Seized by the System

Chapter 851: Fire River

After hearing this answer, the uncle was surprised first and then surprised.

"Why, these two guys are so insulting? Is it the routine?"

"Uh, there are not many people who are not afraid of death, but I can still guess some of their psychology. After all, they are demons, and there is no such thing as a public and selfishness. The demons do everything for themselves, which is an extreme. Selfish self-cultivation, plundering everything to fatten yourself. This is the definition given to the devil in the data compiled by Anderson. He said in the data that if you see a demon doing good deeds, do n’t think about it, it does good deeds. Is also for its own sake. "Fang Ning could understand.

"It turns out that they are better than the rich ones. You also let Anderson prepare 108 methods of interrogation." The uncle seemed a little disappointed.

"Okay, don't waste time here, Lei Tianke can't hold on for long." Fang Ning reminded.

After being reminded by Fang Ning, the uncle immediately stopped tangling.

At this time, the sound was heard again in the arena, but there was no echo.

"You said separately."

When the sound fell, one white and one yellow stone monster looked at each other, and they found that the yellow stone monster disappeared first.

Bai Shiguai immediately understood that this was a prisoner's dilemma.

If you make a mistake, the only thing waiting for you is death, but the other party can survive.

They want to be alive, and they only recruit the right place.

But it didn't speak immediately, but asked: "How can you guarantee that after I finish speaking, will you let me go?"

"This seat has always been a promise, and it will never be like the devil like you.

Bai Shiguai hesitated, and the existence of this in memory seemed to have never happened.

It understands its situation very well and is not qualified to ask the other party to make any oath.

So it quickly said: "Just 300 kilometers away from the core of the earth ..."

After he finished speaking, he reached for a finger, and a fireball appeared in the air, still a 3D profile, with a black dot marked with three-dimensional coordinates, apparently lest he betrayed the wrong information, and was killed ...

After it sold out the Optimus Pillar it had cultivated, it disappeared from the arena.

Yellowstone appears in the arena.

Same question, same answer.

"It seems that they are really greedy and afraid of death, and they haven't lied. I can just hit Huanglong now." Uncle exclaimed.

Fang Ning said that he understands very well that the enemies killed by the uncle in the past have different identities and different strengths, but they are essentially opponents under the rules.

This time, it directly challenged a regular incarnation, planetary consciousness.


At this moment, on Mars, according to the earth's timing, the war has been going on for a whole day, and it is still going on.

Uncle Optimus Prime, who spent 10 million years on training, has been covered with scars, one arm has been discarded, one leg is missing, and there are several big holes in the chest.

After all, such a behemoth, the uncle has no way to attach the "undamageable" system attribute to it, and the consumption is too high.

Without the protection of the Heavenly Stele, I am afraid that Lei Tianshen Soul would have been killed.

This is only one day, and the fighting power of Mars consciousness has evolved to such a terrible state.

Change to someone else, I'm afraid I would have run away.

Only Lei Tian was different. He was more excited and fanatical when he was injured.

"Come on, don't break out in battle, just die in battle! I'm waiting for you and send me to real hell!"

The red and blue robot roared, and its only arm was deeply inserted into the earth dragon's abdomen, killing the opponent again.

The earth dragon was furious and reborn.

It wants to tear up this teacher who can't beat it!

"I want to kill you and eat you to make you a part of me!"

The earth dragon made a sound for the first time.

"Hahahaha, sure enough, you are also the devil!" Lei Tian did not fear this, but instead seemed to find the most familiar opponent. "No matter how strong you are, you will never beat me!"

The so-called losers do not lose the game, people do not fall dead, but Lei Tian is not a strong face at this time.

He knew that he would not be the opponent of this guy soon.

The power that the opponent can output is not too high, but the background is too strong, just the infinite rebirth, it is enough to restrain most opponents. You can't really kill it, it can continue to evolve.

However, your means are always limited. You have a chance to make mistakes each time you fight. For a long time, when the other party knows all your means, the more mistakes you make, the more naturally you will be defeated by the other party.

But he is very confident, because he understands his true role, not to defeat each other, but to be a tank that attracts hatred.

Just like the human shield role in competitive games.

And the real killer is still in the hands of that person.

The guy in front of him, although strong enough, is still too tender in the battle!

It has only learned combat skills now, but has not yet had time to learn a higher level strategy.

I'm afraid it will never have time!

This feeling of strangling genius is really cool!

Lei Tian hasn't been so happy for a long time. Since he met the man after the lower bound, he walked into the prison step by step.

Until today, this cage has finally opened.

It ’s good to be a thug or a meat shield. As long as he is still active on the battlefield, he does n’t mind bowing his head a little.

Another skill of fighting is to endure ... Those who do not understand this are definitely not really great warriors. Because everything has strengths and weaknesses, without this mentality, it is impossible to persevere until the emergence of victory.

The earth dragon heard Lei Tian's arrogant words, and his whole body was blazing with fire.

"I will not only eat you, but also eat everyone behind you! Damn humans, you all **** all!"

The disgusting anger in the discourse made me as a war demon, accustomed to all kinds of cruel thunder sky, all uncomfortable.

"Boring guy, the real warrior, is proud of cutting off the head of a strong enemy, rather than smashing the ant den for fun!" Lei Tian said coldly.

The dialogue in the battle between the two was fully captured by Fang Ning in the system space through the big screen.

Obviously the uncle was not very worried about this thunder sky, and some backdoors were added to Optimus Prime.

"No, this Martian consciousness has been catalyzed by these moon demons into a real demon, and it seems impossible to repent only by education of love, and only send it to the fire to be reborn." Fang Ning was very worried.

"Relax, good guys of this level, I wo n’t kill in vain. I just caught a golden **** ’s avatar before, and it should be at the same level, maybe even a little higher. Together, I ’ll Get a big baby out. "Uncle proudly said.

Fang Ning nodded and said: "It's so good, then you act quickly."

"Nonsense, this reminds you that I'm almost there." Uncle despised.

Fang Ning looked through the system perspective. Sure enough, the place where the mini blue dragon was at this time was completely different from the previous one.

Surrounded by a solution of fiery red flames, the mini green dragon was wrapped in the middle, as if entering a river of fire.

Even for some reason, he could still smell a sulfide smell, probably the feeling passed to him by his body.

The temperature is so high, can you say a thousand degrees less?

It's just that the mini green dragon is in this solution, but it is awe-inspiring and swims very freely. This is also normal, after all, the uncle's "Dragon Law" has long refined the dragon body.

Is this the core of Mars?

Thinking of this, Fang Ning habitually wanted to search online, but naturally failed.

He then complained habitually: "Uh, Grandpa, you still can't do it, there is no internet here."

"Lying trough," the uncle scolded bitterly, "this is Mars, and it's weird to have a net!"

"..." Fang Ning was speechless ~ ~ could only swallow his voice.

It seems that the uncle is not a panacea, but it is impossible to leave the uncle.

"Okay, here I am, but I need to be more careful about how to do it."

The mini green dragon has stopped swimming.

When Fang Ning looked at it, it was full of fiery red liquid on all sides, and could not see anything at all.

"Where did you talk about it? How can I not sense it?" Fang Ning said depressed.

"Look at you, you don't practice well, you can only abuse the vegetables. When you encounter this high-level existence, you can't sense the other party. Let me tell you, there is a dark like a devil three kilometers away Orb, its breath tells me that this is the core of Mars ’consciousness." The uncle said hate iron.

Fang Ning continued to swallow his voice, because that was the case, and he did not sense anything. This flaming solution is not transparent, and you can't see anything after a centimeter, let alone three kilometers away.

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