Seized by the System

Chapter 870: lie

Fang Ning waited for a while and saw three people bowing respectfully at the statue.

Then I saw a burst of white gas appear, and then spread out.

Now he is a lake-level strong soul anyway, and he can feel it faintly. This white gas is not evil, but a sense of grandeur.

"Uncle, this is a bit strange? It seems that they are not doing evil things."

"Aren't I asking you to analyze? Why don't you ask me why?" Uncle said dissatisfiedly.

"Insufficient information, can't analyze ..." Fang Ning said halfway, and stopped quickly, "I remembered, this kind of white gas should be a family's gas, similar to the incense belief, they believe in the incense belief of the giant rat family , Leading the diversion into this mysterious realm of food, certainly no picture. "

"What picture?" Uncle asked.

"Ask that black pot." Fang Ning Zhenzhen has a word.

"You're a real dumpling pot ..." The uncle groaned, and then called out the black pot working in the alchemy room.

After seeing the scene outside, the black pot shuddered a few times, then calmed down again.

"Nothing, these guys are not self-restrained. They should want to use their own ethos to pervade my mystery, to explore what treasures I have here, but unfortunately there are ways to obtain them. It ’s a step. ”Heiqu asked very honestly.

Fang Ning didn't hear any problems. Judging from his knowledge, this is probably the case.

Uncle didn't even hear the problem. Most of the lies it can hear now are Fang Ning.

First, the two spent too much time together; Second, it is not good, it can also peep directly into Fang Ning ’s thoughts ...

For this black pot, these two conditions are completely untenable.

"Since this is the case, it seems that they have done nothing bad, then let them go." Fang Ning finally came to a conclusion.

Uncle said hesitantly: "Intuition tells me that it seems not so simple."

"Then you pinch fingers?" Fang Ning wanted to see if the uncle could be better than himself.

"Count a wool ... I'm stupid, really." Uncle suddenly sighed.

"Uh, I also understand," Fang Ning also began to sigh, "There is another guy to ask, and it doesn't want to lie in front of us."


Shenzhou Truth Office Headquarters.

Xie Dong sits in the plain reception room, next to the Venerable Dragon.

Across the table, sitting opposite the Bai family ancestor.

I don't know why, the other party put on a hat and covered his head tightly.

This makes Xie Dong feel a little strange, is the other party bald? This leader is really not good.

"The seat comes to ask you, what are the statues like in the mysterious realm? Don't tell the seat, you don't know." Xia Kejia said lightly.

Xie Dong sat down quickly and looked at the other party with wide eyes, revealing his existence.

He knows that he is a nail in the eyes of many people, but he also has a guardian deity, and good things cannot be taken up.

His special ability, with the progress, is more and more powerful, and can even identify the lies of God. This made him surprised and frightened again.

Distinguish between the truth and the false, this ability seems very simple, but the use is really too wide and too wide.

And now he can decide the fate of a strong man.

Because he was sitting next to the stronger.

"It's really where you all are ..." The Bai family ancestor said coldly, and then said, "It's very simple, the mysterious environment of eating is just a temporary hole to open the inheritance. The old man has a secret method in the upper realm that can be used. Supported by a family of qi, making it a permanent hole. "

"His ..." Fang Ning's head was empty, and then he said to the uncle, "Black pot is lying to us!"

"Yeah, look at it honestly, even if it is a lie, without blinking ... Sure enough, these gods are all cunning and cunning!" Uncle said angrily.

"It has no eyes ... In fact, in this world, lies are the mainstream." Fang Ning placated.

"Damn fellow, I want to increase his rent by three times and his salary by half." The uncle said fiercely.

"Hey, speaking of it, I can understand his thoughts. He wanted to occupy the magpie's nest and collect the fishing profits. Although the ancestor of the Bai family had a good calculation, he could not think that the **** of food would not die. It was given to the other party in vain. "Fang Ning sighed.

"Hey, you say that, but it's kind of interesting," Uncle suddenly turned angry, "If I imprison this guy, this cave is not ours?"

"Uh, you come to this set less," Fang Ning suddenly said nothing, "we are heroes, how can we do this kind of trickery? Whether it's the ancestors of the Bai family or the God of Food, one of them has to work hard to build one. With a reputation, this mystery of food is not unowned, they all have reasons to fight for the final ownership, but we have no reason to rob. "

"Damn, I'd be better if I'm not a hero." The uncle was very dissatisfied with his hands and feet tied.

"The pros and cons are always one, and enjoying the bonus of the hero aura, it is impossible to occupy all good things." Fang Ning appeased.

"Nonsense, since this guy has an industry, then my rent still has to be raised. Dare to deceive this hero system, it is guilty!" Uncle naturally is not so easy to let go of each other.

"As you please, remind you, do you know why he dared to lie to us?" Fang Ning said.

"Why?" Uncle puzzled.

"Because he can make alchemy, and it is a rare panacea that can extend the life of mortal people. You know, ordinary people can't take elixir casually, that force will definitely burst their flesh. It is ordinary food. It may rise to death, not to mention this kind of magic medicine. You can see that he handed over all the inheritances of the God of Cookery honestly, but he did not mention any kind of medicine, he would know that he had planned early, and he should use this as a basis. "Fang Ningyu has a long-term analysis ~ ~ society and society, my simple and honest system, I really can't play with you," Grandpa said, "I always thought that this black pot is very simple and kind, after all He and Chong Daqing can both be friends. "

"Oh, you actually said that a **** is simple and kind, which is a mockery of everyone's IQ." Fang Ning despised.

"Go, it's all your fault. You always look at people inaccurately, otherwise, where would I be deceived?" Uncle slammed the pot on Fang Ning's head.

"Well, it's my ignorance." Fang Ning did not discriminate strongly. He was willing to be a backslider, and he was wrong. He had to get this guy to take the exam for a while.

"It's almost the same, what should I do now?"

"Cold mix, wait and see the changes, we do not intervene. If this food **** gets this secret, we can still get some benefits, at least don't have to worry about this guy paying the rent." Fang Ning analyzed.

"What if he wants to leave?" Uncle said uncomfortably.

"Then let him go."

"What? Impossible, he is so useful, how can he let go?"

"Well, he will beg us to let him back then," Fang Ning said coldly, "Is the secret realm really so safe? Besides, his secret realm still needs to exist with external force."

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