Seized by the System

Chapter 845: Battle of Gods

"You're wrong, the green straight line is not the earth and Mars, but me and Mars, what eyes do you have?" The uncle peeped into Fang Ning's thoughts, and laughed mercilessly.

Fang Ning heard the words, suddenly speechless, a closer look, and found that he was wrong.

It turned out that there was an extremely subtle blue dot next to the blue dot.

It is troublesome to convert this system map to the starry sky.

Compared with the earth, Qinglong is definitely too small to be small. At first glance, compared with the huge star, it is really unremarkable.

No wonder they think of the other end of the green straight line as the earth.

Think about it again. This is normal. The uncle wants to fly to a certain place. It must be the starting point to connect the target point with the knight himself, rather than positioning between the earth and Mars.

Fang Ningqiang argued: "This can't blame me for being wrong. Who made you change the Qinglong is too small. If it is as big as the earth, can I still be wrong?"

"Want to be as big as the earth? Do you know how much to eat? Too bad!" Uncle despised.

"Uh, your perspective is really wonderful." Fang Ning admired very much.

"That's natural. The dinosaurs were extinct because they grew too big and had too much food. Look at the food that Chong Daqing has been slaps all the time. This is a good thing. When there is no food to eat, it persists for a long time." Uncle Zhenzhen has a word.

"So it turns out, I haven't seen it much since the New Year. I wonder if you are busy with business again?" Fang Ning was a little worried.

"Where is it thinking about busy business now, obviously hibernate?" Uncle knows the latest information.

"What? Why does it hibernate?" Fang Ning was surprised.

"You ask me, who do I ask? When it wakes up, it may be that it has eaten too much in the past and has not digested it well. This time it can't resist."

Fang Ning sighed and said: "Ah, it's really a difficult story for every family. Even a carefree guy like Chong Daqing has trouble."

"You are groaning again without disease, the sages said well, fighting with the sky is endless, fighting with the earth is endless, fighting with people is endless. It is good to have trouble, there is no trouble, where do I go to blame?" Uncle Zhen Zhen has words.

"Uh, this sentence can really be your motto." Fang Ning suddenly discovered that the uncle's advantage is really powerful. Most people are afraid of trouble and conflict. Only it is happy, so it can become a **** of battle.

This trait, which is very different from ordinary creatures, is precisely one of the uncle's true talents.


Fang Ning was distracted, and the uncle suddenly said: "Mars is coming soon, but I pinch my fingers and it seems that there is a sign of great evil."

"Uh, is your **** accurate? The ominous sign, it sounds a little scary," Fang Ning was shocked, hesitating, "Will we turn around or go back?"

"Look what you said, since the fall of the unity, the attackers have broken, and the attackers have been destroyed. Under the sky, how can there be no disobedient people, how can they run away in this deserted land and escape?" Uncle said in a daze.

"It seems like you haven't escaped, you have also escaped." Fang Ning despised.

"Whatever I say, you host a lot of words?" Uncle suddenly became angry.

Fang Ning did not speak anymore, but had already recruited the rest of the world's second monument, green-skinned frogs and macaws to prepare for escort.

"Your fighting consciousness is okay, rest assured, danger also means opportunity." The uncle was satisfied.

Fang Ning ignored this second thing, he just observed it carefully from a system perspective.

I saw a dark red planet in the distant darkness, traversing in space, reflecting the surrounding red, like a fiery hell.

From a distance, it looked like layers of rust. Against the background of dark space, there was a burst of silence.

Only in this silence, there is a strange vitality.

This vitality is different from the earth, which is upward, positive, and full of hope.

And this strange vitality emanating from this planet is crazy, stubborn, and even mixed with a kind of hatred that cannot be dispelled.

Fang Ning himself did not understand why he felt this way, maybe the planet actively communicated to him.

That question is coming, why should it convey this feeling to itself?

He was puzzled and silent for a while.

Uncle is not idle.

After approaching the dark red planet, Qinglong did not land, but hovered around it in space, seeming to consider how to talk.


"he came!"

This news quickly spread to every desert on Mars, every mountain, every Gobi beach ...

On a mountain rock, a white stone monster showed a head, then disappeared again.

In a desert, a yellow stone monster also protruded from his head, and then shrank back.

In countless places, stone monsters protruded and looked up.

The long green dragon, a real alien visitor, is appearing above his head.

Then one of the mysterious cores of the stone monsters received news.

"It is forbidden to go out to fight, all in hiding!"

The stone monsters have followed their orders, as demons, cruel domination, so that they can not resist the orders from above.

Unless they think that they have more power than the above, then they can naturally be anti-guest, then take the advantage, this is the magic way.

Some cunning stone demons secretly observed the green dragon above in various ways, despite obeying the command.

They either turn the sand into their own eyes and ears, or they turn the rocks, or even the wind over them.

Unexpectedly by the monsters, an existence that they can't control yet suddenly had action.

Great wind!

Yellow sand is sky!

A tornado rises from the surface of Mars's deserted planet for hundreds of millions of years and pounces into space!

It ignores all kinds of physical laws, hangs the cows and loves the wise men, and condenses into a land dragon above the space!

It looked at Qinglong, and it didn't fall down at all. It was hidden, and its personality was much higher!

It exudes a madness, stubbornness, and irritability, and it seems to be choking people.

In ancient times, mankind regarded this planet as a symbol of war and disaster. The East called "frightened", and the appearance of the "frightened heart" appeared as a famous ominous sign, and the West called it the **** of war.

Now this new consciousness of Heaven and Dao seems to inherit the view of human beings, and it is necessary to prove its birth with World War I!

That person, who is called the **** of battle on earth, and its true symbol of the **** of war must inevitably decide the victory or defeat.

The leaders of the Moon Demon were keenly aware of this fact.

Not only are they not surprised ~ ~ but they are all ecstatic and very excited.

I just had an annual meeting and wanted to speed up the conception of Martian heaven, but I didn't expect that person's arrival, just helped them a lot.

The sudden appearance of strong enemies from the outside world brought deep stimulation and prompted it to conceive in advance.

A manic breath is surging within the core of the planet.

Originally, the devil leaders estimated that it would take at least five to ten years of hard work before the Martian sky would be able to give birth to a prototype, but the arrival of that person greatly accelerated the process.

As long as the green dragon can be defeated, the Mars "God of War" will be worthy of the name, it will bring real death and disaster to this universe.

In their expectation, the battle between the two sides began quickly, without any delay.

The earth dragon formed by the dust on the surface of Mars was in space, and launched a surprise attack on the Baizhang Qinglong!


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