Seized by the System

Chapter 869: Sacrifice

Chivalrous wandering around in the mysterious realm of food, Fang Ning naturally knows what the uncle is doing, and is definitely looking for any missing baby.

After all, the previous time was left to collect ingredients.

Although relying on the strategy given by the God of Food, he got the magic weapon in the inheritance in advance, but the uncle would not simply believe the God of Food.

Fang Ning is the only one who can make it believe.

"You keep pitting me, and still expect me to believe you?" Uncle thought, walking through a bush.

Fang Ningqiang argued: "Where did I pit you? Which strategic decision did I make for you?"

Uncle just wanted to refute, he was amazed: "Hey, I said how could your three apprentices not even enter the finals, there is no figure of them in the square, it turns out they are doing other things."

Fang Ning looked through the system perspective and saw two men and a woman in a small forest, where they were laying.

Take a closer look. In front of the three people, a simple wooden table has been set up, and a man is arranging several statues respectfully.

Around them, there were several trees that were cut down.

Obviously, while others are busy with the God of Fortune, the three apprentices are engaged in some mysterious activities.

"Are they sacrificing evil spirits?" Fang Ning suddenly had a headache. After all, he had a few days of mentoring and apprenticeship. Of course, he didn't want to carry an unknown pot.

"Sacrifice Evil God? Black Cat Tom used to do this before, I will contact it." Uncle thought now.

"It's the city of righteousness to supervise the cultivation of medicinal herbs. But you have crossed two secret realms. Can you get in touch? Besides, we have no grasp of this mysterious realm of eating." Fang Ning questioned.

Uncle was immediately proud: "Don't you forget that when the two goods heaven and earth wanted my Martian core, but promised a lot of conditions. These secret realms are all anchored under its platform, and of course it should give me this convenience."

"So it turns out. It seems that you really made a lot of conveniences before." Fang Ning sighed and couldn't do it with him.


The city of righteousness.

A valley covered with gray mist, or pale or dark plants, is greedily absorbing these fogs.

The gray mist is the yin energy transformed from this secret realm.

These plants do not need conventional nutrients, but only need these yin to grow.

Every plant that grows well will form a small vortex. In the eyes of outsiders, it will definitely feel very strange.

Therefore, there are arrays around this valley to prevent strangers from entering and leaving.

A black tiger is shuttled in the gray fog, from time to time to adjust the flow of yin everywhere and the concentration.

On top of its head, a sturdy big gray ant, holding three tiger hairs, pointing at the mountains and rivers, scolding Fang Qi.

Following the command of the gray ants, a large group of small gray ants were crawling around on the valley, clearing away many insects attracted by the yin.

Suddenly, the black tiger stopped and jumped on a rock.

It just appeared a message in his mind.

The information comes from Chivalry A, and ask it about things like the altar.

It is not surprising to this point, after all, this secret area is under the control of the other party, and it is easy to broadcast some information.

Thought of it, it was sour in heart, but also hatred, but also helpless. Originally it should be its thing, the orb has become the control center of the secret realm here.

Helplessly fool the cat. With the cooperation of the shameless ant, he gives away his hand.

It rolled its eyes and looked at the gray ant above its head, wishing to strangle each other.

No, bear with me! Not to mention the importance of this guy first, only to say that the other party has registered a number with the valiant armor, it ca n’t do anything, and has to serve this man.

Although Xia Kejia didn't ask a few times, at the end of the year, if he didn't mention this ant, the other party would definitely ask.

The ability of this ant has been highlighted. It does not know where to hook up a queen, and all the new ants born are used to survive in a shady environment.

At least it is very useful to take care of these negative properties of medicinal materials, without the need for manual weeding and deworming, a truly green, environmentally friendly and pollution-free industry.

Black cat Tom thought for a while, and then answered honestly: "If the altar is set up well, it can transmit power and items ... There are ways to find the real hidden person behind the altar."

After speaking a bunch of materials, it sighed for a long time. The **** of death in the upper realm hasn't sacrificed for a long time. It is estimated that the guy has blacklisted himself and thoroughly remembered it.

But it ’s no wonder I ’m here, but this is the secret realm of Chivalrous Armor ...

Black Cat Tom would like to see, after the death of the lower realm, the conflict with the Xia Kejia will erupt.

Look now, this time point, it should not be dragged on for too long.

According to its inside story from the **** of death, it would have been tens of thousands of years under normal circumstances before the gods of the upper world would come on a large scale, at that time, the loss could be minimized.

However, out of the uncontrollable variable of knightly knight, they dare to drag for tens of thousands of years, the daylily is cold ...

Unless they get rid of Xia Ke A, ​​but with this ability, how many can there be? Are they willing to advance to the lower realm?

Black Cat Tom believes that at this time those high guys are playing. If you do n’t get rid of the Chivalrous Armor, everyone has to come down early.

If you want to get rid of the Chivalrous Armor, you have to have an early ontology, pay a lot of losses, and may even directly fall.

Such high risks must be compensated enough.


Food mystery.

Uncle got enough information from Tom, but he still had no idea what these people wanted to do.

"Big rich, you help to analyze." It threw the pot very happy.

Fang Ning was also very happy to take the pot. He had to count on this guy to cook for a while. Although it agreed, he could not offend it at this time.

He thought for a while: "Look at it for a while before saying, see if they use this altar to transfer power or items."

Then, after hiding in a tree, Chivalrous Arm looked at the three men busy.

When the man put the statue, Fang Ning saw some strange things.

"Hey, those two statues, one is very similar to the old mouse, and the other is very similar to Bai Shixin. But these three people are not giant rat monsters?" Fang Ning surprised.

If yes, Uncle will remind you when the other party is apprentice.

"Hum ~ ~ Isn't it a giant rat demon, can't you help the giant rat secretary? Are you less gangsters?" Uncle despised.

"Same thing." Fang Ning really has nothing to say about it.

Linzi is big and there are birds. Never praise a group as good or vilify a group as bad.

According to the information given by the truth, many people went to the giant rat family underground, because the other party gave them enough treatment.

"I really know people, but I don't know what they know. The first student, the professor raped three people." Fang Ning sighed.

Uncle took the opportunity to give Fang Ning a stick: "Look at you, I told you not to be greedy and cheap. This is a good thing. I taught you the ability to rape, and you will have to do an intelligence investigation in the future."

"After all, it's just some cooking skills, and no real secret skills are involved. Where would I think so much?" Fang Ning had to admit that the uncle's stick made him very sad.

In the end, he is still a simple and honest person. Although his experience has increased a lot in the past few years, in his bones, he is not the kind of lord who doubts everything.

The other party is looking for Fang Ning's original identity, not the knightly armor, which is one of the reasons why he took it lightly.

After all, Fang Ning did not have much confidentiality.

And reality gave him a heavy stick.

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