Seized by the System

Chapter 850: core

? Soon, these two leading magicians ushered in the turning point of fate.

The cyan lizard reappeared in front of them, and said lightly: "You did a good job, this is indeed the core of the lair. But do you know where the big men live?"

The slightly larger stone monsters felt nervous for a while, the other party's meaning was very clear, and their tasks were not completed well enough.

It vigorously recalled the big men it had seen, but to its dismay, the biggest man it had seen was only a slave foreman one level above himself ...

Think about it with a stone head and know that this is definitely not the answer Shenlong wants.

It had to answer in horror: "Please forgive my ignorance, Lord Dragon, those great men, never appear in front of us, nor will we let our humble slaves approach their residence."

Sure enough, Fang Ning was not surprised when he heard it.

Just like the earth, an ordinary person can also know that one of the cores of rice is the White House.

But it ’s not easy to know where the White House host sleeps every day, or it ’s impossible ...

But in the White House, you can squat down to the White House master, but in the core of this lair, you can't find those Moon Demon leaders.

In other words, at this juncture, they will only lie deeper and release the invisibility, which is for ordinary moon demons.

Those ordinary moon demons' activities can actually hide their hidden potential.

It is absolutely impossible for them to expose their existence in front of natural enemies. Unless the natural enemy is beaten or killed.

"Big wealthy, your strategy is not good! The demons can't find the people we want." The uncle said indignantly, and threw the pot directly on Fang Ning's head.

"I knew you would say that," Fang Ning said sorrowfully. "You always do this, turning your face ruthlessly. Just now I praised my tactics for being brilliant. When I didn't meet the expectations, I immediately changed my face. Act? "

"Uh, I just bluntly said, you don't need such a big opinion?" The uncle heard his words immediately, after all, he also expected the rich to save the situation.

"You are really stupid, you have found the core lair, and you are stumped by such a little difficulty?" Fang Ning thought, and thought of a key, he started to play again.

"Uh, what do you mean? You know, I have always been a simple and honest system, and I am not good at these conspiracies." The uncle said weakly.

"It's very simple. Those moon demon leaders must have been transformed by the remains inside. You only have to steal a few pieces of rubble and put them into the system space to study, or find Anderson. They must have the corresponding bloodline tracking means. My strategy is It's not useless, but one by one. "Fang Ningli said with pride.

He would never admit that he was a temporary brain supplement ...

The uncle suddenly shocked: "It turns out that, the rich, your wisdom is really deep, my admiration for you is like the endless stream of the river, and the flood of the Yellow River, which is unstoppable ..."

"You're going to change the new word of the horse next time, this sounds too fake." Fang Ning said with pride.

"Understood." Uncle answered honestly.


Afterwards, the lizard nodded to the two scared stone monsters: "It's okay, you have completed the task, this commitment will take effect. I will send you to a place to stay, where you will encounter some Similar creatures, they will teach you the rules of survival in new places. "

The two leading demons were overjoyed, and if they were not among the rock formations, they wished to lie on the ground and kowtow like before.

Because in the memory of their recovery, this is one of the highest ways to express gratitude.

The next second, they disappeared ...

Then appeared in a green place. The river gurgled, the flowers smelled, and there were some white stone men, working their heads down in a garden.

The most important thing is that there is a mysterious power that is so unimaginable that it can be absorbed at will.

Seeing this, the faces of the two stone monsters couldn't help but shed two rows of broken stones ...

This is precisely the green home in their memory.


Soon, a few pieces of rubble were added to the system space.

Fang Ning looked up without any worries.

I saw these stones, the whole body was dark, although the magical energy emitted was light, but very pure.

"Okay, you took them to Anderson, I didn't have time to study this." The uncle said stubbornly.

Fang Ning didn't care, he picked up a gravel and found Anderson.

Sure enough, this is the most common thing in the magic path.

Anderson quickly taught more than a dozen methods, all of which could be searched for by his ancestors.

So in the upper realm, those powerful people often protect their ancestral land properly, or simply wipe out themselves first.

Those who adopt the latter method are naturally people in the devil.

The so-called broken dust edge has different meanings to people in cultivation.

Obviously, these descendants of the Moon Devil are still very young. Although they inherited the body and memory of the original Moon Devil, the original Moon Devil himself was humanized, and naturally lacks the common sense of these upper realms.

So no matter how deep they are hidden, it is a difference.


The second floor of the Dragon Mystery Arena.

A huge white stone monster, a yellow stone monster of the same size, is in a daze.

It took a long time for the Yellowstone monster to say quietly, "We already knew that we should undertake the task of opening up Venus. This time, it really made the timid old brown profitable."

"Perhaps this is the will of God. No wonder, I said it myself at the time. This Mars, the first time the knight has come, it will come the second time, and it is used as an excuse to exclude it. Trick. "Bai Shiguai still has some leader's responsibility, admits it bachelor.

"Ah, I didn't think of it. And that existence is really the greatest fear in the memory of our ancestors before we died. We had no resistance to it. We were made here. Crossed. "Huang Shiguai said weakly.

"Damn, we are clearly hiding very deep, and we especially made those small ones attract its attention. How did it find us?" Bai Shiguai was very angry.

"Perhaps, there is not enough memory inherited by the ancestors. There are too many mysterious means in this universe." Huang Shiguai has no doubt about this matter.

It didn't even think that it was just the two humblest slave stone monsters that sent them to death.

But this is actually not uncommon. History repeats this kind of thing repeatedly, and humans never learn lessons. The superiors are always high above the ground, and they are always overthrown by the little ones.

Bai Shiguai is self-defeating. If it wants to force all the Shiguai to hide deep, within a few days, there is really no way for Xia Kejia.

He can only be expelled by the conscious consciousness of Mars. After all, Mars is also a planet-like existence no matter how poor it is.

But now, everything has become a foregone conclusion.

A loud voice sounded.

"You two demon remnants! Now that you know where this is, this seat will give you the last chance to survive ..."

"Chance of survival ... opportunity ..."

After this majestic sound, there was a huge echo, which was shocking.

Fang Ning was speechless. Although the arena was large enough and high enough, it still couldn't make such an obvious echo. This was all made by the uncle, and it had real system sound effects.

"What do you know, am I deterring them?" Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

"Okay, okay, you're intimidating." Fang Ning was too lazy to tell.

The arena continued to ring.

"As long as you provide a method of communication with Mars' consciousness to help this seat find its place, you can survive. This seat has always been a promise ... a promise ... a lot ..."

The two stone monsters were buzzing in the head with echoes.

But they did realize again that the other party was irresistible.

But can they betray the future of the Moon Devil?

Unlike Earth's heavenly consciousness, Mars consciousness was catalyzed by them.

And they naturally know the core of Mars' consciousness.

As long as the core is destroyed ~ ~ for at least tens of thousands of years, it can't be reborn.

Only by waiting for the above race to multiply and grow, can we slowly recover.

It does not have the innate conditions of the earth's heavenly path, and the earth's heavenly path consciousness has accumulated maturity and revived by countless lives.

Mars consciousness is a product of catalysis. As a drawback of catalytic products, it is necessary to have a catalytic core.

This core is its fatal weakness.

Now, a difficult choice appears in front of the two-month demon leader, choose his own life, or choose the life of Mars consciousness?

They only took one second.

Bai Shiguai, looking at Huang Shiguai, both nodded at the same time.

"I move!"

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