Seized by the System

Chapter 846: Don't forget the original intention

In the system space, Fang Ning is staring nervously at this war that has not been experienced in a long time.

Compared with the uncle, he knows more about who this opponent is!

Because he has repeatedly received information from the heavenly Dad of the earth, and from this opponent now, he faintly feels a similar breath!

Is this Martian sky?

No, in the future, it should be changed accurately, this is planetary consciousness!

Mars ’planetary consciousness awakened!

This is a fact that is enough to shock everyone.

The emergence of it illustrates one thing, that is the consciousness of the heavens and the earth, not the only one in the universe.

And the countless stars in these days, may be born their own consciousness? ?

If this is the case, the real protagonist of the future universe mythological era has only just appeared from today!

It is not a human being, nor the gods of the upper realm, but these ancient stars and stars!

All along, they just spontaneously operate according to certain laws.

No purpose, no consciousness, and no meaning.

No past, no future, no loneliness.

With the constant burning, they only have a unified ending, like many predecessors, attributed to the infinite darkness.

However, when the upper realm descended on the earth, when the mythical era opened, these stars finally ushered in the turning point of fate!

Their long operating history brings them the deepest heritage and accumulation, which will make them the real protagonists of the era of mythology.

Compared with them, all individual strong people are so small and weak!

Thinking of this, Fang Ning couldn't help but feel a deep fear.

No matter how strong he is, he will only target those enemies in the ordinary sense.

Now facing a warrior formed by planetary consciousness, can he still defeat the enemy as before?

This fear of him was magnified to the extreme when the earth dragon suddenly rushed.

At this moment, he was extremely fortunate that he was not playing in person.

He knows very well that he is a hard worker, and he may never learn the fighting skills and fighting consciousness of other protagonists.

Because he is lazy, afraid of suffering, afraid of fatigue, afraid of pain, afraid of bleeding ...

Fortunately, all this has nothing to do with hosting the uncle.

And in battle, in micro-fuck, it is a real god!

No fear, no confusion, no mercy.

Qinglong dexterously avoided the swift blow of the earth dragon, and immediately grasped the weakness exposed by the opponent.

Waving through one claw, the earth dragon was cut in two!

The earth dragon dissipated accordingly.

With just such a light blow, the earth dragon declared the raid's complete failure!

This is a huge difference in combat skills!

The Mars consciousness that just emerged also follows the skills of the natural field in the field of combat.

It does not know at all that its provocative opponents surpassed the level restricted by the laws of the universe early.

It is not facing an enemy in any conventional concept. In a sense, it is even more mysterious than planetary consciousness and the universe.

However, the Qinglong did not get rid of it, nor did it lose its vigilance. Those who are only the exclusive of mortal creatures are completely insulated from the existence that controls it.

Sure enough, the next moment, a dark red wind blowing from Mars below, the earth dragon reunited!

Fang Ning thought for a while, and was puzzled, so he ran to the Dragon Prison office and went to the battlefield instructor Anderson to explain the battle outside.

Anderson really didn't lose his old bank. After seeing the situation outside through the big screen, he started to explain.

"It seems that this earth dragon, with the benefit of home ground, as long as it is still near Mars, it will continue to regenerate, and the most important thing is that its combat skills may also evolve dramatically." Anderson carefully analyzed.

After listening to it, Fang Ning nodded uncontrollably.

Sure enough, as he said, in the next battle, Qinglong wanted to tear the earth dragon again, and it took a little more effort, and the other party had an attempt to dodge.

It's just still very easy. The fighting skills of the earth dragon are very barren.

It only flutters, bites, and scratches, just like a newborn baby tiger, has not experienced the brutal fight of the big forest, and is not yet proficient in hunting skills.

However, it is foreseeable that it has the most powerful support.

Constant rebirth can allow it to learn skills unscrupulously, and it comes directly from the highest-end combat skills.

When Qinglong killed Earth Dragon for the third time, the opponent was completely crushed, but the opponent was still reunited successfully.

After seeing this, Fang Ning finally worried: "Uncle, you can't go on like this. It's obviously stealing your combat skills. When it learns, you have to expend a lot of energy. It has the ability to regenerate infinitely, even if it can't beat you , Can also kill us. This has the savings of a planet, Mars is barren, after all, it is a huge planet, and we are only a small individual life, which cannot be compared with it. "

"Uh, I know everything you said. It's just that it's learning me. I'm also looking for its Achilles' heel. It can't be reunited like this, there must be a limit. I need to find this limit." The uncle agreed.

As soon as it was time for the event, the uncle finally stopped fighting with Fang Ning.

"Antai, the giant in Greek mythology, lost his strength after he got out of the ground. You try it and lure it away from Mars." Fang Ning made an idea.

"Well, try it."

Qinglong shouted, but unfortunately, this is space ...

The momentum did not show up at all, and no one could hear it.

Then it shook its head and flew out.

The earth dragon followed closely and seemed to want to kill the green dragon quickly.

Ten thousand kilometers from Mars, Qinglong once again killed Tulong. Earth Dragon was reborn, but this time it was significantly slower.

The distance continued to spread apart, 100,000 kilometers away. After the earth dragon died, it turned into cosmic dust and disappeared into the dark space. This time, it was never reborn.

Above the battlefield, there was only one green dragon unscathed.

"Uh, rich man, the method you taught is useless!" The uncle saw that, not only did he not have any joy, but he was angry and ruined.

"Uh, isn't this working well?" Fang Ning was very wronged. "Isn't that earth dragon completely defeated by you? It hasn't been born again."

"What's the matter? Did you see the system prompt appear?"


"Then it will be over, indicating that the earth dragon has not really died. It must have returned to his hometown to be reborn!" The uncle was very depressed.

"Uh, I understand that unlike Antai, although this earth dragon will lose its reunion power away from Mars, if it is defeated, it can still be resurrected in its hometown. It cannot be completely without going into its home Defeat it, but deep into its old nest, it can be reborn continuously. This is really a paradox! "Fang Ning said sadly.

"Actually, resolving this paradox is also very simple," Uncle suddenly changed the subject, "However, this needs someone to help me."

Fang Ning only felt a malicious appearance, he hesitated: "What do you mean?"

"It's very simple, you put on the two monuments of heaven and earth, entangle this earth dragon, I dig into Mars, find the core of it, and destroy it completely!" The uncle said solemnly.

"Impossible, such a dangerous thing, impossible in this life." Fang Ning shook his head.

"Well, great, it seems that you haven't been dazed by the efforts of this period of time," said the uncle, and said, "I thought that after a few months of hard work, you would think that your strength has risen and dare. Playing in such a fierce battle, I never thought you really did not forget your original intentions, but still so counsel. "

"The sage said that the son of Qianjin can't sit down. My worth is many times more expensive than that of the son of Qianjin. How could it be possible to get off the court in person?" Fang Ning said with pride.

"I don't like to listen to what you say, how can you be worth it? It's all mine ~ ~ I'm such a valuable system, isn't it the same to fight in person? In your mouth, it seems It ’s very cheap to fight, it ’s obviously a man ’s glory, ”said the uncle.

"Oh, then I'll find you a helper," Fang Ning quickly changed the subject, he thought about it, and began to figure out, "Baby is not good, it is too small, a guy with high combat strength, but there are many prisoners in Dragon Prison. , Like War Demon Lei Tian, ​​but they are not reliable. The ghost king Bodhisattva, it seems that it is not easy to trouble others to come to such a dangerous place. After all, although he is good at demonic, but he is only a divine thought, without the power of the heyday of the upper bound.

"You have counted for a long time, I understand, there are a lot of knocking drums, but can be a big beam, help me as a tank to pull hatred, still can't find one." Uncle said unhappy.

Fang Ning shook his head and sighed, "Ah, there is no way to keep up with your uncle's footsteps. There are indeed very few. There are only a few powerful allies. It is dangerous for them to become the embodiment of Mars consciousness. They do n’t have the ability to rebirth indefinitely. If they die, they are really dead. In outer space, it ’s impossible to be a ghost, and it ’s likely to be swallowed up by this Martian consciousness directly. ”

"Forget it, just let that war demon thunder sky out and hit a dozen, anyway, it doesn't hurt to die, just add a gold hoop to control it." Uncle decidedly patted the road.


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