result was drowned in a large number of special affairs reports, and no one ignored it.

However, there is a non-human existence ~ ~ but was keenly aware of this information.

Righteous City, Red Cloud Computing Center.

"First warning, it is suspected that extraterrestrial life has invaded the solar system."

In the conference room on the third floor of the building, drinking coffee, talking with dozens of subordinates in a black robe discussing the work plan for the new year, and suddenly a red warning sound sounded in the ear.

He kept quiet and ordered several subordinates to let them speed up their work and prepare for the relocation of the industry into the righteous city.

Anyway, Chivalrica does not care about Zhengmo, but only cares whether it is evil or not. Those legitimate industries can naturally enter here.

In fact, many well-known companies have already settled in the city of righteousness, otherwise, there is no scene of prosperity today.

It's just that this qualification for entry is very strict, and most people have no way to enter.

The black robe sent away his subordinates, and then came to the top floor of the building to meet the core of the red queen.


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