Seized by the System

Chapter 853: confidant

At this time, Mars is in space.

Optimus Prime killed the earth dragon at the cost of the last hand, but it also fell into a situation where it could not fight anymore ...

Because its limbs have been removed by the earth dragon in the previous battle, it is only one step away from the "Big Unloading Eight Pieces".

It was just this time that the earth dragon did not reunite, only a piece of gravel fluttered in space, just like the natural meteorites that fluttered.

"Hahaha! Sure enough, victory always comes to the end ..." The broken Optimus Prime saw it and laughed, "You want to kill me slowly, let me experience the fear before death, but I did n’t expect to give me the time to insist, you are so tender! "

Earth Dragon can no longer answer him, and no one in space can hear his declaration of victory, which makes the winner somewhat dissatisfied.

"Boring, it really has to be in a crowded place, and the battle is relatively cool ... at least there will be applause from passers-by."

Lei Tian went silent.

Soon, a green dragon appeared, taking away the broken red and blue robot.

System space.

The uncle is busy bargaining with Heavenly Dad, of course the macaw.

As Fang Ning guessed, the earth's heavenly path is now one poor and two poor.

Tianmen, which was originally set to open on March 1, was evaluated for the development of the Wan people, but it has never been opened.

Fang Ning had been strange about this for a while, but later learned that it was because Tiandao had to fight against the upper realm and had no time to take care of it.

Now it seems that there is still a reason for being unable to open ...

The success of the barrier is to be rewarded, just like the Vampire A and Chong Daqing have been rewarded.

"You tell it, I don't want the merits of Heavenly Dao. There are still a bunch of unsuccessful redemptions for me. This is the war military ticket. If you win, you have the ability to pay. Don't think of recurring this uncle!"

The macaw is very embarrassed: "But now, what Dao Dad can give is a lot of merit, 10,000 can, 30,000 can also give, no matter how much it is difficult, but it is not indisputable. As for the treasures you want , Have been transformed into power, can not be used, other cheap things, it is estimated that you do not look down upon. "

Fang Ning understands this very well. It depends on the year.

The earth's vitality is only 20 years old, how much can it produce?

And Heaven's merits are placed outside, that is a good thing for everyone.

Gu Wei does not have a merit protection, avoiding an epidemic crisis that affects all people. It's not that the **** of plague can't do it, but that he doesn't want to influence the future situation because of this little thing.

Butterfly effect, I believe that these long-lived gods are more clear.

From this point of view, the gods may not be able to overtake the end of heaven and earth, and it is more likely that the two parties reach a balance.

As a result, the merits of Taoism in the future will still be hard currency.

It's just that Fang Ning won't interfere with the uncle's bargaining. On this, there is no shame in it, which is very advantageous.

Anyway, it is now the seller ’s market, and the core of Mars ’consciousness obviously has extremely important significance in the Earth ’s heaven and earth.

I just do n’t know what the other party wants to use?

It is impossible to get Mars as a shield like the moon?

Mars and Earth were originally the planets of the Sun, juxtaposed in terms of status, and the planet ’s boss in the solar system was Jupiter.

The macaw was sandwiched between the two gangsters, and it was a dilemma. After passing for a while, he looked at the owner for help.

Fang Ning was soft-hearted and couldn't help but persuade: "Uncle, let's just stop it. After all, we still have to maintain a good relationship with Heavenly Dad's father and we shouldn't be too rigid."

"I have told you all the good things, but I was the one who took the risk just now!"

"Hey, you are really short-sighted. Our enemies are the gods of the upper realm. The order they will engage in in the future will definitely be in conflict with us. At this time, we must win the ally of Tiandao. After all, how to say, it and Like us, we are all locals ... "Fang Ning couldn't keep going.

"Don't listen, don't listen, Wang Ba chanting." The uncle had passed the childhood when Fang Ning simply flickered.

Fang Ning also knows that this is a bit of a pit, and wants to get cheap from the uncle's hand, which is harder than grabbing the big bone from the black dog's mouth.

"You're secretly scolding me again, I'm so sad, I'm desperately looking for benefits for you, but you are still pulling your hind legs ..."

Fang Ning was speechless and stopped talking.

He thought about it and said: "In this case, you will expand the Dragon Prison and make a space for ventilation. This time, Lei Tian ’s contribution is not small. As the master, I have to be rewarded and punished. I have to give him some space for ventilation. . "

"Okay, as long as you don't interfere with my extortion of second-hand goods, whatever you want to do ..." The uncle said quite readily.

System prompt: (The system consumes 300 million experience value to expand the system cell area.

Increase the prison blast area, 100 meters long from east to west and 50 meters wide from north to south. )

Fang Ning is very satisfied with this. In this way, those sinful souls accumulated in the Dragon Prison will have more motivation.

As a guy who is managed by the uncle all the year round, he understands the importance of letting off the wind. If he is a house-aged guy and has a system cafe as a leisure, he ca n’t adapt to such a state of being managed all day long ...

And those who are kept in the cell can imagine the days they spend in the day.

But Fang Ning will not sympathize with them, this is the punishment they deserve.

Fang Ning came to the Dragon Prison, accompanied by Anderson, to the top floor of the "Zhenxie Building", outside Lei Tian's single cell.

He said lightly: "Lei Tian, ​​you successfully completed the mission this time. You can have two hours of ventilation every day in the future. As for when you want to use it, do you want to use it? Have the freedom to allocate. The place is in the square in front. "

Lei Tianwen said, his face was still, and he said lightly: "Thank you, it's better to find me some more enemies next time. In addition, there is still a big shortage of your robot. This is my opinion ... "

Then he talked endlessly, from machine power, to protection, to attack methods ...

Fang Ning listened to Anderson with a big head.

Anderson immediately said: "Okay, Lei Tian, ​​you can tell me these words later, don't trouble the adult prison guard."

Fang Ning nodded and turned to leave.

"Unfortunately, this is not a confidant ..." Lei Tian shook his head.

I'm not a confidante, I'm really sorry, but your confidante is bargaining with Heavenly Dao, and there is no effort to deal with you.

Fang Ning ignored this guy's sigh and walked away on his own. He was busy now and had no time to discuss anything related to combat effectiveness.


Righteous City, Red Cloud Computing Center.

The black dog Xue Ba, who had just sent the black robe to negotiate new business, received a message from the owner via quantum communication.

"There seem to be some abnormal movements on Mars ~ ~ There are also some mythological stars, and there are also some abnormalities. You should pay more attention to it." The voice of Demon Saint Zhizhi sounded in the building.

The black robe immediately thought of the information he sent to Xia Kejia. He once notified the other party of the meteorite information related to Mars. At that time, the purpose was only to let the other party try.

It now appears that the other party should have gone there immediately to check, and must have made a big move, so as to alarm the master in the starry sky.

He immediately reported the whole story of the matter.

"Oh, is that true?" Zhi Nan's tone was plain, "It seems that this guy has been used as someone's knife again."

"Small dull, please ask the master to express." The black robe was a little puzzled.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about this first. I will give you a list of star charts. You use human astronomical observation tools to keep an eye on them and report them to me at any time."

"Yes, master." The black robe received the order without any doubt now.

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