Seized by the System

Chapter 856: For the bigger picture

Bai Shixin nodded, and then said: "The meaning of the military master, you already know, I wonder if you can teach the orphans?"

"This ..." The people looked at each other, no one said for a moment.

Kong Liang was confident, "The protagonist Mo You, Chen Liang has three strategies to offer."

"Aiqing please tell me ..." Bai Shixin said with pain. Although he had a hunch that the other party wanted to pit him, he could only listen.

Kong Liang didn't have this consciousness at all, but said proudly: "The best policy, the minister knows that the upper realm is dominated by saints, choose a saint and take refuge in it, you can get a big tree."

Sure enough, this guy knew only one, not the other. Bai Shixin was unsure, and continued to ask, "How is Zhongce?"

"Zhongce, reached an agreement with the human race, based on joint development, my family is good at all kinds of underground civil engineering, and they move with them to new stars."

This is still a bit feasible. Bai Shixin nodded. This guy still made some progress. He usually asked him to read more books and listened.


"The best course of action is to choose one day to turn to God and be able to get mercy on one or two."

Kong Liang waved his fan, the way Zhizhu was holding, where could there be the sad face that wept before?

Everyone was dumbfounded. These three measures, they understood half of it, but what to do, but in vain.

Suddenly some people objected: "The three plans of the military division seem to be clever, but in fact they are also fate for fish!"

Kong Liang was furious suddenly, and then quickly restrained himself, not to spoil the style left by the sages.

He forcibly smiled and looked at the man who questioned him, and saw that it was the military minister Bai Shifu, the king's brother ...

Fortunately, he wasn't angry ... he thought happily.

"I don't know General Fu, what's your opinion?" He said very sincerely.

"These three of your plans, at their roots, all depend on the destiny of our people in the hands of others, and to say a human network phrase, you are guilty of the weak bourgeoisie! My family is independent, how can you rely on others to breath As you cried in front of you, this will only bring my family to the position of a beach castle! "Bai Shifuyi sternly scolded.

"Ah, General!" Kong Liang was very wronged. "In this world, the strong one wins, and my family is new, just like a vine. Only by choosing a tree to live, can you have time to develop. This is not weak, but big. Wisdom! "

Bai Shifu is silent, but the other party's words are not false, although it sounds uncomfortable.

But speaking of it, since the ancestors were imprisoned, there are no top strong people in the family carrying the beam, and now they only survive under the balance of power.

Once in the battle, who can resist the disaster of heaven?

He couldn't help but look at the high position. Can his wise brother, now the king, have a solution?

"The military division and the general have their own reasons, and everyone should not panic. A few days ago, I got a message that I would like to tell you today." Bai Shixin was calm and calm.

When everyone sees this, their hearts are stabilized, and a true wise man is king. This is a benefit. The other party can always find countermeasures in all kinds of impossible desperation.

Even if this kind of countermeasure does not necessarily have a good result, at least it will keep people from the six gods without a master.

"Chen waits to listen." The people said respectfully.

"Moonland in the sky, it is common for everyone to go out and do business on the ground every day. This news comes from the above."

The people suddenly put their ears up, and they naturally knew this spectacle of wonder, a giant bear, supporting a piece of land, really unheard of.

"On the land of that month, there is the highest mountain, which leads to a big cave. The story happens here."

"The two gods came to ask for this cave, and even used magical means, but the other party still turned them away." Bai Shixin said lightly.

The smart has heard the meaning.

"Lord, could it be that we also have a chance to dwell on a cave?" Someone couldn't help saying.

It was just that the man had just started speaking and was glared at by everyone.

How can such major news be announced in such a public place?

"Oh, there is naturally no chance now, but the only way to tell this news is to tell everyone that under the heaven and earth, since there is a line of vitality, if my family can also get a hole in the sky, it has obtained the foundation that is not easy for the world. Since then, those who have foundations can only become kings, and those with unstable foundations will all rise and fall suddenly. "Bai Shixin said with a long heart.

"Big Wang Mingjian, I will wait for my own efforts to find all relevant news." Everyone cheered up.

Kong Liang even admired the extreme. The news that the king said was to apply the right medicine, which just solved his previous three major concerns.

If you get a cave, their ethnic group, kingdom, king, are no longer beach castles, but have a vast foundation.

"It's so good. Now let's throw away our worries and enjoy tonight." Bai Shixin raised his glass.

"I wish the king a million lives." The ministers raised their glasses one after another.


After the banquet, Bai Shixin returned to the harem.

Queen Jing came forward to serve him diligently. With a wave of his hand, he kindly said: "I still have something important today, you go back to rest first, don't need to wait for me."

"The king is busy, he doesn't need to worry about his concubine ..." Queen Jing lowered her eyebrows.

"Well." Bai Shixin nodded, then left the harem and went to his South Study.

In Nan Study, an old man was sitting in his chair waiting for him.

"Ancestor came here late at night, I don't know why?"

Bai Shixin didn't care either. After these days, he knew that the other side didn't care about the power of the world. What the other side cared about was the development and growth of the giant rat family.

The basis for the other party to become a **** lies on this family of giant rats.

Although he is now king and is popular with the people, he has discovered that the ultimate direction of the family ethics is still in the ancestors.

Thinking of the growth of the local giant rat, it was all catalyzed by the other party. Now it seems that the other party has already arranged.

"Did you say it at the banquet of the group ministers? You want to find a place where Dongtian can rest for my family, and today the ancestor will fulfill you." The ancestor of the Bai family said lightly.

Bai Shixin heard something and then admired it deeply. The old man is a man of brilliance in the end, and this skill is extraordinary.

He took the throne of the other's son. Not only did the other endure it, but he also helped him grow his family.

He now showed a look of overjoy and overjoy, and quickly asked: "Thank you ancestor, I don't know where that cave is?"

"It may disappoint you a little bit. That cave is just a temporary secret realm. It was originally a certain power for the inheritance ... You do n’t need to delve into it. If someone takes the inheritance, it will die naturally, but if You bind the fate of your clan to it, but you can make it a permanent hole, just like the few big secrets that exist now. "Bai Family Patriarch said lightly.

"It turns out that's true, but it's not bad." Bai Shixin nodded.

"As for the place where it was born ~ ~ There is also a way to take the inheritance, I wrote it on this jade slip, after you read it, it will be destroyed." The Bai family ancestor finished. A jade slip was placed on the table and then disappeared from the study.

Bai Shixin took a deep breath, this is the age of myth.

The so-called king is nothing but an ant in the hands of others ...


After the ancestors of the Bai family left, they appeared beside an underground ranch.

I saw the sun lamp hanging high above the rock wall, and some giant rat clan people are driving human agricultural machinery and harvesting grass.

He saw these and said nothing for a long time.

Before long, a young man with flexible eyes appeared beside him.

"Ancestor, the apprentice is unknown, why do you give such a precious opportunity to that rebellion?" Nie Yuan questioned.

"For the bigger picture."

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