Seized by the System

Chapter 854: condition

System space.

After three days and nights of repeated sawing, the uncle finally handed over the Martian core with satisfaction.

After Fang Ning listened to the trading conditions, the expression on his face could only be described as "stunned."

"One, the merits of heaven and earth are 100,000 points."

"Secondly, the human monument that is being bred is directly attributed to Xia Ke A."

"Three. The secret realm under the name of the knight, the city of righteousness, the land of blood slaying, the supply of vitality has tripled. The inheritance land with the right to pay dividends has been increased by 20%, and the Insect Realm has been increased by 50%. "

"Fourth, the magic weapon generated within the scope of the earth's heaven and earth in the future must provide free time and place of birth."

There are five, six, seven, eight, and ninety in the back, and Fang Ning can't bear to read it anymore. The uncle made the most of the characteristics of the sting, and replaced it with Fang Ning himself.

If you change to someone else, it is possible to get some merit.

After all, in the minds of most people, heaven is the supreme symbol and is synonymous with God.

When dealing with this kind of existence, they will naturally be much shorter, and it would be nice to have some gifts. Where can they still bargain on an equal footing?

However, the uncle is different, it does not care about this problem.

What is supreme is the trick of fooling people. The uncle has no fear and will not be scared by this.

"Alas, uncle, you are well-developed, and it really is more than 300% of profits." Fang Ning convinced by mouth.

"It's okay, if there is no Mars core, if you don't make it, it will be finished, how can it not be a little bloody? If the earth is gone, we can run other planets to live, but it is not possible, the initiative In us. "Uncle proudly said.

Fang Ning folded his hands together: "Yes, yes, uncle you are great. Lei Tian just made some combat suggestions. Do you have to deal with it? This art has specialization, which I don't understand."

"Oh, you don't have to worry about this, I have written it down." The uncle is in a good mood.

Fang Ning then said: "Oh, listening to what you mean, you already know the purpose of this Martian core. You tell me, what does Heavenly Dad want to do with it?"

"Uh, it's actually still about you." The uncle asked very cheerfully.

"Huh, what does it have to do with me?" Fang Ning was a little puzzled.

"Do you remember the cow you blew before? Want to build Galaxy Skynet?" Uncle despised.

"Um, of course I remember, you mentioned it again, could this Mars core be the key?" Fang Ning suddenly realized.

"Almost, to be precise, this is the starting point of Galaxy Skynet. It is one of the tools used by Erhuo Tiandao to pry the origin of time and space. You should know by now, why should I ask for such a high price." Road.

"It turned out to be so." Fang Ning nodded again and again, and his previous pretense to make a vow to swear casually was far from complete.

However, Heavenly Dad is Jane in the heart of the emperor. People will not delay for half a minute. They must have started preparing early.

After all, this is a big problem that has long existed.

This is also its weakness.

As long as there is consciousness, the sky that was originally high above is no longer terrible. Because it also has the need for survival, since there is a need for survival, it means that it is no longer fearless.

And this is the basis for the uncle's success in extortion.

Otherwise, if the original natural heaven, who can blackmail it?

You can create a weapon that destroys the universe, and you can't threaten other people. They have no consciousness and no existence. You destroy it, but you destroy yourself.

This is the highest state of "none".

It's a pity that it's meaningless to reach this state, that is, to die completely ...

Fang Ning can only sigh: "It seems that not only are we working hard, even Heavenly Dad is working hard."

"Only you are the most idle ..." said the uncle.

"You're innocent and innocent, where have I been free in recent months?" Fang Ning was very wronged. "There has never been a rest day, and my few invincible krypton online games are now on the list. tube."

"For three years, no one can surpass you ..." Uncle despised.

"Uh, there are still many local tyrants. Of course, the probability that you say this sentence is very high. After all, there are probably few local tyrants who are in the mood to play games. Everyone is busy packing and moving. I only see a surge of 1,000 than before. With the application form for the righteousness city, you will understand everyone ’s thoughts, and no one will be happy to survive on the aliens. Although they are shouting at the stars and the sea, when they open up to the outside world, the first batch of people who are sure to die Or was exiled. "Fang Ning lamented.

"I can't control so much, I'm just a hero system, not a father, not a virgin, the destiny of mankind, they have to worry about themselves." Uncle carelessly said.

Fang Ning nodded, which was also in line with his thoughts. If everything had to be managed, it would only be out of favor. Of course, the key was to be tired.

It's still comfortable to be a King of Freedom under Heaven. There is something to do with chivalry and nothing to brush up on the game.

"Look at you, this has just made some money, and the idea of ​​playing has started again. Think of Li Longji, think of Li Cunxu, they are your role models!" Said the uncle, who hated iron.

"Uh, I can't think about it!" Fang Ning struggled weakly.

Being the master to do this is really the number one.

"Of course not. The sages have a cloud to prevent them from getting rid of them. Evil behaviors all start from evil thoughts. You have to do it yourself." Uncle Zhen Zhen said.

Fang Ning was willing to go down and had to work overtime.

He couldn't help feeling depressed, when was the situation reversed?

By the way, the gods of the upper realm came and the overall situation changed. Although he was lazy, he still knew that he could not play at ease without removing foreign enemies. This compromised with the uncle everywhere.

After all, everything is God's pot!

It is their own overtime!

One day, all the gods and buddhas will disappear.

Fang Ning thought bitterly, turned on the computer and continued to work.


The islands of Fusang have been reduced to laboratories of gods and buddhas.

From fifty meters underground ~ ~ to the ground, it is all that gray protein product.

The God of Plague is stationed here, inspecting daily to study the progress of biological computers.

It is difficult for mortals to understand the wisdom of God. In less than half a month of effort, He has broken through several major difficulties that humans cannot solve for a long time.

Among them is the storage and reading of information, which in the industry's view is almost a natural disaster, but was resolved by the other party in half a month.

Those geniuses in the history of human science are far from being comparable to the wisdom of gods.

This is one of the root causes of human fear. They understand that earth technology is not worth relying on, because it is easy to absorb, understand and apply it with the wisdom of God.

Those countries that were originally lagging behind, after absorbing advanced civilizations, will be able to take the lead in less than a century.

Not to mention the gods themselves?

The other party's learning ability will only be stronger than mortal.

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