Seized by the System

Chapter 857: Bridge crossing

Bai Shixin absorbed the contents of the jade bamboo slips and fell into contemplation.

He did not doubt the ancestor's intentions, the other party would not harm him by this means.

It's easy to harm him. As long as the other party shows up publicly, all the lies he had before will not be attacked.

Don't look at him, he is deeply popular, but in front of the powerful ancestors, those men will only diverge one after another. One of the 100 can still support him, which is good.

Among the group of officials, probably only the stupid Kong Liang will continue to insist that he is orthodox ...

"The inheritance of the gods of the upper realm? The strange caves, how can these powerful caves appear in the world of the earth? Also, are there other existing mysteries? Are they also done by some great gods in the upper realm? What is their intention to do so? "

"Anyway, it will definitely not benefit mankind ..."

Bai Shixin sneered.

Gods may have compassion, and in their spare time, they will send out kindness and win the sincere respect of the believers, but before the catastrophe, they said that they would deny themselves and give their secrets to the earth ...

Such a fairy tale, when you are three months old, you will not believe it!

Bai Shixin thought for a while, then made a phone call.

Not long afterwards, a resolute and determined man walked into the South Study.

"Brother, just after the banquet, I called my brother and sister to come late at night. I don't know what's important?" Bai Shifu respectfully said.

"Well, you look at this first." Bai Shixin handed Yu Jian to the other party.

A trace of hesitation flashed on Bai Shifu's face, but he still took it, running the mana and watching the contents.

"His, if so, the foundation of my family is fixed!" He was overjoyed on his face, and then wondered, "I don't know where the big brother came from. Is such reliable information reliable?"

"Reliability should be reliable, after all, this should be one of the old man's means of pressing the bottom of the box. He is deliberately lowering the boundary in advance, and he must prepare a foundation for the foundation." Bai Shixin said lightly.

"It turns out so." A trace of fear flashed on Bai Shifu's face, and then he was firm. He naturally knew that the old man was not dead, but he was suppressed in the secret realm of Xia Kejia, and he could not come out.

It's just that he didn't know that the other party had been released for some time because of blocking the space channel.

Bai Shixin did not tell him the news. After all, one less person knew it, and one more point was safe.

"According to this information, the God of Food is to choose a universal cook who can make the most suitable for his taste to inherit his heritage. Among them, there are many secret medicine recipes. But these are all things outside the body. This is the most precious thing of this great **** ’s cave. Although it ’s a little smaller, it ’s comparable to a big island in this world. Unfortunately, it ’s not permanent. It also requires our efforts. ”Bai Shifu regretted.

Bai Shixin shook his head: "If not, we haven't had the opportunity to hold it in your hands. As you have seen in the previous battles in the mysterious realms, either the great **** of the upper realm or the strongest in this realm, there is no room for us to intervene. Recently. The land of blood killing, I heard that the knights finally killed five upper-level Luohan avatars, and they robbed the Buddhist door before they snatched their hands ... "

"Big Brother said, it's just how do we get started?" Bai Shifu said with concern.

Such a big thing, the eldest brother only asked him to discuss, it shows the importance of trust, of course, he must be attentive.

Whether it is public or private, this is a great thing.

If the secret realm here is inherited as a family, he and his family will be able to enjoy glory and wealth in the future. If they are fortunate to become a **** of incense after death, they will not be troubled by all kinds of robbery.

"Well, we have to repair the plank road and cross Chen Cang secretly. The news is definitely not concealable. After all, since Mighty wants to choose an heir, there must be a public way. On the one hand, we are preparing to **** the inheritance, but in fact we want to slap the family. Luck binds to this mysterious realm and provides it with nutrients for growth. Even if it only retains its instincts, it certainly won't refuse. "Bai Shixin quickly said his own strategy.

"The eldest brother is really wise, and his brother admires, then I will go to the clan to choose a good cook now." Bai Shifu nodded again and again.

Follow this person, there is this benefit, you do n’t have to worry about yourself ...

No wonder Zhuge Liang hangs, the talents of the Shu Kingdom are withering away, this is all spoiled ...

"By the way, the Fangjia Catering Group in Qicheng has its own unique features. You can choose someone to study there. It ’s better to go to the teacher. We do n’t need to be stingy with our goods. As long as we complete this big plan, we will be the gods in the future. , Let's not worry too much. "Bai Shixin said seriously.

"Well, that elder brother, I will choose the capable manpower to carry out the plan this time." Bai Shifu said seriously.

Bai Shixin waved his hand and said: "Go ahead, pay attention to safety."

Bai Shifu turned and left, leaving only the king in the study.

Bai Shixin sat for a while and walked back and forth in the study.

After walking for a while, I read the book "The Art of War" from the bookshelf repeatedly.

"Know yourselves and know each other before you can survive a battle. This will never be outdated."

"Now, do I really understand the old man?"

He was deeply puzzled.

In case this event is done, the other party ...

He woke up suddenly, thinking of a fearful possibility!

He thought before that the ancestor would not harm him by this means. In fact, there is a big loophole. Yes, finding the secret realm is absolutely harmless. However, after getting the secret realm, the situation is completely different ...

"Humph, old man, you are really one by one. If I am not smart enough, I am afraid that you will be fooled in the palm of your hand like the stupid apprentice before." Bai Shixin smiled coldly.


Five days later, Qicheng, Fangjia Restaurant City.

The chef of Fang Ning's substitute agency received a call from the general manager, and he directly transferred the call to the real body.

Fang Ning was surprised when he received a call from Zhao Ying.

"Shenma? Someone wants to worship me as a teacher?" Fang Ning shocked.

"Yes, Mr. Fang, the people here are very sincere and brought a lot of precious treasures, and I am not good for you to refuse, it is better for you to see him in person?" Said a pleasant female voice across from him.

"Well, I'll see you here." Uncle said, imitating Fang Ning's voice.

"..." Fang Ning, holding the phone, stunned the dog.

"Stunned what to do, hurry up and tidy up, let an apprentice play." The uncle straightened.

"I really want to give you a big ear scraper ..." Fang Ning said in a broken voice.

"You can't beat, you can only beat yourself, you are mad." Uncle proudly said.

Half an hour later, Chivalrous A recovered, and Fang Ning took back his body and returned to the top floor of the restaurant city, the office of the president.

Soon, general manager Zhao Ying had brought in three young men, two men and one woman.

The two men are ordinary in appearance and have the common feature of being very fat.

The female looks pretty handsome, wearing a turquoise dress, small and exquisite, docile and pleasant.

At first glance, Fang Ning thought of his wife.

"Uh, rich man, can you not be derailed! This is not in line with chivalry," the uncle reminded.

"Look at my thoughts, this is just casual thinking, am I the kind of person?" Fang Ning said to the uncle in his mind ~ ~ You are. "Uncle pushed back."

"Shut up for me." Fang Ning said indignantly.

After the interruption of the uncle, Fang Ning was relieved. After looking at the three people, he opened his mouth.

"You, want to learn cooking with Ben ... and Fang?" Fang Ning almost said the wrong thing and quickly withdrew it.

"Yes, President Fang, we admire the name of your cooking **** and travel thousands of miles to come to Qicheng and want to pay you a teacher." A young man said first.

"Oh, there were a lot of people who wanted to learn art before, but Fang was too busy and never received apprentices ..." Fang Ning refused.

"President Fang is slow. We are different from those people. We are willing to pay enough tuition." The young man said, handing a box respectfully with both hands.

Fang Ning took it with one hand and opened it, immediately stunned.

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