Seized by the System

Chapter 909: Qianlong Zaiyuan

The next day, at the request of Ren Ruofeng, Fang Ning opened a light door in the bloodshed. Only this light gate leads to the sun.

Soon after, they will use magnetic people to store large amounts of energy from the sun.

It must be known that the solar energy that humans can use now is incomparable compared to the sun emitting from the sun every year. It is a bit reluctant to describe it with a drop of water in the sea.

Coming to the sun, this big fireball radiated a fiery glow toward the universe starry sky, making it difficult to look directly at.

However, Fang Ning still wanted to see it. He used a system perspective, and his body was entrusted by the uncle. He was not afraid that this light would blind his kryptonian dog's eyes.

"By the way, when I saw this big fireball, I suddenly remembered something. I used to do a research on the mentally difficult monk and the black robe. That is to use the energy of this world to transform into the energy of the mysterious side. It seems that there are preliminary results ... … "Fang Ning looked at the sun and suddenly remembered the long-standing dust.

"It must be gone now. After all, he and the black robe have become true monks. As you know, the monk does everything, even if he doesn't engage in inventions and creations ..." Uncle gloated.

Fang Ning was suddenly speechless: "You don't want to overthrow all the monks with one shot. Eunuchs can also invent papermaking, and some monks have done many inventions."

"Then what do you want to do? Are you going to break those two guys with bad water back again?" Uncle disdainfully said.

Fang Ning shook his head: "Of course it is impossible, but I do admire that guy very much. Everything he does echoes back and forth, and there will never be a head and a tail. You see that he went to sleep stars before and got the atmospheric luck favored by space and time. In fact, it ’s exactly the same thing as what I said just now. Those dormant stars can be transformed into vitality to continue life after the exhaustion of the vitality in the future, so he has to study how to convert natural energy into Mysterious energy. After all, the most known natural energy in the universe comes from these burning stars. "

"As you say, he will surely be able to become a monk today ..." Uncle suddenly reminded.

"Yes, I'm just worried about this. It's not a good idea. This is the guy's Qianlong's plan!" Fang Ning clapped his hands and finally said this worry.

"What should I do? Don't you want me to run over and put a gold hoop on him?" Uncle was very embarrassed.

"It's not appropriate. Let's take a step by step for the time being. Forging iron is harder, and we also have advantages that he does not have." Fang Ning decisively said.

"What advantage?" Uncle Dao confessed.

"Of course you are." Fang Ning was proud.

"I understand, then you are our biggest disadvantage ..." The uncle affirmed.

"..." Fang Ning had nothing to say.


Rice black robe villa.

At this time, a large group of Buddhists had gathered on the grass of the villa.

Most of them are listening to the scriptures piously, in this turbulent era, seeking the sustenance of their hearts.

"If I smell ..."

Among them, a young monk was sitting, who was there, gently preaching and preaching to the people.

At the edge of the crowd are some newly joined people.

They don't have the piety inside, but whisper.

Such a large gathering, unless it is a serious occasion, it is difficult to control order. Especially if the host is too kind.

A homeless man who is a hangover is bowing his head and talking with his companion.

"Listening to the old John said that the master from the Tang Dynasty spoke very powerful scriptures. After listening here for a few days, after returning home, the feeling of peeping from evil spirits completely dissipated."

"Huh, that old thing, what time is it, and all the Shenzhou people are regarded as Tang people ... I really think that all the monks are Tang monks in the Westward Journey. This monk should be a Shenzhou, but anyway, I do n’t want money. Three meals a day, it does n’t matter if you listen for a few days. ”His companion said disdainfully.

"But it really works. After listening to this morning, I felt a lot more comfortable in my heart and seemed to have the strength to work again." The tramp admired a little.

"I have this feeling too, otherwise, it is impossible to stay until now." His companion nodded in agreement.

Of course they didn't know that the ancestors of the devil were told by the sages at this time, and they were contaminated with a difficult mind. Where did those ordinary monsters dare to get close to them?

This is like a prey being targeted by a tiger, and no fox or jackal will follow the idea.

Unless waiting for the tiger to eat enough.

"Well, good faith, the morning scriptures are here, and everyone will follow my apprentice to dinner, and we will talk again in the afternoon." Zhinan stood up and said slowly.

There was a burst of cheers among the crowd.

Before the era of vitality, this is the "world's granary", a real godsend.

When everyone mentioned rice, they thought of the prosperity of technologically advanced industries, but they rarely realized that their agriculture was truly second to none in the world, highly competitive, and the world ’s largest exporter of crop products.

Even for homeless people, as long as they are conscious, and there is no transition from alcoholism to illness, food rolls are not lacking, and some are distributed by welfare and charity organizations.

However, after only a few years of hard work, these people are so happy for a bite of free food, which shows the impact of the mysterious era on ordinary industries.

In particular, agriculture, which occupies a large area and needs to be planted in a large area in the wild, is difficult to defend against various special phenomena.

Those who can benefit from the big changes are destined to be only a few, and most people have to bear the pain caused by the changes.

Black robe with his head bare and his hands folded came forward, he kindly led these civilians who had disregarded him before, and went to the big restaurant in the villa's temporary remodel.

In the big restaurant, I have prepared a big bucket of white rice, a big pot of fried chicken legs, a big pot of raw milk ...

These things used to be tired of people, but now they are good food.

Others will be short of food, vegetables, poultry, egg and milk, but they will never be short.

Other people's farms will be attacked by ghosts and monsters from time to time, and it is difficult to maintain them. Those farms bought by their families should never worry about these ...

Even if it became a monk, the roots of the devil still exist, the original demon heads of the black robe still exist, and his industries are still in operation. Even if the boss becomes a monk, the devil, For example, Claudia, etc., never dared to cut off the supply of the monks, the Buddha and the devil have always been one and two sides ...

When the crowd began to eat in an orderly manner, the black robe left and returned to the monk who was mentally difficult.

"Master, kind believers are very happy to be able to eat," said the black robe very respectfully.

"Very good. You can only be saved if you are full. You can't listen to the truth when you are hungry." Ji Nan said lightly.

Black robe nodded, and suddenly found the master in front of him, two vortices appeared in his eyes, one disappeared ~ ~ He is no longer a devil servant who needs to shrink and shrink, so naturally ask: "Master, what is your look?"

"Oh, it's my devil's heart that is about to move around, and it's not easy to suppress the deity by doing good deeds," it is not easy, "the monk with a difficult head shook his head and sighed. It ’s better to find a way. "

"Can you not suppress the righteousness of your practice?" Black Robe doubted now.

"The devil's heart is not an evil heart. How can it be completely suppressed only by righteousness?" The monk with a difficult brain shook his head. "Probably, it won't take long before I return to the past."

"How should that be?" The black robe suddenly panicked. After all, he was a monk for the first time, and he hadn't learned the indifferent part of the great monk.

"Everything is destined to be forced. The ancients have clouds, flying dragons leave the sky and follow the clouds into the abyss; Qianlong is in the abyss and follow the clouds to the sky. This is all fixed." .

Please remember the first domain name of this book: .. m.

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